
单词 宽敞
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕The holiday villas are spacious, airy, and close to the sea. 度假别墅濒临大海,既宽敞又通风。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕The new Toyota saloon is both roomy and comfortable. 这款新型丰田大轿车既宽敞又舒适。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕Their new apartment's very roomy. 他们的新公寓非常宽敞朗文写作活用〔BRIGHT〕The hallway led to a light and spacious studio. 这条走廊通往一间明亮宽敞的工作室。朗文写作活用〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕She has a big comfortable apartment overlooking Central Park. 她有一套宽敞舒适的公寓,可以俯瞰中央公园。朗文写作活用〔Lions〕A wide inlet of the Mediterranean Sea on the southern coast of France.利翁湾:法国南部海岸一宽敞的地中海海湾美国传统〔NICE〕Their new house is delightful, very spacious and light. 他们的新房子很舒适,宽敞明亮。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕What she loved most about the old house was its privacy and spaciousness. 这老房子她最喜欢的地方是有私密性,而且非常宽敞朗文写作活用〔ROAD/PATH〕New Delhi, with its elegant wide avenues and impressive government buildings, is a complete contrast with Old Delhi. 新德里有漂亮宽敞的林荫大道和宏伟的政府大楼,与旧德里形成鲜明的对比。朗文写作活用〔Tardis〕Many a home is a Tardis, looking small outside, but spacious within.很多人的家就像是一个“塔迪斯”,从外面看小,可是里面却很宽敞剑桥高阶〔above〕There are five bedrooms, a large attic above, and wine cellars below.有5间卧室,顶层是一个宽敞的阁楼,底下是酒窖。柯林斯高阶〔airy〕The bathroom has a bright and airy feel.这个卫生间有一种明亮宽敞的感觉。外研社新世纪〔airy〕The church was airy and light inside.教堂里边宽敞明亮。外研社新世纪〔airy〕The new offices are light and airy.新办公室宽敞明亮。剑桥高阶〔all〕The living room is decorated in pale colours that make it all the more airy.起居室装饰成淡雅的颜色,显得更加宽敞明亮。柯林斯高阶〔appointed〕It says in the ad that the bathroom is spacious and well appointed.广告上说房子的浴室宽敞,设施齐全。剑桥高阶〔appreciative〕Vin and Hildy made appreciative comments about the space of the rooms.维恩和希尔迪对房间的宽敞赞叹不已。外研社新世纪〔ark〕Nautical A large, commodious boat.【航海】 一种大的,宽敞的船美国传统〔aspirational〕The new house is spacious and aspirational.这幢新房子很宽敞, 精英才俊值得拥有。外研社新世纪〔bet〕Carmakers are betting that people will want to buy larger, more expensive cars this year.汽车厂商预计今年人们会倾向于购买更宽敞、更昂贵的车。韦氏高阶〔brand-new〕There's a spacious lounge and a brand-new kitchen.有一间宽敞的起居室和一个崭新的厨房。外研社新世纪〔bungalow〕A thatched or tiled one-story house in India surrounded by a wide verandah.有凉台的平房:在印度带有宽敞凉台的,只有一层的草屋或瓦房美国传统〔by〕The house has a spacious dining room, measuring 18 feet by 15.这座房子有很宽敞的餐厅,长18英尺宽15英尺。麦克米伦高阶〔capacious〕The Bora is a family car with a capacious boot.宝来是一款有着宽敞行李箱的家用轿车。外研社新世纪〔capacious〕The hotel suite had a capacious bathroom.这套宾馆房有一间宽敞的浴室。外研社新世纪〔cat〕It was described as a large, luxury mobile home, but there was barely room to swing a cat.被说成宽敞豪华的活动住房, 原来狭小得很。外研社新世纪〔cat〕It was described as a large, luxury mobile home, but there was barely room to swing a cat.那个活动房被形容为宽敞豪华,可事实上几乎连转身的地儿都没有。柯林斯高阶〔ceiling〕The rooms were spacious, with tall windows and high ceilings.房间很宽敞, 窗户高大, 天花板也很高。外研社新世纪〔ceiling〕The rooms were spacious, with tall windows and high ceilings.房间很宽敞,窗户和天花板都很高。柯林斯高阶〔centrality〕The main cabin has its full-sized double bed centrally placed with plenty of room around it.