“to march”例句

单词 to march
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Finland〕An arm of the Baltic Sea between southern Finland and northwest U.S.S.R. An important shipping lane, the shallow gulf is usually frozen from December to March.芬兰湾:波罗的海的一个港湾,位于芬兰南部和苏联西北之间。是一个重要的船港,该港湾从十一月到三月间通常是冰封的美国传统〔HIT〕Morris struck his drum, and the band started to march down the street. 莫里斯敲起鼓来,乐队开始沿着大街行进。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕The regiment had finally learned to march in step. 这个军团终于学会了齐步行进。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Philippides returned with the unwelcome news that the army would not be ready to march for several days. 菲利皮德斯带了一个不受欢迎的消息回来:军队几天内还不能行进。朗文写作活用〔backdate〕The contract that was signed on Thursday morning was backdated to March 11.周四早上签订的合同实际生效日期追溯到3月11日。柯林斯高阶〔backdate〕The contract that was signed on Thursday morning was backdated to March 11.星期四上午签订的合同的实际生效日期要追溯到3月11日。外研社新世纪〔debouch〕To march from a narrow or confined area into the open.军队前进:从狭窄或有限的区域行军至开阔的地方美国传统〔defile〕To march in single file or in files or columns.小路:狭窄的通道以单列、多列或纵行前进美国传统〔even〕The troops are even now preparing to march into the city.部队此刻正在准备向城里开进。牛津高阶〔fall in〕He started to march away, and the others fell in behind him.他开始大步前进,其他人列队紧随其后。剑桥高阶〔file〕To march or walk in a line.成纵列行进美国传统〔footslog〕To march or trudge through or as if through mud.在泥污中费力行进:在或似乎在泥泞中前进或跋涉美国传统〔goose-step〕To march in such a way that the legs swing sharply from the hips and the knees are locked.以正步前进:两腿从臀部开始摆动而膝关节保持站立时状态的前进方式美国传统〔hill〕Yet officials are having to march up hill and down dale re-measuring thousands of fields in Britain.然而公职人员不得不翻山越岭来重新丈量英国的成千上万块田地。外研社新世纪〔i.e.〕The hotel is closed during low season, i.e. from October to March.这家旅馆在淡季,即从10月到3月,关门停业。剑桥高阶〔liberate〕They planned to march on and liberate the city.他们计划继续挺进,解放该城市。柯林斯高阶〔liberate〕They planned to march on and liberate the city.他们计划继续前进, 并解放那座城市。外研社新世纪〔march on〕At the beginning of a ceremonial parade,he gives the order to march on.阅兵仪式开始时,他下令部队进场。21世纪英汉〔march〕He gathered his troops and prepared to march on the capital (=march to the capital in order to attack it).他召集起他的军队准备开往首都。朗文当代〔march〕He told the sergeant to march us for another five miles.他告诉中士让我们再行军5英里。麦克米伦高阶〔marshal〕All the soldiers were marshaled together in the yard, ready to march away.全体士兵被集合在院子里,准备出发。21世纪英汉〔solidarity〕Supporters want to march tomorrow to show solidarity with their leaders.为了显示和领袖的同心同德,支持者们希望明天举行游行。柯林斯高阶〔time frame〕The time frame within which all this occurred was from September 1985 to March 1986.这一切发生的时间范围是 1985年9月到1986年3月。柯林斯高阶Postal workers are getting a 5% pay rise, backdated to March.邮政员工加薪 5%,追溯到三月份起计算。牛津商务The hotel is closed during low season, i.e. from October to March.这家旅馆在淡季,即从10月到3月,停止营业。剑桥国际There was a roll of drums (= several quick hits on a drum or drums), then the band started to march.先是一连串的击鼓声,其后乐队开始了行进。剑桥国际

