
单词 morn
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AIR〕The bedrooms are aired and cleaned every morning. 卧室每天早晨都通风打扫。朗文写作活用〔CAUSE〕My parents had the little train all laid out under the tree on Christmas morning. 圣诞节早晨,我父母把小火车摆在树下。朗文写作活用〔COLD〕It was a frosty autumn morning with spiders’ webs glistening in the frozen grass. 这是秋天一个严寒的早晨,蜘蛛网在结霜的草上一闪一亮。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕I must have nicked myself when I was shaving this morning. 我一定是今天早上刮胡子的时候刮破了脸。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕My dad used to cut the grass every Sunday morning. 我爸爸过去每个星期天早晨都修剪草坪。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Phil cut himself shaving this morning. 今天早上菲尔刮胡子时割破了脸。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕I do half an hour of exercises every morning. 我每天早上锻炼半个小时。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕I spent the whole morning sitting around waiting for him to call. 整个上午我就坐着等他的电话。朗文写作活用〔DOUBT〕I wouldn't have thought that there would be much traffic on a Sunday morning. 我想星期天早上车辆不会太多的。朗文写作活用〔ENERGETIC〕You'd never think she'd been ill -- she came bouncing in this morning, full of beans. 你绝对料不到她是生过病的人—今天早晨她蹦蹦跳跳着进来,浑身充满了活力。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕Every morning we had to troop into the school hall for roll call. 每天早晨我们都必须列队去学校礼堂点名。朗文写作活用〔EXPLODE〕The bomb exploded on a bus in Jerusalem during the city's morning rush hour. 在耶路撒冷早晨的高峰时间,炸弹在一辆公共汽车上爆炸了。朗文写作活用〔HELLO〕Good morning, class! To start with I have a couple of announcements. 同学们,早上好!首先,我有几件事情要宣布。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕Normally she did not eat a lot in the morning, but today she was ravenous. 她早上一般吃得不多,但今天她饿坏了。朗文写作活用〔LESS〕The program is broadcast in the morning, a time when advertising rates are much lower. 这个节目在上午播出,这个时间的广告费要低很多。朗文写作活用〔LIE〕I spent most of the morning lying in bed. 那天上午我大部分时间都躺在床上。朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕American businessmen were surprised that their French colleagues wanted to shake hands each morning, a formal sign of politeness in the US. 美国商人惊讶地发现,他们的法国同事每天早晨都要握手,而这在美国是一种正式的礼节。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕The announcement was heard by millions of radio listeners this morning. 今天早上有上百万人从收音机里听到了这个通告。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The early morning market is for wholesalers only, the general public have to wait until later in the day. 早市只为批发商开放,普通民众必须等到晚些时候。朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕I had to wait for fifteen minutes at the deli counter this morning. 今天早上我在美食柜台等了15分钟。朗文写作活用〔SINCE〕I saw her early this morning, but I haven't seen her since. 今天一早我看见过她,但自此就没见过她了。朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕Janice's number is still engaged. She's been on the phone all morning. 贾尼丝的电话还是占线,她一个早上都在打电话。朗文写作活用〔WAKE UP/GET UP〕I was up at six this morning. 今天早上我6点钟起来。朗文写作活用〔ache〕I've had a stomach ache all morning.我胃疼了一上午。剑桥高阶〔after〕His car was outside your house the morning after Bob's engagement party.