
单词 保证安全
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔distance〕She kept the children a safe distance from the road.她让孩子们远离公路,保证安全韦氏高阶〔featherbedding〕The practice of requiring an employer to hire more workers than are needed or to limit their production in keeping with a safety regulation or union rule.限产超雇:要求资方超额雇佣工人或限制产量,以保证安全法则或工会法令美国传统〔keep〕The program teaches kids how to keep safe near water.这门课程教孩子们在水边如何保证安全韦氏高阶〔pass〕Nigel drove fast and well, passing cars only when it was safe.奈杰尔开车又快又好, 只有在保证安全的情况下才会超车。外研社新世纪〔pier〕A platform extending from a shore over water and supported by piles or pillars, used to secure, protect, and provide access to ships or boats.桥墩,墩:从河岸延伸至水面以上的平台,由桩或柱子支撑,用来给船或艇保证安全、保护和提供通道美国传统〔reason〕For reasons of security the door is always kept locked.为了保证安全,门总是锁着的。牛津高阶〔round into〕Their discussion gradually rounded into a plan for ensuring safety in production.他们的讨论逐渐发展成一项保证安全生产的计划。21世纪英汉〔safe-conduct〕They were issued with certificates guaranteeing safe-conduct.他们持有保证安全通行权的证明。英汉大词典〔safety〕The stairs are fitted with a handrail for safety.为保证安全,楼梯上装了扶手。牛津搭配