主舱正中央摆着一张标准双人床,四周很宽敞柯林斯高阶〔display〕The spacious lobby also functions as a display area.宽敞的门厅同时也是一个展区。牛津搭配〔distribute〕Generous workspaces must be well distributed throughout the library.整个图书馆都必须分布有宽敞的工作空间。牛津搭配〔elbow〕There's more elbow room in the restaurant since they extended it.该餐馆扩建后活动空间宽敞了。朗文当代〔emerge〕Out of these narrow streets, one emerges on to a spacious square.走出这些狭窄的街道便是一个宽敞的广场。英汉大词典〔extensive〕The house has extensive grounds.这栋房子有宽敞的庭院。牛津高阶〔feature〕The spacious gardens are a special feature of this property.宽敞的花园是这处房产的一大特色。外研社新世纪〔first class〕There is more room in first class.头等舱更宽敞牛津高阶〔floored〕They had to cross the large marble-floored hall.他们得穿过一个铺有大理石地面的宽敞大厅。柯林斯高阶〔front〕A spacious forecourt fronts the handsome house.这幢漂亮的房子前面有一个宽敞的前院。麦克米伦高阶〔gallery〕I found myself in a wide gallery looking down on the floor below.我发现自己已不知不觉来到了一个可以俯视楼下的宽敞廊台上。牛津搭配〔generous〕The house is a generous size.这幢房子地方宽敞外研社新世纪〔give〕The large windows give the room an open feeling.大窗户使房间有一种很宽敞的感觉。韦氏高阶〔grand〕The house was spacious and grand.这所房子宽敞壮观。麦克米伦高阶〔high〕The apartment had spacious rooms with high ceilings.那间公寓房间宽敞,屋顶很高。朗文当代〔impression〕He cleverly inserted mirrors above the window to create an impression of space.他巧妙地将镜子嵌入窗户的上方, 以营造出空间宽敞的感觉。外研社新世纪〔interior〕There is more interior space than in some rival cars.它的内部空间比一些同类车宽敞外研社新世纪〔interior〕There is more interior space than in some rival cars.车内空间比有些同类车宽敞柯林斯高阶〔interrupt〕The huge open space was interrupted only by two steel columns.这块极宽敞的空地竟被两根钢柱截断了。麦克米伦高阶〔just〕The house was large and roomy; just right for us.那幢房子大而宽敞,正合我们的需要。朗文当代〔knock together〕The spacious kitchen was achieved by knocking together three small rooms.这个宽敞的厨房是把三个小房间打通连成的。外研社新世纪〔lead〕This door leads you to a large entrance hall.穿过这扇门便到了宽敞的门厅。麦克米伦高阶〔legroom〕The new plane provides more legroom per passenger.这种新飞机给每一名旅客提供更宽敞的伸腿空间。文馨英汉〔light〕It was a ligh t spacious apartment at the top of the building.大楼顶层是一套宽敞明亮的房子。牛津高阶〔light〕The kitchen was light and spacious.厨房明亮宽敞朗文当代〔living〕The spacious living quarters were on the second floor.宽敞的生活区位于3楼。柯林斯高阶〔mainly〕The spacious main bedroom is mainly blue.宽敞的主卧室以蓝色为主色调。柯林斯高阶〔mainly〕The spacious main bedroom is mainly blue.宽敞的主卧的主要色调为蓝色。外研社新世纪〔manse〕A large, stately residence.宽敞而庄重的住宅美国传统〔mansion〕A large, stately house.宽敞而庄重的房子美国传统〔mod cons〕The house is spacious with all mod cons, handy for the station and has a garden.这座房子十分宽敞,现代化生活设施一应俱全,距离车站很近,而且还有一个花园。柯林斯高阶〔nearly〕Father's flat in Paris wasn't nearly as grand as this.爸爸在法国的公寓远不如这处宽敞柯林斯高阶〔neutral〕Neutral tones give the room a feeling of space.素净的色调让房间感觉很宽敞朗文当代〔old〕We had more room in our old house.我们原先的房子比较宽敞牛津高阶〔overflow〕The large banquet hall overflowed with guests.宽敞的宴会大厅挤满了宾客。英汉大词典〔plain〕In general, a plain carpet makes a room look bigger.一般来说,单色的地毯使房间显得更宽敞柯林斯高阶〔pleasant〕The restaurant was large and pleasant.那家餐厅宽敞舒适。朗文当代〔plenty〕This apartment's plenty big enough for two.这套公寓够宽敞,足够两个人住。朗文当代〔predecessor〕The new building is more spacious than its predecessor.这一新建筑比原先的更宽敞美国传统〔renovate〕She lives in a large, renovated farmhouse.