
单词 monotonous
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORING/BORED〕Life on the farm was slow and monotonous. 农场生活节奏缓慢,而且单调乏味。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕The teacher's low monotonous voice almost put me to sleep. 那位教师低沉又单调的嗓音几乎使我入睡。朗文写作活用〔cant〕Monotonous talk filled with platitudes.无聊的话:满是平庸之辞的单调无味的话美国传统〔daft〕You could go daft listening to such monotonous music.听这么单调的音乐你会发疯的。麦克米伦高阶〔device〕Lentils, left to their own devices, are a trifle monotonous in flavour.不加调料的话,小扁豆的味道有点单调。英汉大词典〔drone〕To pass or act in a monotonous way.以单调的方式度过或行动美国传统〔event〕The flat monotonous plains stretch away. A single tree becomes an event.单调平坦的旷野一望无际。孤零零的一棵树就成了引人瞩目之物。英汉大词典〔hackwork〕Tedious, monotonous, or uninteresting work of any kind.平庸的作品:冗长,单调,令人感到乏味的作品美国传统〔hook〕Government officials accused of bribery and corruption get off the hook with monotonous regularity.被指控贪污受贿的政府官员无一例外总能脱身。柯林斯高阶〔humdrum〕Monotonous talk or routine.乏味的谈话:单调的谈话或老一套美国传统〔interval〕The monotonous noise would stop at intervals, then resume after a while.那单调的噪音时而停一会儿,然后又响起。英汉大词典〔mechanize〕To make automatic or unspontaneous; render routine or monotonous.以机能化:使自动化,使失去自发性;使常规化,使单调化美国传统〔modulate〕She has a very monotonous voice; she should have it modulated.她的声音很单调,应该加以调整。21世纪英汉〔monotonously〕It's monotonous work, like most factory jobs.与工厂大部分工作一样,这份工作也很单调乏味。柯林斯高阶〔monotonously〕The food may get a bit monotonous, but there'll be enough of it.饭菜可能会有些单一,但管够。柯林斯高阶〔monotonous〕It's monotonous work, like most factory jobs.像大多数工厂的工作一样, 这是份单调乏味的工作。外研社新世纪〔monotonous〕New secretaries came and went with monotonous regularity.秘书不停地更换,令人厌烦。牛津高阶〔monotonous〕She spoke in a monotonous voice.她声音单调地说话。韦氏高阶〔monotonous〕Students complained that the meals were monotonous.学生们抱怨饭菜单调。韦氏高阶〔monotonous〕The food may get a bit monotonous, but there'll be enough of it.食物可能有些单一, 但管够。外研社新世纪〔monotonous〕The music became monotonous after a while.过了一会儿音乐变得单调起来。剑桥高阶〔predictability〕Although her job is boring and monotonous, she likes the sense of predictability and security that it gives her.尽管她的工作单调乏味,她还是喜欢这份工作的安全性和可预见性。剑桥高阶〔regularity〕Aircraft passed overhead with monotonous regularity.飞机一次又一次反复从头顶飞过。牛津高阶〔regularity〕Our team kept losing with monotonous regularity (=in a way that seems boring or annoying).我们球队一次又一次地输掉比赛。朗文当代〔regularly〕Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity.倒闭和失业的消息又在一次次地反复宣布着。柯林斯高阶〔rubber-chicken circuit〕A monotonous series of events, such as lunches and dinners often featuring chicken, which politicians and heads of state feel compelled to attend.单调乏味的巡回鸡宴:政治家和国家首脑不得不参加的一系列单调的事件,如以鸡肉为特色的午餐和晚宴美国传统〔screed〕A long, monotonous harangue or piece of writing.冗长,单调的说话或者文章美国传统〔scutwork〕Monotonous work or menial tasks that have to be done usually as part of a large, complex job or project.枯燥的粗活:单调的工作或卑微的任务,通常作为某项巨大的、复杂的工作或项目的一部分美国传统〔singsong〕Monotonous in vocal inflection or rhythm.单调的:嗓音或节奏单调的美国传统〔thrum〕To speak in a monotonous tone of voice; drone.以单调的声调说;低沉单调地说美国传统〔thrum〕To speak, repeat, or recite in a monotonous tone of voice; drone.以单调的声调说、重复或背诵;低沉单调地说美国传统〔tom-tom〕A monotonous rhythmical drumbeat or similar sound.单调鼓声:一种单调的有节奏的敲鼓声或类似的声音美国传统〔treadmill〕A monotonous task or set of tasks seeming to have no end.令人厌烦的工作:一种单调的工作或一系列似乎永不完结的工作美国传统〔tumult〕The monotonous humming of the spinning-wheel set her mind in a tumult.手摇纺车单调的咿呀声使她心烦意乱。英汉大词典〔variety〕Work on the production line is monotonous and lacks variety.在流水线上工作很单调,缺乏变化。剑桥高阶Although her job is boring and monotonous, she likes the sense of predictability and security that it gives her.虽然她的工作很单调乏味,但她喜欢这个工作的安全性和可预计性。剑桥国际The explorers lived on a monotonous diet of beans and rice. 探险者靠吃豆子和米饭这些单调的食物为生。译典通The hypnotist told him in monotonous tones/a monotonous voice that he was becoming more relaxed and sleepy.催眠师用单一的音调/单调的声音向他说话,说他变得越来越放松,越来越困倦了。剑桥国际Work on the production line is monotonous and lacks variety.生产流水线上的工作很单调,缺乏多样性。剑桥国际