鲍勃订婚宴会的第二天早上,他的车停在你家门外。朗文当代〔argument〕I had a big argument with my mother this morning.今天早上我和妈妈大吵了一架。牛津搭配〔arrive〕A letter arrived for you this morning.今天上午来了一封给你的信。牛津高阶〔belong〕I went to school at seven o'clock this morning although I don't belong to go to school until half past seven.今早我7点就上学了,尽管我平时总要到7点半以后才上学。21世纪英汉〔best〕I'm not at my best first thing in the morning.大清早我总不在最佳状态。外研社新世纪〔bivouac〕They bivouacked there until morning.他们在那儿露宿直到天明。英汉大词典〔brain-dead〕I'll be brain-dead in the morning if I don't get some sleep.如果不睡会儿觉,到早晨我的脑子就不管用了。韦氏高阶〔bright and early〕We will be getting up bright and early in the morning.我们一大早就会起床。韦氏高阶〔call round〕I'll call round in the morning.我早晨会顺便去一趟。外研社新世纪〔call〕Doctor Seward is out on a call this morning.苏厄德医生今天上午出诊去了。剑桥高阶〔cat〕She 's a real bag of cats this morning.她今天早上脾气真糟。外研社新世纪〔chase about〕She has been chasing about town all morning looking for a pair of shoes for her daughter.为给女儿买一双鞋,她跑了一上午在市内各处寻找。21世纪英汉〔chase〕I've been chasing around town all morning looking for a present for Sharon.为了送给沙伦一件礼物,我一上午都在满城奔走寻觅。牛津高阶〔chat〕He's been on the computer all morning, chatting with his friends.他整个上午都在上网和朋友聊天。牛津高阶〔chew ... over〕We must chew the matter over this morning.我们今天上午必须讨论一下这件事。21世纪英汉〔church〕We didn't see you at church this morning.今天早上我们做礼拜时没见到你。朗文当代〔class〕I've got a French class first thing this morning.我今天上午第一节上法语课。麦克米伦高阶〔collection〕Garbage collections are made every Tuesday morning.每星期二早上收一次垃圾。朗文当代〔come round〕Beryl came round this morning.贝里尔今天上午来过了。外研社新世纪〔come〕Don't complain about being tired – that's what comes of watching TV until three in the morning.别抱怨有多累,那是看电视看到凌晨3点的结果。麦克米伦高阶〔come〕We come in to Heathrow at nine in the morning.我们早上九点到达希思罗机场。朗文当代〔copy down〕I copied it down the way my lawyer read it to me this morning.我把今天早上律师念的一字不差地记了下来。柯林斯高阶〔crack〕I've been trying all morning to get this to work, and I've finally cracked it.解决;搞定麦克米伦高阶〔cream〕She creams her face every morning.她每天早晨在脸上涂面霜。21世纪英汉〔cultivate〕He spent the whole morning cultivating the corn.他花了一上午给玉米锄草松土。英汉大词典〔curtain〕It was ten in the morning but the curtains were still drawn(= closed).已是早上十点钟了,可窗帘还拉着。牛津高阶〔dally〕The two of us dallied over our coffee that morning.那天上午我们俩悠闲自得地喝着咖啡。韦氏高阶〔day〕We used to stay in bed all morning and party all night. Those were the days! 以前我们常常整个上午不起床,还通宵开派对。 那些日子真是好啊!朗文当代〔death〕We worked through the night, and by morning we looked like death warmed over.我们通宵工作,到第二天早上累得要命。韦氏高阶〔depart〕In the morning Mr McDonald departed for Sydney.麦克唐纳先生上午启程前往悉尼。柯林斯高阶〔dicey〕The weather looks a little dicey this morning. I hope it doesn't rain.今天早晨天气看起来不太好,我希望不会下雨。韦氏高阶〔diligent〕They worked diligently all morning.他们卖力地干了一上午。朗文当代〔do without〕He could do without her rhetorical questions at five o'clock in the morning.他真不愿早上 5 点就听到她一遍遍地反问。柯林斯高阶〔downcast〕I thought you were looking a little downcast this morning.我觉得你今天早上好像有点垂头丧气。剑桥高阶〔early〕I woke up early this morning.我今天早上醒得早。牛津高阶〔eat〕I wonder what's eating Gilbert. He's as jumpy as a cat this morning.