
单词 taut
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOSE〕Don't allow the reins to slacken, keep them taut. 不要松开缰绳,要拉紧。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕A single strand of taut barbed wire was strung along the top of the garden wall. 一条绷紧的带刺铁丝拉在花园围墙上。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕He massaged the taut muscles of her neck. 他给她绷紧的颈部肌肉做按摩。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕The skin of his face felt dry and taut. 感觉他脸上的皮肤又干又紧。朗文写作活用〔angular〕The dancers make thrusting, angular movements of hand and arm – the body taut.众舞者绷紧了身体, 做出各种僵硬的手臂伸展动作。外研社新世纪〔bow〕A weapon consisting of a curved, flexible strip of material, especially wood, strung taut from end to end and used to launch arrows.弓:一种由弯曲的、弹性的条形材料,特指由木质材料制成的,从一端缚住绷住另一端,用于射箭美国传统〔cheekbone〕The skin stretched taut over his cheekbones.他的双颧皮包骨头。牛津搭配〔dope〕A type of lacquer formerly used to protect, waterproof, and tauten the cloth surfaces of airplane wings.漆涂料:从前用来保护飞机翼布防水并使其绷紧的涂料美国传统〔draw〕To stretch taut.绷紧美国传统〔fan belt〕A taut rubber belt that transfers torque from the crankshaft to the shaft of the cooling fan on an engine.扇带:引擎上拉紧的橡胶带,起到把转矩从曲轴转至散热扇轴处的作用美国传统〔flash〕The 22-year-old flashed her taut little buttocks.那个22岁的女孩闪露了一下自己紧绷的小屁股。外研社新世纪〔flat〕Nautical Taut. Used of a sail.【航海】 绷紧的。用于指帆美国传统〔hacksaw〕A saw consisting of a tough, fine-toothed blade stretched taut in a frame, used for cutting metal.弓锯:一种锯,由一条坚韧、利齿的锯条张紧在一个框架里构成,用于切割金属美国传统〔hoop〕One of a pair of circular wooden or metal frames used to hold material taut for embroidery or similar needlework.绣花箍:一对环形的木制或金属架,用作在做刺绣或类似针线活时把材料绷紧美国传统〔involute〕The curve traced by a point on a taut, inextensible string as it unwinds from another curve.切展线;渐开线:当一根绷紧而不能拉长的细线从一弧线上延展出去时在其上一点所画的弧线美国传统〔line〕Then the line went taut.随后绳子绷紧了。外研社新世纪〔masterful〕Delillo's prose is studied, taut and masterful.德里罗的散文构思精巧、结构紧凑而且手法娴熟。外研社新世纪〔powerfully〕His body was taut and powerfully muscled.他身体结实, 肌肉强健。外研社新世纪〔shallow〕She began to hear her own taut, shallow breathing.她开始听见自己急促、微弱的呼吸。外研社新世纪〔shallow〕She began to hear her own taut, shallow breathing.她开始听见自己急促、微弱的呼吸。柯林斯高阶〔stiff〕Drawn tightly; taut.被拉紧的;紧的美国传统〔stretch〕She uses an embroidery hoop to stretch the fabric taut.她用绣圈将织物撑开。外研社新世纪〔stringed instrument〕An instrument, such as a violin, viola, cello, or double bass, in which sound is produced by plucking, striking, or bowing taut strings.弦乐器:乐器如小提琴,中提琴,大提琴或低音提琴,声音通过拔动,打击或弯曲绷紧的琴弦产生美国传统〔string〕His nerves were strung taut.他的神经绷得很紧。英汉大词典〔tauten〕There are exercises that tauten facial muscles.有些练习动作可以让面部肌肉紧绷起来。柯林斯高阶〔tauten〕To make or become taut.使绷紧:使拉紧或变得绷紧美国传统〔taut〕Ben sat up quickly, his face taut and terrified.本一骨碌坐了起来,表情紧张而惊恐。柯林斯高阶〔taut〕Ben sat up quickly, his face taut and terrified.本一骨碌坐起来, 表情紧张而惊恐。外研社新世纪〔taut〕Catherine looked upset, her face taut.凯瑟琳显得心绪不宁,脸色紧张。