
单词 小窗
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔angle〕The sun angled in through the small window.阳光透过小窗斜射进来。英汉大词典〔deposit〕Deposit the dirty plates by the hatch.把脏碟子放在小窗口边上吧。牛津同义词〔dreamily〕She stared dreamily out of the small window at the blue horizon.她出神地看着小窗子外面的蓝色地平线。柯林斯高阶〔dreamily〕She stared dreamily out of the small window at the blue horizon.她心不在焉地凝视着小窗外的蓝色地平线。外研社新世纪〔gloomy〕It was a gloomy room with one small window.房间里阴森森的,只有一扇小窗朗文当代〔hagioscope〕A small opening in an interior wall of a church, enabling those in the transept to view the main altar.内壁小窗:开在教堂内墙上的,可让教堂耳堂上的礼拜者看见主祭坛的小窗美国传统〔hatch〕Shop through a hatch in the wall.通过墙上的小窗口购买东西。文馨英汉〔illumination〕The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall.唯一的亮光来自对面墙上高处的一扇小窗子。柯林斯高阶〔illumination〕The only illumination came from a small window.唯一的亮光来自一扇小窗户。外研社新世纪〔illumination〕The only source of illumination was a single small window.唯一透光的地方是一扇小窗户。牛津搭配〔jut〕A row of small windows jutted out from the roof.有一排小窗户从房顶上突出来。牛津高阶〔murmur〕Bees murmur by the small square window over the sink.蜜蜂在水槽上方的方形小窗旁嗡嗡直叫。外研社新世纪〔roof〕There are small windows in the roof.屋顶上有几个小窗户。牛津搭配〔squeeze〕Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze through tiny windows.很多入室盗窃案都是可以从狭小窗户挤进挤出的年轻人干的。外研社新世纪〔transom〕A small hinged window above a door or another window.气窗:在门上或一扇窗户上面并带有链条的一扇小窗美国传统

