
单词 照常进行
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔busman's holiday〕A vacation during which one engages in activity that is similar to one's usual work.照常工作的假日:照常进行类似其日常工作的假日美国传统〔carry〕For the moment we've been told to carry on as usual.我们目前得到的指令是照常进行麦克米伦高阶〔or〕The next day, rain or no rain, it was business as usual.第二天是否下雨都没有区别, 一切照常进行外研社新世纪〔or〕The next day, rain or no rain, it was business as usual.第二天是否下雨都没有差别,一切照常进行柯林斯高阶〔regardless〕The weather was terrible but we carried on regardless.天气非常恶劣,但我们并不理会,照常进行牛津高阶〔routine〕Despite these problems, routine work is continuing.尽管有这些问题,日常工作还是照常进行英汉大词典〔show〕The hotel business is like the theatre. No matter what happens, the show must go on. 开旅馆就像开戏院。不管发生什么事,业务总得照常进行英汉大词典〔suspicious〕We have to carry on as usual or it would look suspicious.我们得照常进行,否则就会引起怀疑。牛津搭配〔trek〕Treks would go in rain, fog or shine.不论下雨、起雾还是出太阳,远足总是照常进行英汉大词典〔unless〕Unless it rains, the game will be played.除非下雨,比赛将照常进行英汉大词典〔usual〕When somebody died everything went on as usual, as if it had never happened.就算有人死了一切也都照常进行,好像什么事都没发生过。柯林斯高阶

