
单词 军事管制
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕The imposition of martial law will only increase violence and repression. 强制实行军事管制只会增加暴力和迫害。朗文写作活用〔decree〕The Emperor issued the decree repealing martial law.皇帝颁布法令取消了军事管制朗文当代〔martial law〕Renegade forces captured the capital and declared/imposed martial law.叛军占领了首都,宣布实施军事管制剑桥高阶〔martial law〕Temporary rule by military authorities, imposed on a civilian population especially in time of war or when civil authority has broken down.军事管制:战时或公民权力机关垮台时由军事机关暂时管理民众的一种法令美国传统〔martial law〕The city remains firmly under martial law.这个城市仍实施严格的军事管制牛津高阶〔martial law〕The country has now spent more than eight years under martial law.该国八年多来一直处于军事管制之下。外研社新世纪〔martial law〕The law imposed on an occupied territory by occupying military forces.军事管制法:交战国占领军在占领区内实施的法规美国传统〔martial law〕The military leadership have lifted martial law in several more towns.军方领导层又解除了几个市镇的军事管制柯林斯高阶〔martiallaw〕The city remains under martial law.这个城市仍在军事管制之下。牛津搭配〔pretext〕The conflict was used as a pretext for introducing military rule.这次冲突被用作采取军事管制的借口。麦克米伦高阶〔restricted〕The officers were caught photographing in a restricted military zone.几名军官在军事管制区拍照被当场抓获。麦克米伦高阶〔shrink〕Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector.匈牙利可能不得不降低其缩小国家军事管制区的期望。柯林斯高阶〔takeover〕The government experienced a military takeover in 2002.政府在2002年经历了一次军事管制韦氏高阶〔throttle〕The martial law is throttling democracy in the nation today.军事管制现今正在扼杀该国的民主。英汉大词典Because of the imposition of martial law there was a violent eruption of anti-government feeling.由于军事管制的实施,激烈的反政府情绪突然爆发了。剑桥国际Intellectuals and economists played an important role in the resistance movement while the country was under martial law.当国家处于军事管制时,知识分子和经济学家在抵抗运动中起了重要作用。剑桥国际