吉尔伯特这是怎么了?他一早上都神经兮兮的。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕The doctor said I should exercise my knee every morning.医生说我每天早上都要活动活动膝盖。麦克米伦高阶〔fine〕I felt terrible last night but I feel fine this morning.我昨晚感觉很不舒服,但今天早上就好了。剑桥高阶〔fish〕They fished the stream all morning.他们一个早上都在溪里捕鱼。韦氏高阶〔fly the coop〕In the morning the suspect had flown the coop.嫌犯在早晨偷偷跑掉了。韦氏高阶〔focus〕In the morning, traders said, trading was out of focus and buy orders were scattered over a wide range of issues.上午, 交易商说, 交易中没有出现热点, 买盘分散于多种债券。外研社新世纪〔four〕He has to get up at four in the morning.他不得不凌晨四点起床。外研社新世纪〔glare〕The white snow glared in the morning sunlight.白雪在清晨的阳光下发出刺眼的光。韦氏高阶〔glow〕The fall foliage glowed red and yellow in the morning sunlight.树叶在秋日的晨曦中泛出红黄色的光。柯林斯高阶〔go〕I've been on the go since six o'clock this morning.从今天早上6点开始我一直很忙。麦克米伦高阶〔heated〕She put her hair in heated rollers every morning.她每天早晨都用热发卷卷头发。外研社新世纪〔help〕The help hasn't come this morning.帮工今天早上还没有来。英汉大词典〔hour〕The fighting began in the early hours of Saturday morning.战斗在星期六凌晨打响了。牛津高阶〔if〕If I go to bed late I feel dreadful in the morning.我要是睡晚了,早上起来就会感觉非常糟。朗文当代〔jog〕Mike goes for a two-mile jog every morning.迈克每天早上慢跑两英里。朗文当代〔lay〕He often lays in bed all the morning.他经常整个上午躺在床上。英汉大词典〔leave〕Leave the dishes and do them in the morning.把餐具留到早上再洗吧。麦克米伦高阶〔lethal〕A 59-year-old man was executed by lethal injection (= by having a poisonous substance put into his body) this morning.今晨一位59岁的男性罪犯被执行注射死刑。剑桥高阶〔light〕The morning light came streaming in through the windows.晨曦透过窗户照射进来。朗文当代〔little〕I always like to have a little something around eleven o'clock in the morning.我总喜欢在上午11点左右吃点东西。剑桥高阶〔lounge〕The children lounged the whole morning away in the park.孩子们在公园里消磨了整个上午。21世纪英汉〔love〕Good morning, love.您早。英汉大词典〔loving〕At breakfast that morning, they were very loving to Tom.那天上午早餐时,她们对汤姆侍候得很周到。英汉大词典〔mail〕She spent the morning reading and answering her mail.她花了一个上午处理信件。剑桥高阶〔manage〕This makes it ideal for those who can only manage a few hours in the morning or evening.对于只能在早晚抽出几个小时的人来说, 这一点非常理想。外研社新世纪〔manage〕This makes it ideal for those who can only manage a few hours in the morning or evening.对于那些只能在早晚抽出几个小时的人来说,这是最理想不过的了。柯林斯高阶〔may〕That's as may be, my lad, but you're not the one that has to look after it morning, noon and night.就算那样, 小伙子, 也犯不着由你早中晚都照看它。外研社新世纪〔meet〕I met Dave this morning while I was out shopping.今天早上我出门购物时碰见了戴夫。外研社新世纪〔mirror〕The glory of the morning is mirrored in the lake.朝霞映在湖面上。英汉大词典〔morning〕As the morning wore on she became more and more tired.上午的时间一点点地过去,她也越来越疲倦。牛津搭配〔morning〕He took the early morning train.他搭乘了一早的火车。朗文当代〔morning〕I'll fly it to London in the morning.我明天上午会把它用航空快件寄到伦敦。柯林斯高阶〔morning〕I'll see you on Saturday morning.我星期六上午见你。剑桥高阶〔morning〕I'm not feeling too good this morning .今天早上我觉得不太舒服。朗文当代〔morning〕It was a nice sunny morning.那是一个阳光明媚的早晨。朗文当代〔morning〕It's all she talks about, morning, noon and night (= all the time).她整天就是说这个。牛津搭配〔morning〕The murder took place at four in the morning.谋杀发生在凌晨4点。