
单词 如温度
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔advection〕A local change in the properties, such as temperature, of an air mass caused by the horizontal movement of the air mass.平流:由于气团水平移动而导致气团特性的区域性变化,如温度美国传统〔biometeorology〕The study of the relationship between atmospheric conditions, such as temperature and humidity, and living organisms.生物气象学:有关大气状态,如温度和压力与生物之间的关系的研究学科美国传统〔dial〕A graduated surface or face on which a measurement, such as speed, is indicated by a moving needle or pointer.标度盘:有刻度的表面或面,在上面由活动的指针或指示器表示度量衡,比如温度美国传统〔gradient〕Physics The rate at which a physical quantity, such as temperature or pressure, changes relative to change in a given variable, especially distance.【物理学】 梯度:一个物理量,如温度或压力,相对于另一给定可变量(尤指距离)的变化的变化率美国传统〔microsensor〕A miniature electronic device that detects information about a specific variable such as temperature or light.微感应器,微侦测器:侦测有关某种变量信息,例如温度或光线,的细微电子仪器美国传统〔parameter〕One of a set of measurable factors, such as temperature and pressure, that define a system and determine its behavior and are varied in an experiment.要素,测量元素之一:一组可测量的确定某一系统并决定该系统的状况且在实验中是变化的因素之一,例如温度和压力美国传统〔weather〕The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.天气:给定时间和地点的大气状况,牵涉到变量如温度、湿度、风速和气压美国传统A small change in ambient conditions, such as a slight drop in temperature, can cause a musical instrument to go out of tune.周围环境的细小变化,例如温度的轻微下降,都会使乐器走音。剑桥国际The pipes will fracture if the temperature drops too low.假如温度降得太低,管道会破裂的。剑桥国际

