
单词 对待孩子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔balance〕With children, it is important to achieve the right balance between love and discipline.对待孩子,在爱护与管教之间适当地掌握平衡很重要。牛津搭配〔consistent〕She's not very consistent in the way she treats her children.她对待孩子反复无常。牛津高阶〔disgusted〕She was disgusted at the way they treated their children.她很反感他们对待孩子的方式。剑桥高阶〔mean〕With children, if you say 'no', you have to mean it .对待孩子,你如果说了“不”,就要说到做到。朗文当代〔scandal〕It's a scandal (that) children are treated in this way.这样对待孩子真是太可耻了。剑桥高阶〔stand〕I stand against all forms of cruelty, especially to children.我反对各种各样尤其是对待孩子的残忍行为。英汉大词典〔strict〕She was very strict with the children.她对待孩子非常严格。外研社新世纪The teacher's method of handling the children is to use the carrot and the stick.老师采用恩威并重的方法对待孩子剑桥国际