剑桥高阶〔morning〕We sat around drinking coffee all morning.我们一上午都围坐在一起喝咖啡。韦氏高阶〔mover〕He's a slow mover in the morning.早晨的时候他动作缓慢。麦克米伦高阶〔move〕Let's stay here tonight, then move on (= continue our journey) tomorrow morning.我们今晚住这儿吧,明早再继续赶路。剑桥高阶〔muddle〕I've been muddling about all morning, and got nothing done.我整个上午空忙了一阵,什么事也没干成。英汉大词典〔nine〕He woke up at nine this morning.他今天早晨九点醒来。韦氏高阶〔noisily〕She sat by the window, noisily gulping her morning coffee.清晨,她坐在窗边,咕咚咕咚地喝着咖啡。柯林斯高阶〔nose〕He gets up at 6 a.m. on the nose every morning.他每天早上 6 点准时起床。朗文当代〔order〕He had received orders that morning to continue with the work.他那天上午已经接到了继续工作的命令。外研社新世纪〔out〕I came around to see you this morning, but you were out.今天上午我来拜访你,可是你不在。剑桥高阶〔overcast〕The morning was overcast; the light muddy.早晨天气阴沉, 光线昏暗。外研社新世纪〔overcast〕The little village was overcast by the morning fog.小村庄被晨雾笼罩着。21世纪英汉〔pace back and forth〕Some were doing morning exercises, some were pacing back and forth.有人在做早操,有人在来回踱步。21世纪英汉〔papa〕Good morning, Papa! 早上好,爸爸!韦氏高阶〔pay〕He looked terrible this morning. I think he's paying the penalty for all those late nights.他今天上午脸色很不好,我想这是他一直熬夜造成的。牛津高阶〔perfect〕It was printed in the morning and perfected later.这张纸上午打印过, 后来背面也打印了内容。外研社新世纪〔persistent〕He phoned again this morning. He's very persistent.今天早晨他又打来了电话。他非常执著。柯林斯高阶〔polling〕Polling started at 8.00 this morning.投票于今天早上 8 点钟开始。朗文当代〔preferably〕Water the plants twice a week, preferably in the morning.这些植物每周浇两次水,最好是在早晨。剑桥高阶〔prognosis〕I was reading a gloomy economic prognosis in the paper this morning.今天早上我在看报纸上一篇悲观的经济预测文章。剑桥高阶〔prose〕I've got two French proses to do before tomorrow morning.在明天上午以前,我有两篇法语翻译练习要做。英汉大词典〔rabbi〕Good morning, Rabbi.早晨好,拉比。剑桥高阶〔radiantly〕Out on the bay the morning is radiant.海湾里的早晨阳光灿烂。柯林斯高阶〔rapid transit〕Two rapid transit trains collided early this morning in Boston.今晨早些时候,两辆高速火车在波士顿相撞。柯林斯高阶〔raw〕He set off in the raw London morning.他在那伦敦阴冷的早晨动身了。英汉大词典〔raw〕She shivered in the raw morning air.清晨的寒气冷得她发抖。朗文当代〔renew〕He renewed his search for his son the next morning.次日早晨,他继续寻找他的儿子。英汉大词典〔reveille〕The sounding of a bugle early in the morning to awaken and summon people in a camp or garrison.起床号,早操列队号:清晨唤起营地或驻地里的人们集合的号音美国传统〔right〕We'll worry about the rights and wrongs of the situation in the morning.我们会为明天早晨局势的好坏而担忧。麦克米伦高阶〔ring〕The alarm clock rings on the bedside table every morning at 7 o'clock.每天早晨7点,闹钟在我的床头柜上闹响。英汉大词典〔roll in〕He finally rolled in at 3:30 in the morning.他终于在清晨3:30赶到。韦氏高阶〔rubbish〕I forgot to put the rubbish out this morning.我今天早晨忘了把垃圾拿出去让人收走。剑桥高阶〔run through〕The song has been running through my head all morning.这首歌在我的脑中反复回响了一上午。韦氏高阶〔sag〕The dollar held up well this morning but the pound sagged.今天上午美元坚挺,但英镑下跌了。剑桥高阶〔schedule〕They'll be speaking on the morning schedule, at seven o'clock.他们预定在早上7时的广播时间中讲话。英汉大词典〔silhouetted〕A dark shape stood silhouetted against the bright morning sky.早晨明亮的天空衬托出深色的轮廓。牛津搭配〔sleep on〕I'll sleep on your proposal and give you my answer tomorrow morning.今晚我好好考虑一下你的建议,明早给你个答复。