她住在一个宽敞的翻新过的农舍里。柯林斯高阶〔room〕Make sure you have plenty of room to sit comfortably.一定要找个宽敞地儿坐得舒服一点。牛津高阶〔simple〕The accommodation is simple but spacious.住处简朴但宽敞牛津高阶〔space〕Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms.大型油画可以增加小房间的宽敞感。柯林斯高阶〔space〕The room has been furnished and decorated to give a feeling of space.经过装潢和布置之后,这个房间给人一种宽敞的感觉。牛津高阶〔spacious〕A high ceiling creates a feeling of spaciousness.高高的天花板会给人一种宽敞的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔spacious〕Generous or large in area or extent; roomy.宽敞的:在区域或范围上广大或宽阔的;广博的美国传统〔spacious〕White walls can give a feeling of spaciousness.白墙能给人一种宽敞的感觉。牛津高阶〔specify〕They specified a spacious entrance hall.他们要求有宽敞的门廊。外研社新世纪〔spotlessly〕The house had huge, spotlessly clean rooms.房子里的各个房间都很宽敞、一尘不染。柯林斯高阶〔stark〕In the suburbs the spacious houses stand in stark (= extreme) contrast to the slums of the city's poor.郊区宽敞的大房子和城里的贫民窟形成了鲜明的对比。剑桥高阶〔superliner〕A railway car that is fitted with more capacious, comfortable, or luxurious accommodations than usual.豪华车厢:装备比寻常客车更宽敞、更舒适或更豪华的火车车厢美国传统〔surround〕The entire team enjoyed hot showers in the spacious surrounds of a new, modern village hall.全队都在新建的现代化村会所的宽敞洗浴间享受了热水淋浴。柯林斯高阶〔well appointed〕The hotel has spacious, well-appointed public rooms and bedrooms.这家宾馆拥有宽敞而设备齐全的公共大厅和客房。剑桥高阶〔well-appointed〕Guest rooms are commodious and well appointed.客房宽敞舒适, 陈设也很考究。外研社新世纪〔well-appointed〕Guestrooms are commodious and well-appointed.客房宽敞舒适且陈设考究。柯林斯高阶Her high salary has brought many material benefits-- a big house, a fast car, and meals at expensive restaurants.她的高收入带来了许多物质利益----宽敞的住房,疾驰如飞的轿车以及高级餐馆的美食。剑桥国际His house was spacious and commodious, and furnished with profusion and elegance. 他的房子宽敞而便利,布置得富丽优雅。译典通In the suburbs the spacious houses stand in stark contrast to the slums of the city's poor.郊区宽敞的房子与城市中的贫民窟形成了鲜明的对比。剑桥国际It says in the ad that the bathroom is spacious and well-appointed.广告上说,浴室很宽敞,设施一应俱全。剑桥国际It seemed extravagant for a young firm to have such large offices.对于一家年轻的公司来说,拥有如此宽敞的办公室似乎有些铺张浪费。牛津商务Plain, light walls and minimal decor in a room create the impression of space.房间里淡淡的一色墙和最少的装饰会给人一种宽敞的印象。剑桥国际Stores will be refitted with wider aisles and better lighting.商店将重新改造,配置更为宽敞的通道和更好的采光。牛津商务The broad avenues are shaded by splendid trees.宽敞的林荫大道被遮蔽在高大的树木下。剑桥国际The hotel has spacious, well-appointed public rooms and bedrooms, and good food.这家旅馆有着宽敞的,设备齐全的公共房间,卧室,及美味的食物。剑桥国际The house isn't much to look at but it's spacious and attractive inside.那间房子看起来不怎么样但里面却很宽敞、漂亮。剑桥国际The new offices are bright and airy, with high ceilings and lots of windows.新办公室既明亮又宽敞,有着高高的天花板和许多窗户。剑桥国际There is a glut of large, expensive houses lying empty and unsold.过量宽敞但昂贵的房子空关,无人购买。剑桥国际They have more spacious accommodation here than they had in Tokyo where their flat was very small.他们这里的住所比他们在东京的小公寓宽敞多了。剑桥国际We entered a spacious dining-room. 我们来到一个宽敞的餐厅。译典通What I like about that house is its spaciousness--all the rooms are so big and airy.我喜欢那座房子的宽敞空间----所有的房间都那么宽敞通风。剑桥国际What attracted buyers to this house was its roominess. 对买主来说,这栋房子的吸引人之处是它的宽敞译典通

