“to flood”例句

单词 to flood
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WET〕In the rainy season the river can rise rapidly to flood the valley in a few hours. 在雨季,这条河会迅速上涨,几小时里就淹没了山谷。朗文写作活用〔base〕The Red Cross established a base to distribute supplies to flood victims in the area.红十字会设立了总部,以便把供应品分发给这个地区遭受水灾的灾民。英汉大词典〔cloudburst〕A cloudburst caused the river to flood.一场大暴雨引发了河水泛滥。韦氏高阶〔design〕The clever design allows natural light to flood into the room.这一巧妙的设计使得房间得到充足的自然采光。牛津搭配〔determine〕Computer models help to determine whether a particular area is likely to flood.电脑模型有助于测定某一特定地区发生洪灾的可能性。牛津搭配〔fall〕Enough rain had fallen to flood the grounds.雨量很大,淹没了场地。朗文当代〔float〕To flood (land), as for irrigation.灌溉:如为了灌溉而淹没(土地)美国传统〔flood〕A man who planned to flood Britain with cocaine was jailed for 15 years.一个企图在英国大量销售可卡因的男人被判刑 15 年。牛津高阶〔flood〕Refugees continue to flood into neighbouring countries.难民不断涌入邻国。牛津高阶〔flood〕The area near the river is liable to flood.河流附近的地区容易遭水灾。牛津搭配〔flood〕The company plans to flood the market with this product.公司计划将这一产品大量投放市场。韦氏高阶〔flood〕The water has risen to flood level.水位已上升到了洪水警戒线。韦氏高阶〔glut〕To flood (a market) with an excess of goods so that supply exceeds demand.使充斥:货物充斥(市场)以致于供大于求美国传统〔mind〕Serious doubts began to flood my mind.我开始满脑子都是严重的疑虑。牛津搭配〔priority〕Getting food, medicine and blankets to flood victims is the most urgent priority.为洪灾地区提供食物、药品和毯子是当务之急。牛津搭配〔seacock〕A valve in the hull of a boat or ship that may be opened to let in water so as to flood a ballast tank, for example.船底阀:小船或轮船壳体上的阀,水通过此阀门可进入船中,如放满压舱槽美国传统〔sluice〕To flood or drench with or as if with a flow of released water.开水闸灌溉:用或象用一股放出的水流一样淹没或浸满美国传统〔swill〕To flood with water, as for washing.冲洗:用水注满,如为了冲洗美国传统〔tax〕He taxed the Minister with allowing Japanese goods to flood the British market.他指责大臣放任日本商品涌入英国市场。外研社新世纪〔victim〕The government is sending aid to flood victims.政府正在向洪水灾民运送救援物资。牛津搭配There are plans to flood the valley to form a reservoir.有计划要(引水)淹没山谷造一个水库。剑桥国际There was a blockage in the U-bend which caused the kitchen to flood. U 形管里有阻塞物, 这使厨房积水。剑桥国际