21世纪英汉〔spotless〕Each morning cleaners make sure everything is spotless.每天早晨, 清洁工会把一切都打扫得干干净净。外研社新世纪〔spring sth on sb〕I hope he's not going to spring any nasty surprises on us at the meeting this morning.我希望今天上午的会议他不会冷不防对我们说出一些让人讨厌的话来。剑桥高阶〔stew〕He's been in a stew since early this morning.他今天一大早就开始惴惴不安。外研社新世纪〔stream〕The first rays of morning sunlight streamed through the open doorway.早晨的第一缕阳光从敞着的门道照进来。朗文当代〔stuff your face〕I've been stuffing my face all morning.我一上午都在吃个不停。剑桥高阶〔sunbather〕Franklin swam and sunbathed at the pool every morning.每天上午富兰克林都在游泳池中游泳,在池边晒太阳。柯林斯高阶〔sweetness and light〕She was yelling at us all morning, but when the guests arrived, she was all sweetness and light.整个上午她都冲着我们大喊大叫,可是客人一到,她又是一副和蔼可亲的样子了。韦氏高阶〔tap up〕He was tapped up by his mother at 8 o'clock in the morning.他早上8点被母亲敲门叫醒。21世纪英汉〔terrible〕I've got a terrible headache this morning.今天早晨我头疼得厉害。英汉大词典〔that〕That morning I had put on a pair of old jeans.那天早晨, 我穿上了一条旧牛仔裤。外研社新世纪〔that〕The letter that (=which) came this morning is from my mother.早晨到的信是我母亲写来的。文馨英汉〔thrill〕I can remember the thrill of not knowing what I would get on Christmas morning.我还记得自己不知道圣诞节早晨会得到什么礼物时内心有多么激动。柯林斯高阶〔tie〕She was tied up in a meeting all morning. The phone was tied up for an hour.她整个上午都在开会。电话忙了一个小时美国传统〔time〕They had left early in the morning, on quiet roads, and had made good time.他们一大早出发, 一路上人车稀少, 走得比预期快多了。外研社新世纪〔touch〕There was a touch of frost this morning.今天早晨有轻度霜冻。外研社新世纪〔traffic〕I heard about the accident on the traffic report on the radio this morning.我在今早电台的交通节目中听到了这起事故。剑桥高阶〔type〕I was typing away into the early hours of the morning just to get it done.我打字打到凌晨,就为把事情做完。剑桥高阶〔ultrasound〕She had an ultrasound this morning.她今天上午做了超声波检查。韦氏高阶〔unkindly〕The weather was unkind to those pipers who played in the morning.坏天气对上午那些风笛吹奏者毫不容情。柯林斯高阶〔warm〕The morning sun warms the kitchen nicely.早晨的太阳把厨房晒得暖烘烘的。麦克米伦高阶〔wear on〕The boys' quarrel wore on all the morning.男孩们吵了一个上午。21世纪英汉〔whinny〕A horse whinnied into the cold morning.一匹马的嘶叫声穿透了寒冷的清晨。剑桥高阶〔whip〕The keen early morning air whipped a bright colour into her cheeks.凛冽的晨风吹得她双颊红扑扑的。英汉大词典〔wilt〕She soon wilted in the morning heat.在早晨的热浪中, 她很快就蔫儿了。外研社新世纪〔wind〕Please wind the clock in the morning every day.请每天早上给钟上发条。21世纪英汉〔wish〕He wishes me every morning.他每天早上都问候我。剑桥高阶〔withdraw〕Unless Hitler withdrew his troops from Poland by 11 o'clock that morning, a state of war would exist between Great Britain and Germany.如果希特勒那天上午11点前不从波兰撤兵,英德两国便将处于战争状态。柯林斯高阶By late morning, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 57 points to 8 455.快到中午的时候,道琼斯工业平均指数上涨了 57 点,达到 8 455 点。牛津商务Good morning, Colonel.上校,早上好。剑桥国际He had to clean the chicken cotes every morning. 他每天早晨得打扫鸡棚。译典通He left late last night, or rather early this morning. 他昨夜很晚,或者应该说是今天一大早才走。译典通He was in a snit this morning and I didn't dare approach him.今天早上他的脾气很不好,我不敢接近他。剑桥国际He woke up in the morning with a dreadful headache.他早上醒过来,头痛得非常厉害。剑桥国际He's rarely compos mentis before about ten o'clock in the morning.他很少在早上10点左右以前神智清楚。