朗文当代〔taut〕Check that the rope is taut before climbing.攀登之前要检查绳子是否拉紧了。麦克米伦高阶〔taut〕Eric Rochant's 'Aux yeux du monde', a taut thriller about the kidnapping of a school bus.艾希·侯相导演的《在世人面前》——一部劫持校车的情节紧凑的惊悚片柯林斯高阶〔taut〕Exercise helps your muscles to stay taut.锻炼有助于肌肉保持紧致。牛津搭配〔taut〕He kept his eyes on the road ahead, his face taut with concentration.他眼睛盯着前方的道路,神情专注,脸紧绷着。剑桥高阶〔taut〕Her body went as taut as a bowstring.她的身体紧张得像绷紧的弓弦。牛津搭配〔taut〕Her face was taut and pale.她神色紧张,脸色苍白。牛津高阶〔taut〕Her nerves are rather taut.她神经很紧张。英汉大词典〔taut〕His body was solid and taut.他身体结实,肌肉发达。牛津高阶〔taut〕His latest film was described as a taut thriller.他的最新一部电影被归为惊悚片。剑桥高阶〔taut〕His mother looked taut and anxious.他的母亲神色紧张,焦躁不安。英汉大词典〔taut〕His skin was stretched taut over his cheekbones.他颧骨上的皮肤绷得紧紧的。牛津搭配〔taut〕Keep the rope taut.保持把绳子拉紧。牛津高阶〔taut〕Little by little she lost the taut, strained air of perpetual anxiety.长期焦虑带来的紧张而疲惫的神色从她脸上慢慢消失了。柯林斯高阶〔taut〕Make sure the rope is taut.一定要弄清楚绳子是拉紧了的。牛津同义词〔taut〕That summer she had shed the weight gained during pregnancy, her body was trim and taut.那年夏天她减掉了怀孕时增加的体重, 身体苗条结实了。外研社新世纪〔taut〕That summer she had shed the weight gained during pregnancy, her body was trim and taut.那年夏天,她减去了怀孕期间增加的体重,身材又变得修长而健美。柯林斯高阶〔taut〕The book is a taut thriller.这是本扣人心弦的惊险小说。韦氏高阶〔taut〕The clothes line is pulled taut and secured.晾衣绳被拉紧并系牢。柯林斯高阶〔taut〕The rope was drawn/pulled/stretched taut.绳子被拉紧了。韦氏高阶〔taut〕The rope was stretched taut.绳子绷紧了。朗文当代〔taut〕There was a taut edge to Chris's voice.克里斯的声音中透着紧张。剑桥高阶〔taut〕Try to keep the leash taut, as it will help your puppy to learn.尽量拉紧小狗的绳子,这样它会学听话些。牛津搭配〔taut〕When muscles are taut or cold there is more chance of injury or strain.肌肉绷紧或受凉时更容易损伤。外研社新世纪〔taut〕When muscles are taut or cold there is more chance of injury or strain.肌肉绷紧或受凉时更容易损伤。柯林斯高阶〔taut〕Wind it round the screws until the wire is taut.把线缠到螺钉上绷紧。外研社新世纪〔tense〕Linguistics Enunciated with taut muscles, as the sound (t).【语言学】 (语音)紧的:肌肉绷紧而发音的,如(t)音美国传统〔thriller〕It's described here as a taut psychological thriller.此处该作品被称为结构严密的心理惊悚小说。剑桥高阶〔trampoline〕A strong, taut sheet, usually of canvas, attached with springs to a metal frame and used for gymnastic springing and tumbling.蹦床:一张通常由帆布制的结实坚韧的床布,和弹簧一起连接在金属框架上,用于体操跳跃及翻滚美国传统〔zing〕A brief high-pitched humming or buzzing sound, such as that made by a swiftly passing object or a taut vibrating string.尖啸声:一种短暂尖锐的嗡嗡声或滋滋声,例如高速运动的物体和拉紧的震颤的线发出的声音美国传统He kept his eyes on the road ahead, his face taut with concentration.他密切注视着前方的路,专注地板着脸。剑桥国际It's described here as a taut psychological thriller.它在这里被描述为紧张的心理刺激片(小说)。剑桥国际Pull the string taut. 把线拉紧。译典通She tightened the strings of the guitar until they were taut.她把吉他的弦收紧。剑桥国际They sat relaxed, their slanted fishing-lines taut across the side of the boat.他们轻松地坐着,倾斜的钓鱼线在船边拉紧。剑桥国际Washing my face with soap makes my skin feel taut and dry.用肥皂洗脸使我的皮肤感觉紧绷而干燥。剑桥国际

