
单词 定点
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Act cool〕Here comes Mom. Act cool and she won't suspect a thing.妈妈来了。镇定点,她不会有任何怀疑。韦氏高阶〔bite〕The part of a tool or machine that presses against and maintains a firm hold on a working surface.固定点,卡紧:工具或机器上紧压工作面保持固定的部分美国传统〔cardioid〕A heart-shaped plane curve, the locus of a fixed point on a circle that rolls on the circumference of another circle with the same radius.心脏线:一种心形的平滑曲线,圆周上一固定点绕另一具有相同半径的圆的圆周转动的轨迹美国传统〔circle〕A plane curve everywhere equidistant from a given fixed point, the center.圆,圆形:从定点(圆心)等距离到任一点的平面曲线美国传统〔cone〕The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing through a fixed point, the vertex, and moving along a fixed curve, the directrix.锥面:由一条直线,即母线,通过一固定点,即顶点,沿一给定曲线,即准线,连续移动而产生的平面美国传统〔current〕The amount of electric charge flowing past a specified circuit point per unit time.电流强度:单位时间内通过电路上某一确定点的电荷数美国传统〔cyclin〕A class of proteins that fluctuate in concentration at specific points during the cell cycle and that regulate the cycle by binding to a kinase.细胞周期调节蛋白:一种蛋白质,在细胞循环的特定点会产生浓度上的改变,也会借着结合激酶来调节循环美国传统〔ellipse〕The locus of points for which the sum of the distances from each point to two fixed points is equal.椭圆:到两定点的距离的和为常数的点的轨道美国传统〔embossment〕The distance between the nondeformed part of a document surface and a specified point on a printed character in optical character recognition.浮雕效果:在光学字元识别中,文件表面的未变形部分与印刷字元上特定点之间的距离美国传统〔fix〕Computer Science To convert (data) from floating-point notation to fixed-point notation.【计算机科学】 固定,定点化:(把数据)由浮点数表示法改成定点表示法美国传统〔flatbed scanner〕An optical scanner in which the scanning head moves across a stationary page.平台式扫描仪:扫瞄头定点扫瞄的光学扫瞄器美国传统〔float〕Computer Science To convert (data) from fixed-point notation to floating-point notation.【计算机科学】 浮动:把(数据)从定点数表示法改为浮点数表示法美国传统〔fly〕To complete the military ceremony, 100 planes will fly past.阅兵式结束前将有100架飞机作定点飞越。英汉大词典〔focus〕Mathematics A fixed point whose relationship with a directrix determines a conic section.【数学】 焦点:一个与准线的关系决定圆锥形状的定点美国传统〔follow〕He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.他决定点烤鸡配蔬菜, 接下来是苹果派。外研社新世纪〔follow〕He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.他决定点烤鸡配蔬菜,然后是苹果派。柯林斯高阶〔gyrate〕To revolve around a fixed point or axis.旋转:绕一个固定点或轴转动美国传统〔locus〕The locus of points equidistant from a given point is a circle.与一个定点等距的点的轨迹是个圆。外研社新世纪〔morph〕He says he has morphed his information-appliance company into a custom-prototype shop for the Baby Bells.他说他已将他的信息设备公司转变成小贝尔公司的一家定点商店。21世纪英汉〔neighborhood〕Mathematics The set of points surrounding a specified point, each of which is within a certain, usually small distance from the specified point.【数学】 邻域:定点周围的点的集合,其中每个点离定点在一定的,通常是很小的距离内美国传统〔nonpoint〕Not found or located at a single, definable point, as pollution whose source cannot be ascertained.非点源污染的:无法找到或定位于一个单一的可确定点以判断污染源美国传统〔parabola〕A plane curve formed by the locus of points equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point not on the line.抛物线:到一固定直线和不在直线上某一固定点等距的点的轨迹所形成的平面曲线美国传统〔peg down〕Peg the shelter down at the pegging points.用钉子把遮蔽物固定在标定点上。外研社新世纪〔perpendicular〕A device, such as a plumb line, used in marking the vertical from a given point.垂规,铅垂线:一种装置,如铅垂线,用于从给定点标记竖直方向美国传统〔pinpoint〕A point on a map marking a precise location or target.精确位置:地图上的点,作为精确位置或定点目标美国传统〔pole〕A fixed point of reference.集中点:作为参照的固定点美国传统〔punt〕The referee told him to punt or kick the ball off the ground.裁判告诉他可以碰踢或定点开球。柯林斯高阶〔punt〕The referee told him to punt or kick the ball off the ground.裁判告诉他可以选择碰踢或定点开球。外研社新世纪〔radius vector〕A line segment that joins the origin and a variable point in a system of polar or spherical coordinates.矢径:在一个极面或球面坐标系中连接一个固定点与一个动点的线段美国传统〔run〕Local buses run regularly to and from the school.当地公交车定点往返学校。牛津搭配〔seek time〕The amount of time that a disk drive's head takes to move to a specific location on a disk.搜寻时间:磁盘驱动器用来移动至磁盘上某一定点所花的时间美国传统〔spot pass〕A pass directed to a predetermined place on a playing area so that the receiving player arrives at the same time as the pass.定点长传球:将球传到球场上的某一预定位置,以便让接球的队友与球同时到达该位置美国传统〔voltage divider〕A number of resistors in series provided with taps at certain points to make available a fixed or variable fraction of the applied voltage.分压器:在特定点上供有插抽头的一组电阻,用于取得外加电压的固定或可变部分美国传统Modern understanding of Mars dates back to the first spacecraft flyby of the planet in 1965.现代对火星的了解可以追溯到1965年宇宙飞船第一次靠近该行星的定点飞行。剑桥国际On stringed instruments, harmonics are played by holding your finger lightly on the string at a particular point and pulling and releasing the string.在弦乐器上,用手指轻轻地压住弦的某一特定点,拨动并释放弦,这样泛音就弹奏出来了。剑桥国际The ball pitched (= landed after having been thrown) wide of the stumps.定点击地,球出了门柱。剑桥国际

