
单词 follow
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕Taylor explains his theory in the pages that follow. 泰勒在随后的几页里对他的理论作了解释。朗文写作活用〔AFTER〕The following day she woke up with a splitting headache. 第二天她醒来时头痛欲裂。朗文写作活用〔By tradition〕They no longer follow tradition.他们不再遵循传统。韦氏高阶〔COPY〕Brian persuaded his brothers to follow his example and join the navy. 布赖恩说服他的兄弟像他一样去参加海军。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕We're hoping that Europe will follow the US's lead and ban all use of these poisonous gases. 我们希望欧洲会仿效美国,全面禁止使用这些毒气。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕Follow that car and don't let it get away from you. 跟上那辆车,别让它跑了。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕Detectives followed the man as far as the harbour, but then he jumped into a speedboat and got clean away. 侦探们跟踪那个男子到了港口,而他却突然跳上一艘快艇,逃得无影无踪。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕He skulked along the street, looking this way and that to see if anyone was following him. 他在街上躲躲闪闪地走着,东张张西望望,看是否有人跟踪他。朗文写作活用〔IMPROVE〕In the weeks that followed, his health continued to improve. 随后几个星期,他的健康状况在不断改善。朗文写作活用〔INSTINCT〕I felt someone was following me, but when I turned around, there was nobody there. 我觉得有人在跟踪我,可当我转过身去,那儿却没有人影。朗文写作活用〔INSTRUCTIONS〕These worksheets are designed to teach children how to solve problems and follow directions. 这些活页练习题的设计目的是教会儿童如何解决问题并按指示做。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕They threatened to expel him if he didn't follow the party line. 他们威胁说,如果他不遵循党的路线,就开除他。朗文写作活用〔Mousterian〕Designating or belonging to a Middle Paleolithic culture following the Acheulian and associated with Neanderthal man, characterized by the use of flaked tools.莫斯特文化:指或属于继阿舍利文化之后的、同尼安德特人有关的欧洲旧石器时代中期的文化,其文化特征为使用薄石片工具美国传统〔Nazarene〕A member of an American Protestant denomination, the Church of the Nazarene, that follows many of the doctrines of early Methodism.美国基督教新教教徒:美国基督教新教统治下的一员!拿撒勒人的教堂遵循了许多早期美以美教派的教条美国传统〔Q and A〕There will be a brief Q and A following the speech.演讲之后将会有一个简短的问答环节。韦氏高阶〔SUMMARIZE〕What follows is a rundown of all the ways one company tries to market its products. 接下来是简单介绍一下一家公司推销产品的所有方法。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The civil rights movement attracted a large following in the northern cities. 民权运动在北方城市吸引了大批的拥护者。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕American evening soap operas tend to be about the rich, while British soaps follow the lives of ordinary people. 美国晚间播出的肥皂剧大多是讲有钱人,而英国的肥皂剧则反映普通人的生活。朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕The foreman reprimanded the workers severely for not following safety procedures. 工头严厉地把工人训斥了一顿,因为他们不遵守安全程序。朗文写作活用〔Tuesday〕I met him on a Thursday, and by the following Tuesday we were great friends.我周四和他相识, 到接下来的周二时已经成了非常要好的朋友。外研社新世纪〔WAR〕Government soldiers ran into a group of rebels, and a skirmish followed. 政府军遭遇一群叛乱分子,发生了小冲突。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕What followed, as the saying goes, shook the world. 后来发生的事,正如俗语所说,举世震惊。朗文写作活用〔abdicate〕Following the coup, King Constantine was forced to abdicate.政变发生后, 康斯坦丁国王被迫退位。外研社新世纪〔advance〕The 20-strong advance party will be followed by another 600 soldiers as part of UN relief efforts.作为联合国救援行动的一部分,在这支由20多人组成的先头部队之后还将增派600名士兵。