
单词 便装
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIFE〕Casual dress has become a way of life in corporate Britain. 在英国这个组成国家,穿便装已经成了一种生活方式。朗文写作活用〔berth〕A space where a vehicle can be parked, as for loading.一个停车以便装卸的场所美国传统〔car coat〕An overcoat with a length extending to about the middle of the thighs.便装短大衣:一种长度至大腿中间部位的外套美国传统〔casual〕I prefer casual clothes.我更喜欢穿便装外研社新世纪〔casual〕Often casuals Casual clothing. 常作 casuals 便装美国传统〔casual〕We all admired Mel's casual elegance.我们都羡慕梅尔穿便装时的优雅。外研社新世纪〔civvies〕I didn't realize he was a soldier because he was in civvies.我没意识到他是军人,因为他穿着便装剑桥高阶〔civvies〕They might have been soldiers in civvies.他们或许是着便装的士兵。柯林斯高阶〔come〕Trainers really became popular in the 1980s, when casual sportswear came in.运动鞋真正热起来是在 20 世纪 80 年代,那个时候开始流行穿运动便装朗文当代〔dismount for〕The machines were dismounted for shipping.这些机器被拆卸下来以便装运。21世纪英汉〔dress down〕Most of the students dress down for class, usually wearing jeans and T-shirts.大部分学生都穿便装去上课,通常是牛仔裤和T恤衫。韦氏高阶〔dress down〕On Fridays everyone in the office dresses down.每逢周五办公室员工都穿便装上班。韦氏高阶〔dress down〕She dresses down in baggy clothes to avoid hordes of admirers.为了避免被成群的崇拜者围追, 她穿上了宽松的便装外研社新世纪〔dress-down Friday〕But is it really feasible to don sportswear to the office without the excuse of dress-down Friday?但是没有“便装星期五”作挡箭牌就穿运动服上班真的合适吗?外研社新世纪〔dress-down〕Friday is dress-down day at the office.周五可穿便装上班。韦氏高阶〔fashion〕The store sells everything from casual clothes to high fashion.从便装到最流行的服饰,这家店都有销售。牛津搭配〔mufti〕Civilian dress, especially when worn by one who normally wears a uniform.便装便装,尤指常穿制服者所着的便装美国传统〔obtrusive〕The soldiers were in civilian clothes, to make their presence less obtrusive.为了在现场不那么引人注目,士兵们穿着便装剑桥高阶〔playsuit〕A woman's or child's play outfit consisting of shorts and a blouse, sometimes in one piece.便装:妇女或儿童所穿的包括短裤和短外套,有时是单件的游戏服装美国传统〔sharply〕A sharp dresser, Wyatt is never seen in casual clothes.怀亚特衣着入时,从未有人见过他穿便装柯林斯高阶〔sniff around〕A couple of plain-clothes men had been sniffing around his apartment.一些身着便装的人一直在他公寓附近打探消息。外研社新世纪〔street clothes〕She changed out of her uniform and into her street clothes.她脱掉制服,换上了便装韦氏高阶〔urinal〕A room or other place containing facilities for urinating.小便处:设有用于小便装置的房间或地点美国传统Everyone in Bayonne loved the steak sandwiches at Frank's Bar and Grill.贝荣的每个人都喜欢弗兰克酒吧和便装餐馆的牛排三明治。剑桥国际She wears everyday clothes to work. 她著便装上班。译典通Since going away to university he's affected a ridiculous upper class accent.自从去上大学以后,他便装出一种可笑的上流社会的腔调。剑桥国际Staff are allowed to dress down on Fridays.职员可在周五着便装牛津商务The company has a dress-down Friday.这家公司的员工周五可着便装牛津商务We have a policy of casual dress in the office.我们规定在办公室穿便装牛津商务We're supposed to wear casual clothes for the conference.按说我们应当穿便装开会。牛津商务

