
单词 小粒
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔crumble〕To break into small fragments or particles.弄碎:把…弄碎成小块或小粒美国传统〔disperse phase〕The particles or droplets in a disperse system that are dispersed throughout a medium.分散相:在分散体系中,通过介质过滤的小粒或小滴美国传统〔heavy ion〕A charged microscopic particle that forms when an ion attaches to a dust mote or similar object.重离子:带电的微小粒子,在离子附着于灰尘微粒或类似物质时会形成美国传统〔matter〕An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of matter.原子是物质不可分割的最小粒子。外研社新世纪〔micronize〕To reduce to particles that are only a few microns in diameter.使成为微小粒子,使微粉化:使成为直径仅为数微米的小粒美国传统〔molecule〕A small particle; a tiny bit.小粒;一点儿美国传统〔optical tweezers〕A technique that uses a single-beam laser directed through an objective lens to trap, image, and manipulate micron-sized particles in three dimensions.光学钳子:引导单束光激光穿过物镜于补捉、成像并于三度空间操纵微米大小粒子的技术美国传统〔pustulate〕Covered with pustules.生小脓疱的:布满小粒点或脓疮的美国传统〔seed pearl〕A very small, often imperfect pearl.小粒珍珠,芥子珠:非常小且通常不完美的珍珠美国传统〔spherulite〕A small, usually spheroid body consisting of radiating crystals, found in obsidian and other glassy lava rocks.球粒:由放射状结晶构成的通常为球状的小粒,常见于黑曜岩及其他玻璃质的火山岩中美国传统