柯林斯高阶〔afterglow〕The comfortable feeling following a pleasant experience.余韵:愉快经历后舒适感美国传统〔alone〕She's asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere.她要求别打扰她,但是摄影记者到处都跟着她。牛津高阶〔angiography〕Examination of the blood vessels using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance.血管造影术:注射射线不能穿透物体后用X射线对血管进行的检查美国传统〔anguish〕His whole frame quivered with anguish as one kick followed another.他被踢了一脚又一脚,全身因剧痛而颤抖。英汉大词典〔argument〕Did you follow the argument of the lecture?你能理解演讲的论点吗?牛津同义词〔arrow〕Follow the red arrows to get to the camp reception.顺着红色的箭头就能到达营地接待处。牛津搭配〔ascetic〕The hermit followed an ascetic life-style.这个隐士过的是苦行生活。牛津同义词〔be a hard/tough act to follow〕His presidency was very successful - it'll be a hard act to follow.他的总统生涯成就辉煌,这让其继任者难望其项背。剑桥高阶〔behind〕Alex led, and I followed along behind.亚历克斯带头,我紧随其后。剑桥高阶〔breach〕She left home following the breach with her family.与家人的关系破裂后,她离开了家。牛津搭配〔capacity〕It seems to be beyond his capacity to (= he seems to be unable to) follow simple instructions.他好像连简单的指令也听不懂。剑桥高阶〔card〕Send your details on a card to the following address.在明信片上写明你的近况寄到下面的地址。柯林斯高阶〔carom〕A collision followed by a rebound.撞击弹回:撞击一下再弹开美国传统〔car〕Police in an unmarked car had been following the stolen vehicle.警察驾驶一辆无标志的警车一直在跟踪被盗车。牛津搭配〔circuit〕A closed path followed or capable of being followed by an electric current.电路:一个通过电流或可通过电流的封闭路径美国传统〔circuit〕The act of following such a path or route.环行,巡回:沿这种路径行进的行为美国传统〔condition〕His condition deteriorated overnight and he died the following day.他的病情一夜之间恶化,第二天就去世了。麦克米伦高阶〔courante〕Music The second movement of the classical baroque suite, typically following the allemande.【音乐】 第二乐章:古典巴洛克组曲的第二乐章,通常跟在中速的二或四拍音乐作品的后面美国传统〔course〕I had prawns, followed by steak for my main course.我先吃虾,接下来主菜吃牛排。麦克米伦高阶〔crystal ball〕It doesn't take a crystal ball to predict his resignation will probably follow.即使不用水晶球占卜, 也能预测到他很可能不久会辞职。外研社新世纪〔dead〕The instructions are dead easy to follow.这些指令很容易执行。牛津高阶〔declare〕Others followed him and declared against the monarchy.其他人跟随他表态反对君主制。麦克米伦高阶〔develop〕A row developed following the chairman's remarks.主席讲话之后人们吵了起来。外研社新世纪〔direction〕Follow label directions for best results.根据标签指示找到最好的结果。牛津搭配〔discussion〕What follows is a discussion of the merits of each method.以下论述的是每种方法的优点。麦克米伦高阶〔disturbing〕The following programme contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers.以下节目可能会有一些使某些观众感到不适的场景。剑桥高阶〔drift〕I didn't follow the speech exactly, but I caught the main drift of what was being said.我没有完全听懂讲演,但领会了其主旨。牛津搭配〔emotive〕Kuwait's emir set the tone in Washington following an emotive appeal for his country at the United Nations.科威特埃米尔在联合国为本国人民作出的吁请感人至深, 这为其随后访问华盛顿的活动定下了基调。外研社新世纪〔euphoria〕The initial euphoria following their victory in the election has now subsided.他们选举获胜之初的狂喜现在已经平静下来了。韦氏高阶〔evening〕The ball would take place the following evening.舞会将在第二天晚上举行。牛津搭配〔example〕She should remember that she is a public figure and that others may follow her example.她应该谨记自己是位公众人物, 别人可能会效仿她。外研社新世纪〔expected〕Events did not follow their expected course.事情并没有朝着他们预想的方向发展。麦克米伦高阶〔failure〕Initial failure was followed by unexpected, if modest, success.最初的失败之后是意想不到的成功,即便并不辉煌。牛津搭配〔failure〕She was criticized for failure to follow directions.她因没有按照指令去做而受到了批评。