
单词 架构
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Freddie Mac〕A security issued by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and secured by a pool of conventional home mortgages.美国联邦住房贷款有限公司:联邦企业以各家抵押品为基金架构安全系统,由传统的家庭抵押品而成立的共同基金为支出美国传统〔NEED/NECESSARY〕According to Mahoney, the company did not need the cash, but was selling the division in an effort to streamline its operations. 据马奥尼说,公司并不是需要钱,出售这个部门是为了精简经营架构朗文写作活用〔SGML〕A standardized markup language for describing the logical structure of a computer document.标准通用标记语言:描述计算机数据逻辑架构的通用标记语言美国传统〔abacus〕A manual computing device consisting of a frame holding parallel rods strung with movable counters.算盘:一种手动计算器,由装有平行木杆的框架构成,木杆上串着可移算珠美国传统〔framework〕These influences threaten the very framework of our society.这些影响威胁到我们社会的基本架构韦氏高阶〔holding operation〕This is just a holding operation until we get the new management structure sorted out.这只是我们在建立新的管理架构之前采取的临时措施。剑桥高阶〔iron maiden〕A medieval instrument of torture consisting of an iron frame in the form of a person in which the victim was enclosed and impaled on interior spikes.铁女架:中世纪一种刑具,由一人形铁架构成。受刑者被关在架子里并钉在里面的钉子上美国传统〔markup language〕A coding system, such as HTML and SGML, used to structure, index, and link text files.标记语言:用于架构、建索引和链接文本文件的编码系统,如超文本标识语言(HTML)和标准通用标记语言(SGML)美国传统〔own〕There's no career structure, you have to create your own.没有所谓的职业架构,你必须自己规划。柯林斯高阶〔screen〕A movable device, especially a framed construction such as a room divider or a decorative panel, designed to divide, conceal, or protect.屏风:一种可移动的设备,尤指如作为房子分隔或者装饰面板的框架构造,设计用于分开、挡住或者保护美国传统〔understand〕Dillons is understood to be reorganising the company's management structure.据说狄龙斯正在重组公司的管理架构朗文当代〔unicycle〕A vehicle consisting of a frame mounted over a single wheel and usually propelled by pedals.独轮脚踏车:一种由装有单轮的机架构成的车辆,通常由脚蹬推动美国传统A major realignment of organizational structure is planned.已经计划对组织架构进行重大调整。牛津商务A senior executive quit today after a boardroom battle (= a disagreement between directors) over the future structure of the company.一名高层管理人员今天在董事会会议上与各董事就公司未来的架构问题发生争论,然后辞职了。牛津商务Progress on this six-point pay spine generally takes five years.沿着这个六级脊柱式薪酬架构晋升通常需要花五年时间。牛津商务The company is decentralizing its corporate structure.这公司正对企业架构进行权力下放。牛津商务They operate a two-tier structure with management and supervisory boards.他们采用管理委员会和监督委员会这样的两级架构牛津商务

