
单词 alumina
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aluminiferous〕Containing or yielding aluminum, alumina, or alum.含铝的;产铝的:含有或出产铝、氧化铝或明矾的美国传统〔boule〕A pear-shaped synthetic sapphire, ruby, or other alumina-based gem, produced by fusing and tinting alumina.人造宝石:一种通过将铝熔化和染色而制成的梨形合成蓝宝石、红宝石或其它矾土宝石美国传统〔cobalt blue〕A blue to green pigment consisting of a variable mixture of cobalt oxide and alumina.钴蓝:一种蓝色到绿色颜料,由氧化钴和氧化铝的不同混合成分组成美国传统〔earth〕Chemistry Any of several metallic oxides, such as alumina or zirconia, that are difficult to reduce and were formerly regarded as elements.【化学】 难以还原的氧化物:某种金属氧化物,如铝化合物、锌化合物,难以被还原成元素的美国传统〔latosol〕Soil that is rich in iron, alumina, or silica and formed in tropical woodlands under very humid climate with relatively high temperature.砖红壤:富含铁质矾土或二氧化硅的土壤,分布于气候湿润、具有相对高温的热带林区美国传统〔pedalfer〕Soil rich in alumina and iron and deficient in carbonates, found in and characteristic of humid regions.铁铝土:一种在湿润的地区可找到并以此为特征的含丰富铝和铁但缺少碳酸盐的土壤美国传统〔salic〕Of or relating to certain minerals, such as quartz and the feldspars, that commonly occur in igneous rocks and contain large amounts of silica and alumina.硅铝质的:属于或有关特定矿物质的,如石英和长石,常常在火成岩中出现,含有大量硅和铝美国传统