韦氏高阶〔false〕Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false.指出下列每个陈述是正确的还是错误的。韦氏高阶〔fc.〕Follow copy.稿子美国传统〔finesse〕After they'd finessed the software, they followed the people using it for several months.他们在改善软件后跟踪了用户好几个月的时间。剑桥高阶〔flurry〕A flurry of substitutions then followed the sending-off.罚人下场之后进行了一系列人员调整。外研社新世纪〔follow ... up〕After Mary sent a letter to apply for a job, she followed it up by going to talk to the personnel manager.玛丽发出求职信后,她接着还找人事部经理面谈。21世纪英汉〔follow out〕You must have a definite plan and you must follow it out steadily.你必须有一个明确的计划并且坚定地执行下去。外研社新世纪〔follow through〕We have followed your instructions through to the last detail.我们已经不折不扣地执行了你的指示。21世纪英汉〔following〕Payment may be made in any of the following ways: cheque, cash, or credit card.可用以下任何一种方式付款: 支票、现金或信用卡。朗文当代〔following〕The following are the times of departing trains: 2 p.m., 4 p.m., and 8 p.m.以下为火车出发时间:下午2点、4点和8点。韦氏高阶〔following〕The following year she joined the Royal Opera House.次年她加入了皇家歌剧院。柯林斯高阶〔following〕Trains will leave at the following times: 2 p.m., 4 p.m., and 8 p.m.火车将在以下时间出发:下午2点、4点和8点。韦氏高阶〔following〕Will the following please stand up?请下面点到的人站起来好吗?外研社新世纪〔follow〕Follow me please. I'll show you the way.请跟我走。我来给你指路。牛津高阶〔follow〕Follow the path to the left from the car-park down to the church.沿着左边的小路从停车场走到教堂。外研社新世纪〔follow〕Follow this road to the corner.沿着这条路到拐角处。21世纪英汉〔follow〕Do you follow snooker?你有经常留意落袋球这玩意吗?牛津同义词〔follow〕Do your own thing, don't just follow the crowd (= do what everyone else does).做你自己的事,不要只是随大溜。剑桥高阶〔follow〕His translation follows the original faithfully.他的翻译忠实于原文。英汉大词典〔follow〕I followed her down the corridor and caught up with her.我跟着她穿过走廊, 赶上了她。外研社新世纪〔follow〕If they followed the road, they would be certain to reach a village.如果他们沿着这条路走,就一定会到达一个村庄。柯林斯高阶〔follow〕More information will follow shortly.更多信息马上就会出现。牛津搭配〔follow〕Other students followed her lead and boycotted lectures.其他学生仿效她抵制讲座。麦克米伦高阶〔follow〕Potatoes are still the most popular food, followed by white bread.土豆依然是最受欢迎的食物, 其次是白面包。外研社新世纪〔follow〕She followed her sister everywhere.她到哪儿都同她姐姐在一起。英汉大词典〔follow〕She just doesn't understand people who follow football or any other kind of sport.她就是不能理解热衷足球或其他体育运动的人。朗文当代〔follow〕She told him to go away and stop following her around.她叫他走开,别到处跟着她。朗文当代〔follow〕She's not in the office but it doesn't necessarily follow that she's ill.她不在办公室,并不见得她就是病了。21世纪英汉〔follow〕The assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968 was followed by that of Robert Kennedy.1968 年马丁‧路德‧金遭暗杀,之后是罗伯‧肯尼迪。朗文当代〔follow〕The novel follows the fortunes of a village community in Scotland.小说敍述了苏格兰一个村落的变迁。牛津高阶〔follow〕The police are now following up some new leads.警察现在正在追查一些新线索。麦克米伦高阶〔follow〕There followed seven months of hard negotiations.接着是7个月艰苦的谈判。麦克米伦高阶〔follow〕To do as another has done; follow an example.模仿:做别人已经做过的事;以…为例子美国传统〔follow〕What follows from this? 这事结果怎样? 英汉大词典〔follow〕Wherever she led, they followed.她引向哪里,他们就跟到哪里。牛津高阶〔follow〕You go ahead and we'll follow on later.你先走,我们随后就来。牛津搭配〔follow〕You should follow the main highway until you see signs for the stadium.你应该沿着公路干道走,直到看见体育场的标志。韦氏高阶〔footstep〕He is following in his father's footsteps and studying to be a doctor.他准备继承父业,正在学医。英汉大词典〔footstep〕She followed in her mother's footsteps and became a doctor.她继承母亲的事业当了一名医生。