
单词 successively
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mysia〕An ancient region of northwest Asia Minor. It passed successively to Lydia, Persia, Macedon, Syria, Pergamum, and Rome.密细亚:小亚细亚西北的一个古代地区,它相继受吕底亚、波斯、马其顿、叙利亚、佩加马和罗马管辖美国传统〔echelon〕A formation of troops in which each unit is positioned successively to the left or right of the rear unit to form an oblique or steplike line.梯队:军队的一种队形,其中每个编群都相继排列在后一编群的左边或右边,形成斜线或梯形线美国传统〔evolution〕Each of the couples, after the convolutions and evolutions, successively whirls round in a circle, till all are in motion.在回旋和动作变换都做完后, 围成圆形的每对舞伴相继旋转直到所有舞伴都旋转起来。外研社新世纪〔fugue〕Music A polyphonic composition in which themes or a theme stated successively by a number of voices in imitation are developed contrapuntally.【音乐】 赋格曲:一种多韵律乐曲,其一个或多个旋律为相继进入的声部所模仿对位性发展而成美国传统〔performance art〕A form of theatrical art in which thematically related works in a variety of media are presented simultaneously or successively to an audience.表演性艺术:一种剧场艺术形式,围绕主题的内容通过一系列媒介连续或有刺激性的展现在观众面前美国传统〔power series〕A sum of successively higher integral powers of a variable or combination of variables, each multiplied by a constant coefficient.幂级数:变量或变量组合的连续高等整幂方的总数,每项与常数系数相乘美国传统〔scyphistoma〕A larva of a scyphozoan, consisting of an elongated and deeply constricted polyp that successively splits off minute, free-swimming medusas.钵口幼虫,螅状幼体:钵水母的幼虫,包括一只伸长的、深深收紧的水螅虫,它能够非常成功地分割开微小的,自由游荡的水母美国传统〔sequence〕Music A melodic or harmonic pattern successively repeated at different pitches with or without a key change.【音乐】 模进:带主音变化或不带主音变化的旋律或和弦的音型,在不同的音调上连续重复出现美国传统〔sere〕The entire sequence of ecological communities successively occupying an area from the initial stage to the climax.演替系列:从开始阶段到演替顶极地区,连续拥有生态群落的整个顺序美国传统〔successively〕He successively won the British, European and World championships.他一口气拿下了英国、欧洲和世界冠军。外研社新世纪〔successively〕It snowed three days successively.连续下了三天雪。文馨英汉〔successive〕He successively won the British, European and World championships.他一口气拿下了英国、欧洲和世界冠军。柯林斯高阶〔successive〕This concept has been applied successively to painting, architecture and sculpture.这一概念相继应用于绘画、建筑和雕塑中。牛津高阶〔ziggurat〕A temple tower of the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians, having the form of a terraced pyramid of successively receding stories.金字形神塔:古代亚述和巴比伦神殿的塔,形状似梯形金字塔,有连续向后倾的塔层美国传统Because of his good public image he has successively gained office. 由于他在公众中的良好形象,他已连续竞选获胜。译典通Since the championship began in 1987, they have finished successively in ninth, seventh and fifth position.自1987年举办锦标赛以来,他们连续获得第九名、第七名和第五名。剑桥国际

