
单词 surreptitiously
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mickey Finn〕An alcoholic beverage that is surreptitiously altered to induce diarrhea or stupefy, render unconscious, or otherwise incapacitate the person who drinks it.搀有麻醉剂的酒:秘密改变了成分的酒精饮料,以引起饮酒人泻肚,麻醉或使之失去知觉或行为能力美国传统〔SECRET〕Greenpeace claim that toxic waste has been dumped surreptitiously on west coast beaches. “绿色和平”组织称,有人在西海岸的海滩上偷偷地倾倒有毒废料。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕I found myself studying his face surreptitiously. 我发现自己在偷偷地打量着他的脸。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕She glanced surreptitiously up at the clock. 她偷偷地抬头看了一下钟。朗文写作活用〔ease〕He surreptitiously eased his tie and was able to breathe a little easier.他偷偷地松了松领带, 呼吸畅快了一点。外研社新世纪〔infiltrate〕To gain entrance gradually or surreptitiously.渗透:逐渐地或秘密地获得进入权美国传统〔infiltrate〕To pass (troops, for example) surreptitiously into enemy-held territory.潜入:偷偷将(如军队)派遣进入敌人占领的地区美国传统〔knockout drops〕A solution, usually of chloral hydrate in alcohol, put into a drink surreptitiously in order to render the drinker unconscious.强麻醉药,蒙汗药:私下放到饮料中使饮用者失去知觉的一种溶液,通常是酒精中的水合氯醛美国传统〔penetrate〕To enter (an organization, for example), usually surreptitiously, so as to gain influence or information; infiltrate.打入,秘密潜入:进入(例如,一个组织)以便获取事实或信息;秘密潜入美国传统〔steal〕These verbs mean to take another's property wrongfully, often surreptitiously.这些动词都有错误或常常秘密地拿他人财物的意义。美国传统〔steal〕To move, carry, or place surreptitiously.潜行:秘密运动、运送或设置美国传统〔surreptitiously〕Surreptitiously Mark looked at his watch.马克偷偷看了看表。柯林斯高阶〔surreptitiously〕He contacted her surreptitiously.他暗地里联系她。韦氏高阶〔surreptitiously〕Zarry surreptitiously passed him the answer.扎里偷偷地把答案递给他。麦克米伦高阶I cannot enter my house because my husband surreptitiously changed the door lock while I was out. 我进不了房间,因为我的丈夫偷偷地趁我不在时将门锁换了。译典通She surreptitiously searched through her husband's desk.她暗中搜查丈夫的书桌。剑桥国际

