
单词 岁出
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕He was described as a man in his early thirties. 人们说他是个30岁出头的男人。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕A large woman in her early 50s answered the door. 一个50岁出头的高大女人来开门。朗文写作活用〔COMPETITION〕She won several beauty contests when she was in her early twenties. 她20岁出头时数次在选美比赛中获胜。朗文写作活用〔accused〕The accused are three men in their early twenties.被告是三名刚二十岁出头的男人。文馨英汉〔age〕The early teens are often a difficult age.10 岁出头往往是个麻烦的年龄。朗文当代〔contact〕Mother and son lost contact when Nicholas was in his early twenties.尼古拉斯20岁出头的时候母子就失去了联系。柯林斯高阶〔deepen〕Boys' voices deepen in their early to mid-teens.男孩子十岁出头到十五六岁之间嗓音会变得低沉起来。剑桥高阶〔early〕She is in her early twenties .她20岁出头。朗文当代〔early〕She's in her early forties.她40岁出头。外研社新世纪〔fifty〕He must he in his early fifties by now.他现在肯定五十岁出头了。朗文当代〔ninety〕My grandfather was in his early nineties when he died.我祖父去世的时候九十岁出头。朗文当代〔patrician〕He was a lean, patrician gent in his early sixties.他60岁出头,是位有着贵族气派的清瘦绅士。柯林斯高阶〔patrician〕He was a lean, patrician gent in his early sixties.他是一个六十岁出头、有着贵族气质的清瘦绅士。外研社新世纪〔paycheck〕The new appropriations bill could mean a larger paycheck for state employees.新的岁出预算案对国家雇员来说是一张更大的支票美国传统〔politics〕Smith went into politics in his early twenties.史密斯二十岁出头就从政了。朗文当代〔sturdily〕She was a short, sturdy woman in her early sixties.她是个 60 岁出头、身材矮小结实的女人。柯林斯高阶〔sturdy〕She was a short, sturdy woman in her early sixties.她是个 60 岁出头、身材矮小结实的女人。外研社新世纪〔thirty〕She must be in her early thirties by now.她现在肯定是三十岁出头。朗文当代At fourteen he ran away, forsaking his home and friends. 他十四岁出走,离开了家乡和朋友。译典通Certainly among the middle-classes, there's a trend towards having children in the early or mid-thirties.当然在中产阶级中有一种30岁出头或35岁左右怀孩子的趋势。剑桥国际He spent his early twenties gadding about Europe when he should have been establishing himself in his career! 他20岁出头时,本是该开创一番事业的时候,他却在欧洲到处游玩。剑桥国际Her father is a shy, boyish-looking man in his early fifties.她父亲五十岁出头,腼腆,看上去有点孩子气。剑桥国际The foundation was promised a 7% increase to bring its appropriations (=appropriation) to $2. 07 billion.这个基金会得到许诺将获7%的增加额,这可使它的岁出预算增至20. 7亿美元。剑桥国际

