“to conform to”例句

单词 to conform to
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Islamize〕To cause to conform to Islamic law or precepts.使…遵从伊斯兰的法律或准则美国传统〔OBEY〕British meat products now have to conform to strict hygiene regulations. 英国的肉类产品现在必须遵守严格的卫生条例。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕Jordan is living proof that you don't have to conform to the music industry's standards in order to be accepted. 不必遵照音乐界的标准也能被接受,乔丹就是个活证明。朗文写作活用〔agree〕Students are required to conform to the rules.学生被要求遵守规则。美国传统〔classicize〕To conform to classic style.崇尚古典风格美国传统〔conform to/with sth〕Members have to conform to a strict dress code.成员们必须遵守严格的着装规定。剑桥高阶〔conform〕All companies are required to conform to these rules.所有公司都必须遵守这些规定。牛津搭配〔conform〕He did not feel obliged to conform to the rules that applied to ordinary men.他觉得自己不必遵守那些适用于普通人的规定。柯林斯高阶〔conform〕He did not feel obliged to conform to the rules that applied to ordinary men.他觉得没有义务要遵循那些适用于普通人的规定。外研社新世纪〔conform〕He refused to conform to the local customs.他拒绝遵从当地的风俗习惯。牛津高阶〔conform〕She refuses to conform to society's traditional image of a mother.她拒绝做社会传统观念中的那种母亲。韦氏高阶〔conform〕Students can be expelled for refusing to conform to school rules.不遵守校规的学生可能会被开除。朗文当代〔conform〕The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.“夜行者”灯的设计符合新的英国安全标准的要求。柯林斯高阶〔conform〕The lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.这个台灯的设计符合英国安全标准新要求。外研社新世纪〔conform〕The toys fail to conform to current safety standards.这些玩具不符合现行的安全标准。牛津搭配〔conform〕They put pressure on women to conform to a stereotype.他们对妇女施加压力, 要求她们遵守妇道。外研社新世纪〔convention〕The novel refuses to conform to the narrative conventions of 19th-century realism.这部小说拒绝沿用 19 世纪现实主义的叙述套路。牛津搭配〔dissent〕The refusal to conform to the authority or doctrine of an established church; nonconformity.不信奉国教:拒绝服从国教的权威或拒绝信奉国教教义;不信奉国教美国传统〔modality〕A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category.属性,特性:符合一种大体模式或属于特定的组或类的倾向美国传统〔naturalize〕To cause to conform to nature.促使符合于自然美国传统〔nonconformity〕Refusal or failure to conform to accepted customs, beliefs, or practices.不墨守成规:拒绝或不遵从既定的风俗、信仰或规则美国传统〔practice〕It is wise to conform to local practices.入乡随俗是明智之举。英汉大词典〔reluctance〕His designs indicate a reluctance to conform to fashion.他的设计表明他不愿迎合潮流。牛津搭配〔satisfy〕To conform to the requirements of (a standard or rule); be sufficient to (an end).符合要求:达到(标准或规则)的要求;足以达到(目标)美国传统〔scan〕To conform to a metrical pattern.使符合格律美国传统〔secularism〕Article 57 required political parties to conform to the principles of secularism.第57条要求政党遵守政教分离的原则。外研社新世纪〔shape〕To cause to conform to a particular form or pattern; adapt to fit.使符合:使与一种特殊形式或式样一致;使适合美国传统〔sovietize〕To cause to conform to Soviet political, social, and cultural policy.使苏维埃化:使与苏联的政治、社会与文化政策等一致美国传统〔standardize〕To cause to conform to a standard.使按照标准美国传统〔true〕So as to conform to a type, standard, or pattern.纯粹地:符合类型、标准或模式地美国传统The trains used in the Channel Tunnel have to conform to exacting fire safety standards.用于海峡隧道的火车必须符合严格的防火标准。剑桥国际

