
单词 affinity
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔McLaughlin〕British jazz guitarist best known for his virtuosic playing and for his affinity for flamenco and Eastern music.麦克劳林,约翰:英国爵士乐吉它手,因其精湛的弹奏以及对佛来明哥舞曲与东方音乐的偏爱而著称美国传统〔Miao-Yao〕A small group of languages of uncertain affinity, including Hmong and Yao, spoken in southern China, northern Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.苗瑶语:起源不清的一小组语言,包括荷芒语和瑶语,见于中国南部,老挝、泰国和越南北部美国传统〔RELATIONSHIP〕They seemed so different, yet he sensed an affinity between them. 他们看上去如此不同,他却感到他们彼此很亲近。朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕Venetians feel more affinity with inhabitants of Vienna than with those of Rome. 威尼斯人觉得与维也纳的居民关系比与罗马的人关系更亲密。朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕We have a deep affinity formed through many years of friendship. 经过多年的友谊,我们建立了很深厚的感情。朗文写作活用〔affinity〕A house design should have some affinity with the surrounding architecture.房屋的设计应与周围建筑在一定程度上谐调。牛津搭配〔affinity〕English has a close affinity to (或 with) French.英语和法语很相似。英汉大词典〔affinity〕He has a close affinity with the landscape he knew when he was growing up.他对这片从小就了解的土地有着一种归属感。柯林斯高阶〔affinity〕He has a natural affinity with numbers.他天生就喜欢数字。牛津搭配〔affinity〕He has a special affinity for booze.他嗜杯中物。英汉大词典〔affinity〕He never felt any affinity with the other kids in his neighborhood.小时候他和邻里的其他孩子从来玩不到一块儿。韦氏高阶〔affinity〕His work shows some affinity with current trends in design.他的作品与时下的设计趋势有某些相似之处。牛津搭配〔affinity〕I felt a great affinity with the people of the islands.我被岛上的人民深深地吸引。牛津搭配〔affinity〕I had this tremendous affinity with the place.我对这个地方有一种极大的亲近感。外研社新世纪〔affinity〕It's important that you share an affinity with your husband.和丈夫有共同的爱好十分重要。牛津搭配〔affinity〕Jo feels a great affinity towards / toward Pamela.乔十分喜欢帕梅拉。牛津搭配〔affinity〕Many girls do show an affinity for craft skills.许多女孩子确实喜爱手工。牛津搭配〔affinity〕Sam was born in the country and had a deep affinity with nature.萨姆在乡下出生,特别喜爱大自然。牛津高阶〔affinity〕She felt an affinity with earlier poets.她喜欢较早时期的诗人。牛津搭配〔affinity〕She has a distinct affinity for music.她对音乐有一种特别的喜好。麦克米伦高阶〔affinity〕She has a natural affinity with animals.她天生喜欢动物。牛津同义词〔affinity〕She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water.她好像天生就喜欢水。剑桥高阶〔affinity〕The film doesn’t have much affinity with the book.电影和书不很相同。牛津同义词〔affinity〕There is a close affinity between Italian and Spanish.意大利语和西班牙语关系密切。牛津高阶〔affinity〕There is a close affinity between these two species.这两个物种极为相似。牛津搭配〔affinity〕There is a natural affinity between British and Asian women.英国女性和亚洲女性之间有一种自然的亲近感。柯林斯高阶〔affinity〕There is a natural affinity between British and Asian women.英国妇女和亚洲妇女之间有一种天然的亲近感。外研社新世纪〔affinity〕There's always been an affinity between us.我俩一直很投缘。韦氏高阶〔affinity〕There's an affinity between the twins that's very rare.在双胞胎之间有一种非常罕见的相互感应。麦克米伦高阶〔appetence〕A natural attraction or affinity.亲和力:自然吸引或亲近性美国传统〔avidity〕Degree of affinity.亲合力美国传统〔basophilia〕The affinity of cellular structures for basic dyes, such as methylene blue.嗜碱性:基本染料,如亚基兰的细胞结构的亲和性美国传统〔close〕When the deal closes, Affinity will own 80 per cent of the company.交易达成后, 阿芬尼提将拥有公司80%的股权。外研社新世纪〔consanguinity〕A close affinity or connection.亲密的关系或联系美国传统〔cryophilic〕Having an affinity for or thriving at low temperatures.嗜冷的:具有喜爱低温的特性或在低温中能快速生长的美国传统〔cytophilic〕Having an affinity for cells.嗜细胞的:对细胞有亲和力的美国传统〔desiccant〕A substance, such as calcium oxide or silica gel, that has a high affinity for water and is used as a drying agent.干燥剂,脱水剂:一种对水有很强吸附性的物质(如氧化钙或硅胶),常用作干燥剂美国传统〔hydrophilic〕Having an affinity for water; readily absorbing or dissolving in water.吸水性的,亲水的:对水亲近;容易吸水或溶于水美国传统〔kinship〕Relationship by nature or character; affinity.亲密关系:由性质或特征形成的关系;密切关系美国传统〔lipophilic〕Having an affinity for, tending to combine with, or capable of dissolving in lipids.脂类的,柔脂的:有柔脂倾向的、倾向于与脂肪结合或能够消融脂肪的美国传统〔lipotropic〕Having an affinity for lipids.系脂的:对脂类有亲合力的美国传统〔mercerize〕To treat (cotton thread) with sodium hydroxide so as to shrink the fiber and increase its luster and affinity for dye.对…作碱化处理:将(棉线)浸在氢氧化钠溶液中以使纤维收缩并增加其光泽和与染料的亲合力美国传统〔myoglobin〕The form of hemoglobin found in muscle fibers, having a higher affinity for oxygen than hemoglobin of the blood.肌红蛋白:在肌肉纤维中常见的血红蛋白的形式,有比血液中的血红素更高的氧亲合性美国传统〔polychromatophilia〕Affinity for more than one type of stain, especially for both basic and acidic stains.多染色性:一种以上种类的染色剂的亲和力,特别是对碱性和酸性染色剂都具有的亲和力美国传统〔rapport〕Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity.关系,友好:关系,尤指一种互相信任,彼此友爱的关系美国传统〔specific〕Immunology Having an affinity limited to a particular antibody or antigen.【免疫学】 特效的:只对特定抗体或抗原有效的美国传统〔sympathy〕A relationship or an affinity between people or things in which whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other.意气相投,同感:人或物之间的一种关系或相似点,即影响一个人或物的东西也会相应地影响另一个人或物美国传统〔sympathy〕Mutual understanding or affection arising from this relationship or affinity.同情:因这种关系或共同点而产生的互相理解或感情美国传统〔zoophilism〕Attraction to or affinity for animals.酷爱动物:被动物所吸引或喜好动物美国传统He felt a strong affinity to the Russian girl. 他深受那个俄国姑娘吸引。译典通Italian has a close affinity to French. 义大利语和法语很相似。译典通People really feel an affinity for dolphins and want to help them.人们的确非常喜欢海豚,并想帮助它们。剑桥国际Peter has a special affinity for booze. 彼得嗜酒。译典通She has / feels strong affinity for / with the homeless since her experiences in India.自从她的印度之行以后,她对无家可归者非常同情。剑桥国际The French have an affinity for cyclists unknown on the British side of the Channel.法国人对骑车有着强烈的兴趣,而海峡另一侧的英国人却对此无甚了解。剑桥国际