剑桥国际I felt unaccountably happy this morning as I left the house.今上午当我离开家时我感到莫名其妙地高兴。剑桥国际I haven't done much exercise all week, so I think I'll go for a jog this morning.我一星期没怎么锻炼,所以今天早上想去慢跑。剑桥国际I jog every morning before breakfast. 我每天早饭前慢跑。译典通I managed to beard the boss in her office this morning, and tell her my concerns about the project.今天早上我在办公室找到老板并向她诉说我对这项计划的担忧。剑桥国际I narrowly missed (= I only just avoided) being run over by a bus this morning. 今天早上我侥幸避过被公共汽车撞的危险。剑桥国际I saw him pedal to school every morning. 我看到他每天早晨骑自行车上学。译典通I spent the morning pulling up the weeds in the flowerbeds.我一个早上在拔花坛里的杂草。剑桥国际I woke up at six this morning. 今天早晨我六点钟醒来。译典通I'll be very busy on Friday afternoon, but I could see you in the morning instead.星期五下午我会很忙,但我可以在上午见你。剑桥国际I'll switch on the washing machine last thing so it'll be finished when I get up in the morning.我临睡前把洗衣机接上电源,这样我早上起来它就能干完了。剑桥国际I've been calling all morning but I can't get any answer.我一早上都在打电话,但没有任何回音。剑桥国际If there was one thing she couldn't face in the morning it was her mother on the warpath.假如说早上有一件事情令她无法面对的话,那就是她母亲的大发脾气。剑桥国际It rained all morning and the sun didn't begin to peep out from behind the clouds till midday.雨下了整整一个早晨,太阳直到中午才从云后露了出来。剑桥国际Keep Monday morning free for a meeting.把星期一上午空出来开会。牛津商务My grandfather rises (= gets out of bed) at 5 every morning to do his exercises.我的祖父每天早晨5点起床锻炼身体。剑桥国际Night turned into morning, grey and cold.黑夜转成黎明,阴沉而寒冷。剑桥国际Panic buying of basic foodstuffs set in this morning as the government announced a 300% increase in prices.当政府宣布价格上浮300%时,基本食品的抢购今天早上便开始了。剑桥国际Please come to see me early tomorrow morning. 请明天一早来见我。译典通She had a boil lanced at the doctor's this morning.今天早晨她在诊所开了个疖。剑桥国际She jogs for twenty minutes every morning before breakfast.她每天早饭前慢跑20分钟。剑桥国际She rinses (out) her mouth every morning to prevent bad breath.她每天早晨漱口,以防止难闻的口气。剑桥国际She was up until the small hours of the morning trying to finish her essay.她为了完成论文一直到凌晨才睡。剑桥国际The council held a private meeting this morning.理事会今天上午举行了一个秘密会议。牛津商务The dentist can't see you today but she has a vacancy tomorrow morning.牙医今天不能给你看,但她明天早上有个空余时间。剑桥国际The market is absolutely dead this morning.今天上午市场极度疲软。牛津商务The men's semi-finals in the tennis were washed out this morning.今天上午的男子网球半决赛因雨取消。剑桥国际The news was from the Courier of that morning. 这则消息来自那天早晨的信使报。译典通The report arrived on/landed on/reached my desk (= I received it) this morning.报告今天早上到我手里。剑桥国际We caught the red-eye from LA and got to New York at five this morning.我们乘洛杉矶的夜间班机,今天早晨五点到达纽约。剑桥国际We got our wires crossed, she thought I said the train left at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when in fact it leaves at 3 o'clock in the morning.我们发生了误解,她以为我说的是火车下午3点开车,然而实际上是凌晨3点开车。剑桥国际We muck out early every morning.我们每天清早打扫马厩。剑桥国际We put our wheelie bin out to be emptied every Thursday morning.我们每个星期四的早晨把带有轮子的垃圾箱放到外面等待清理。剑桥国际We would go to the beach in the morning and stay there all day.我们可以早上去海滩然后在那儿呆一整天。剑桥国际When Mary came home at three in the morning, her father hit the ceiling. 玛丽在凌晨三点钟回家时,她父亲勃然大怒。译典通

