
单词 濒于灭绝
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔die〕This species has nearly died out because its habit at is being destroyed.因栖息地正受到破坏,这一物种已濒于灭绝牛津高阶〔disappearance〕Modern farming practice has led to the virtual disappearance of this bird.现代化的耕作方式导致这种鸟濒于灭绝牛津搭配〔extinction〕These animals are now on the verge of extinction.这些动物现已濒于灭绝牛津搭配〔preservationist〕One who advocates preservation, especially of natural areas, historical sites, or endangered species.保护主义者:提倡保护的人,尤指对野生区域,历史遗址或濒于灭绝的动物美国传统Many of Britain's wild orchids are endangered species.英国的许多野生兰花都属于濒于灭绝的种类。剑桥国际