麦克米伦高阶〔force〕These verbs mean to cause a person or thing to follow a prescribed or dictated course.这些动词表示使某人或某物沿规定的或指定的过程进行。美国传统〔good〕The patient was reported to be in good condition following surgery.报告显示,病人术后身体状况良好。韦氏高阶〔go〕Bill went on in the car and I followed on foot.比尔坐车先走,我步行跟在后面。朗文当代〔grief〕Trying to follow their directions was nothing but grief.试图按他们的指导去做只会一团糟美国传统〔halt〕In the months that followed, agricultural production was brought to a halt.在接下来的几个月里, 农业生产陷入停顿。外研社新世纪〔have to〕You have to follow the rules.你必须遵守规则。韦氏高阶〔heart〕Just follow your heart and you'll be happy.只需听从自己的心声就会很快乐。牛津搭配〔heel〕A little dog followed them, snapping at their heels.一只小狗跟在他们后面,猛咬他们的脚后跟。麦克米伦高阶〔important〕It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions.遵照厂家的说明很重要。牛津高阶〔instinct〕Why don't you just follow your natural instincts? 你何不听从自己的直觉呢?牛津搭配〔intoxication〕The feeling of intoxication that followed her victory was cut short by her father's sudden death.父亲的突然去世打断了胜利带给她的狂喜。剑桥高阶〔lead〕Many others followed his lead.很多人以他为榜样。外研社新世纪〔leap forward〕Our industry has leapt forward since we followed the policy of reform and opening.自从我们奉行改革开放政策以来,我们的工业飞速发展。21世纪英汉〔leave〕He argued that when the economy is left to itself, industrial efficiency and economic success automatically follow.他争辩说,听任经济自由发展时,工业效益和经济成果就自然而然地接踵而来。英汉大词典〔leave〕Wherever army ants go, they leave a chemical trail for other ants to follow.行军蚁所到之处都会留下化学痕迹以便让其他蚂蚁追随。麦克米伦高阶〔limp〕A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.因手术后膝盖不能打弯, 她走路一瘸一拐的。外研社新世纪〔line〕The trail follows a disused railroad line along the edge of the valley.这条小路沿着山谷边缘一条废弃的铁路线延伸。朗文当代〔line〕They followed the line of the river for three miles.他们沿着那条河走了三英里。牛津高阶〔lock step〕A standardized procedure that is closely, often mindlessly followed.固定不变的方式:完全甚至无意识照搬的一套标准程序美国传统〔logically〕From that it followed logically that he would not be meeting Hildegarde.由此, 他不去见希尔德加德便是顺理成章的事了。外研社新世纪〔mark〕Students will be marked down for failing to follow directions.学生如果不按题目要求去做,给的分数就会很低。朗文当代〔misdiagnosis〕Following several misdiagnoses, we finally discovered what the problem really was.几次错误判断之后,我们终于发现了真正的问题所在。韦氏高阶〔month〕A period extending from a date in one calendar month to the corresponding date in the following month.一个月的时间:从日历上某月的一天到下个月这一天的一段时间美国传统〔nasty〕I had a nasty feeling that he would follow me.我觉得他会跟着我,这使我感到十分不快。牛津高阶〔naturally〕Her conclusions follow naturally from the theory.她依据那个理论自然地得出这些结论。韦氏高阶〔notice〕You couldn't help noticing how his eyes kept following her.你会不由得注意到他的眼睛一直盯着她。牛津搭配〔observe〕He was observed to follow her closely.有人看到他紧跟着她。牛津高阶〔orientation〕The direction followed in the course of a trend, movement, or development.趋向:尾随着一系列趋势、运动或发展的方向美国传统〔pace〕Thinking that she was being followed, she quickened her pace.感到被人跟踪,她加快了脚步。牛津搭配〔patch〕Follow the instructions below to download and install the patch.按照下面的说明下载并安装修补程序。牛津高阶〔pattern〕All three attacks followed the same pattern.3次袭击模式相同。柯林斯高阶〔pattern〕The trees followed a characteristic pattern of growth.树木以一种特有的方式生长。韦氏高阶〔pinocytosis〕Introduction of fluids into a cell by invagination of the cell membrane, followed by formation of vesicles within the cells.胞饮作用,饮液作用,吞饮作用:因细胞膜内陷而将液体注入细胞中,随后在细胞内形成的细胞泡美国传统〔precursory〕Suggesting or indicating something to follow.