
单词 各半
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNCERTAIN〕It'll be a tough game -- I'd say our chances of winning are fifty-fifty. 比赛会很激烈,我想我们输赢的可能性各半朗文写作活用〔even〕Our chances of success or failure are about even.我们成败的可能性大致各半韦氏高阶〔fifty-fifty〕He realistically admitted his chances of victory to be fifty-fifty.他实事求是地承认他胜败的机会是各半文馨英汉〔half-and-half〕A mixture of two things in equal portions, especially a mixture of equal parts of milk and cream.两者各半的混合:两种成分各占一半的一种混合物,尤指由牛奶和乳脂各占一半的混合物美国传统〔half〕She's half Chinese and half French.她是中法各半的混血儿。文馨英汉〔measure〕She felt equal measures of hope and fear.她感到希望和恐惧各半韦氏高阶〔middle〕The voters are split down the middle on this issue.选民在这一问题上支持和反对各半朗文当代〔minimax〕Just like that 50-50 combination of heads and tails, the minimaxing peasant might pick a 40-60 combination of wheat and millet.就像掷币猜赌时硬币正反面机会各半,这位力求减少风险以保证最大得益的农民可能采取40%种小麦和60%种小米的策略。英汉大词典〔parietal lobe〕The division of each hemisphere of the brain that lies beneath each parietal bone.(大脑的)顶叶:大脑各半球位于每块顶骨之下的分隔物美国传统〔part〕She's part French, part English.她是英法血统各半牛津高阶Congress is still evenly divided on the issue.国会对此问题仍然是赞成和反对各半剑桥国际York is halfway between Edinburgh and London.约克距爱丁堡和伦敦各半距离。剑桥国际

