“of the nature of”例句

单词 of the nature of
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔axiology〕The study of the nature of values and value judgments.价值论:关于价值属性和价值判断的学科美国传统〔cognitive science〕The study of the nature of various mental tasks and the processes that enable them to be performed.认识科学:对能够实施的各种思维活动和过程的本质研究美国传统〔concessive〕Of the nature of or containing a concession.让步的:有让步性质的或包含让步的美国传统〔diagnosis〕A critical analysis of the nature of something.判断:对于某些事物本质关键性的分析美国传统〔fabulous〕Of the nature of a fable or myth; legendary.寓言的:寓言或神话性质的;传说的美国传统〔factual〕Of the nature of fact; real.事实的:属于事实的;真实的美国传统〔federative〕Forming, belonging to, or of the nature of a federation; federal.联盟的:联盟组成的、关于联盟的或联盟本身的;联盟的美国传统〔fermentative〕Relating to or of the nature of fermentation.有关于发酵本质的或发酵性的美国传统〔festal〕Of, relating to, or of the nature of a feast or festival; festive.节日的:节日的、有关节日的或节日本身的;节日似的美国传统〔glutinous〕Of the nature of or resembling glue; sticky.粘质的:粘质的,似粘液的;粘的美国传统〔godlike〕Resembling or of the nature of a god or God; divine.如神的:类似或具有神或上帝特性的;神圣的美国传统〔heteronymous〕Being, relating to, or of the nature of a heteronym.同形异音异义词的:同形异音异义词的本质的或与之相关的美国传统〔homiletic〕Relating to or of the nature of a homily.布道的,说教的:说教性质的,或与此有关的美国传统〔homonymous〕Of the nature of a homonym; homonymic.同音异义的美国传统〔illative〕Of, relating to, or of the nature of an illation.推论的,与推理有关的,或具有推理的性质的美国传统〔interrogatory〕Asking a question; of the nature of a question; interrogative.疑问的:提问题;具有问题性质的;讯问的美国传统〔legendary〕Of, constituting, based on, or of the nature of a legend.传说的:传说的,构成传奇故事的,建立在传奇基础上的,或具有传奇性质的美国传统〔logical〕Of, relating to, in accordance with, or of the nature of logic.逻辑的:逻辑的、与逻辑有关的、符合逻辑的或具有逻辑性的美国传统〔miraculous〕Of the nature of a miracle; preternatural.奇迹般的:具有奇迹特性的;超自然的美国传统〔nature〕Are you aware of the nature of the risks involved? 你明白所涉及的是什么风险吗?牛津搭配〔opinionative〕Of, based on, or of the nature of an opinion.固执的,武断的:拥有或坚持一种观点的美国传统〔parole〕She is unlikely to be granted parole because of the nature of the crime.由于犯罪的性质, 她不太可能获得假释。外研社新世纪〔participate〕His poems participate of the nature of satire.他的诗带有讽刺性。英汉大词典〔participate〕His poems participate of the nature of satire.他的诗带有讽刺性21世纪英汉〔pilous〕Of the nature of hair; consisting of hair; hairlike.发状的,毛发组成的:毛发特征的;由毛发组成的;毛发状的美国传统〔proverbial〕Of the nature of a proverb.谚语的:谚语的性质的美国传统〔reparative〕Of, relating to, or of the nature of reparations.赔偿的:属于、关于或具有补偿性质的美国传统〔spectacular〕Of the nature of a spectacle; impressive or sensational.壮观的:场面自然的;给人留下深刻印象的或轰动的美国传统〔subsidiary〕Of, relating to, or of the nature of a subsidy.补助金的,有关补助金或津贴的或有其性质的美国传统〔suppositive〕Of the nature of, including, or involving supposition.假定的,推测的美国传统〔synthetic〕Relating to, involving, or of the nature of synthesis.有关综合的、涉及综合的或综合性的美国传统〔theology〕The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions.神学:对上帝本性和宗教信仰的研究;对宗教问题的理性探究美国传统〔ulcerous〕Of the nature of ulcers or an ulcer.溃疡的或溃疡性的美国传统〔umbellate〕Having, forming, or of the nature of an umbel.具有伞状花序的,形成伞状花序的,伞状花序的美国传统〔understanding〕Some religions have a common understanding of the nature of a divine being.一些宗教对神的本质有同样的认识。牛津搭配〔verminous〕Of the nature of vermin; repulsive.令人讨厌的:具有害虫的性质的;令人讨厌的美国传统〔vertebral〕Of, relating to, or of the nature of a vertebra.椎骨的,脊椎的:属于或关于椎骨的,具有椎骨特征的美国传统His poems participate of the nature of satire. 他的诗带有讽刺性。译典通