预示的:表明或暗示某事将相继而来美国传统〔predetermine〕We followed a predetermined plan.我们按预定计划进行。英汉大词典〔procedure〕All schools have disciplinary procedures they must follow .所有学校都有纪律问题的处理程序,必须遵循。朗文当代〔procedure〕Did you follow the emergency procedure when you heard the alarm? 听到警报时你是按照应急程序做的吗?牛津搭配〔puerperal〕Relating to, connected with, or occurring during childbirth or the period immediately following childbirth.有关、关联或发生于分娩期或尾随分娩期后的时间的美国传统〔rear〕I followed them in the rear.我跟在他们后面。文馨英汉〔rear〕The Lord Mayor follows at the rear in his gilded coach.市长大人坐在他金碧辉煌的马车里, 跟在后面。外研社新世纪〔recommence〕The two countries agreed to recommence talks the following week.两国同意于随后的一周重新开始会谈。牛津高阶〔run〕My reasoning runs thus. The report runs as follows.我的逻辑是这样的。报告如下美国传统〔scent〕The dog followed the scent.狗跟踪臭迹。牛津同义词〔script〕The game plan was right. We just didn't follow the script.比赛战术是正确的。只是我们没有照部署去打。柯林斯高阶〔seal〕Following a bomb warning, police have sealed off the whole area.接到有炸弹的警告后,警方封锁了整个地区。朗文当代〔self-explanatory〕The following examples are self-explanatory.下列例子本身就可说明问题。英汉大词典〔signpost〕Just follow the signposts to the city centre.就按路标所指的方向去市中心。朗文当代〔sign〕Follow the signs for the city centre.照标牌的指示到市中心。牛津高阶〔silver〕Britain went on to take bronze and then followed it up by winning silver in the World Cup.英国斩获了铜牌,接下来又赢得了世界杯的银牌。柯林斯高阶〔simple〕There are three simple steps/rules to follow.接下来要遵循三个简单的步骤/规则。韦氏高阶〔single〕Following the success of their breakthrough single, a follow-up is planned.在那支大获成功的成名单曲之后,他们正计划推出另一支单曲。牛津搭配〔specifically〕Specifically, the department wanted answers to the following questions.具体来说,系里希望以下问题得到解决。朗文当代〔spree killer〕A serial killer whose murders occur in a very short span of time and follow no discernible pattern.狂欢杀手,疯狂杀手:在很短时间内,以无法辨别的手法犯下连续谋杀行为的杀手美国传统〔starter〕We had soup as a starter , followed by steak.我们的第一道菜是汤,接下来是牛排。朗文当代〔stasis〕His art was characterized by bursts of creativity followed by long periods of stasis.他的艺术特点是一时创意迸发接着长期停滞。韦氏高阶〔steps〕Her mother was a writer and Con had always determined to follow in her steps.可恩的母亲是个作家, 她一直决心追随母亲的脚步。外研社新世纪〔style〕Please follow house style(= the rules of spelling, etc. used by a particular publishing company).请遵循本社的行文格式。牛津高阶〔sure〕Make sure that you follow the instructions carefully.一定要认真按照操作指南来做。柯林斯高阶〔syllabus〕The courses do not follow the syllabus of any particular examination board.这些课程安排不遵循任何特定考试委员会的大纲。牛津搭配〔tailgate〕Slang To follow closely behind (another person), as in gaining access to an area requiring the use of an electronic identification card.【俚语】 使紧密衔接:紧紧地跟随在(另一人)的后面,如在进入一个需要使用电子识别卡的地区美国传统〔tail〕Informal To follow and keep under surveillance.【非正式用语】 盯梢:跟踪并监视美国传统〔talk〕Talks were scheduled for Rome the following month.会谈定于随后的一个月在罗马举行。牛津搭配〔tertiary〕Tertiary education follows secondary education.中等教育之后便是高等教育。英汉大词典〔thrash ... out〕We thrashed out the following plan.我们通过讨论拟出如下计划。21世纪英汉〔tomorrow〕The day following today.明天:今天以后的一天美国传统〔track〕To follow a course; travel.沿着一道路走;旅行美国传统〔tradition〕Both brothers followed the family tradition and became doctors.兄弟俩都继承了家族的传统,当了医生。朗文当代〔trail〕He was following a broad trail through the trees.他沿着林间的一条阔路行进。柯林斯高阶〔trilateral〕A trilateral summit meeting was planned for the following month.三方峰会计划在接下来的一个月举行。剑桥高阶〔unhip〕Not aware of or following the latest fashions or developments.