
单词 slashes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔jealously〕He jealously slashes her face when she taunts him with her love for his stepbrother.当她以对他继兄弟的爱慕之情嘲弄他时, 他醋意大发, 打了她一耳光。外研社新世纪〔penetrate〕Cut two slashes on each side of the fish to allow heat to penetrate.在鱼身两侧分别划两刀以便于传热。牛津搭配〔slasher〕One that slashes.砍击者,抨击者,削减者美国传统〔slash〕Cut several slashes across the top of the loaf before baking.面包烘烤前在上面切几道口子。朗文当代〔slash〕His body was covered with knife slashes.他的身上布满刀伤。英汉大词典〔slash〕Make deep slashes in the meat and push in the spice paste.在肉上切出深深的口子, 再把辣酱塞进去。外研社新世纪〔slash〕Make deep slashes in the meat and push in the spice paste.在肉上切出深深的口子,再把辣酱塞进切口中。柯林斯高阶〔slash〕Often slashes Wet or swampy ground overgrown with bushes and trees. 常作 slashes 长满灌木的洼地:长满了灌木和树木的湿地或沼泽美国传统〔slash〕Several slashes had been made across the plastic-covered seats.塑料包着的座位上被划了几道口子。麦克米伦高阶〔undersleeve〕An ornamental sleeve worn under another sleeve, designed to extend below or show through slashes in the outer sleeve.衬袖:穿在另一袖子内作装饰用的袖子,做成向下延伸或通过开叉在外袖里露出美国传统