不谙时髦的:不知道或不跟随最近流行式样或发展的美国传统〔unversed〕The article was difficult to follow for a reader unversed in the subject.读者如果对这一主题不熟悉就很难理解这篇文章。剑桥高阶〔voyager〕He aims to follow Columbus's voyage to the West Indies.他打算重走哥伦布到达西印度群岛的航行路线。柯林斯高阶〔walkabout〕The press conference was followed by a walkabout and a factory visit.新闻发布会之后是亲民活动和参观工厂。朗文当代〔whither〕He is in heaven, whither I hope to follow.(如今)他身在天国,我愿追随到那儿去。文馨英汉〔willy-nilly〕The decision has already been made, we can only follow willy-nilly.决定已经作出;我们愿意也好不愿意也好,只能照办。英汉大词典〔work〕You can work miracles with very little money if you follow our home decoration tips.你要是按照我们的家居装饰诀窍行事,可以用很少的钱就产生奇妙的效果。牛津高阶Following the arrest of the small child's suspected killer, a lynch mob (= a group of people who want to kill someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime, without a legal trial) has been out on the streets.当杀害孩子的嫌疑犯被捕之后,要求将他私刑绞死的人们涌到了街头。剑桥国际After it ceased to be a hospital there followed the usual interminable saga of what to do with the building.在这栋建筑物不再是医院后,接下来就是通常那样没完没了的怎么处理它的故事。剑桥国际All the major airlines are reporting a flood of last-minute cancellations following the latest terrorist attacks.各大航空公司都报告在最近几次恐怖分子袭击之后有大批人在最后一刻取消旅行。剑桥国际Because of the following wind, I did my run much more quickly than usual.因为顺风,我跑得要比平时快得多。剑桥国际Correct the errors in the following sentences, if any. 如果下列句子中有错,请改正。译典通Each October, the company sets its budget for the following year.公司在每年的10月份都要为下一年度制定预算。剑桥国际Few people believe she will be re-elected following her dismal showing in the opinion polls.她在民意测验中前景不妙的支持率使得很少有人相信她能重新当选。剑桥国际He follows her around like a little puppy -dog.他就像只小狗一样跟着她到东到西。剑桥国际His dog follows him everywhere he goes. 无论到哪里,他那条狗总跟著他。译典通His illness followed on the death of his wife. 他的病是因他妻子去世而引起的。译典通If one bank raises interest rates, all the others will follow their lead.如果一家银行提高利率,所有其他银行都会效法。牛津商务If we posit that wage rises cause inflation, it follows that we should try to minimize them.如果我们假设工资上涨会导致通货膨胀的话,那么我们应该努力使其最小化。剑桥国际If we were to adopt this proposal, several advantages would follow.假如我们采用这一提议,就会获得诸多的益处。剑桥国际Jamie followed his mother around all day like a shadow.杰米像影子一样整天跟着他母亲。剑桥国际Just follow signs for the town centre.跟着指向市中心的路标走就行。剑桥国际Just follow your nose until you reach the first crossroad, and then turn right. 照直走,走到第一个交叉路口右转。译典通Night follows day as a necessity. 白天过去,夜幕降临,这是必然的。译典通She left the matrimonial home following an argument with her husband.她在与丈夫发生争执后离家出走。剑桥国际The detective followed the suspect wherever he went, like a wild animal stalking its prey.无论嫌疑犯到哪儿,侦探都跟着,就像野兽在追踪它的猎物。剑桥国际The dog followed us home.那条狗跟随着我们回家。剑桥国际The full text of the communique reads as follows. 公报全文如下。译典通They followed her academic progress closely.他们对她的学术进展密切关注。剑桥国际We followed her up the stairs to a large meeting room.我们跟着她上了楼梯,到了一间大会议室。剑桥国际We followed the line of cairns across the open hillside.我们跟随着排列成行的堆石标越过山坡。剑桥国际We accept payment by bank transfer or any of the following e-currencies … 我们接受的付款方式有银行转账或以下任何一种电子货币…牛津商务We drove intrepidly into the city centre, doing our best to follow the road signs.我们勇敢地驾车驶入市中心,尽力照路旁的标记行驶。剑桥国际We've got to visit my parents next weekend, but we're free the following two Saturdays.我们下个周末得去看望我父母,但我们接下来的两个星期六都有空。剑桥国际You must follow the correct procedure for hiring staff.你必须遵循雇用员工的正确程序。牛津商务

