“fair chance”例句

单词 fair chance
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔backwards〕We leant over backwards to make sure that candidates from minority groups were given a fair chance.我们竭尽全力确保来自少数派团体的候选人得到公平的机会。外研社新世纪〔chance〕Everyone deserves a fair chance of winning the award.每个人都有公平的获奖机会。韦氏高阶〔chance〕She played left-handed to give her opponent a fair chance.她用左手进行比赛以给对手一个较为公平的机会。牛津搭配〔chance〕There's a fair chance that nobody will come to the talk.很有可能没人来听讲座。牛津搭配〔fair shake〕A fair chance, as at achieving success.公平待遇:平等的机会,如取得成功的平等机会美国传统〔fair〕I have a fair chance of winning.我有一定胜算。外研社新世纪〔fair〕She's got a fair chance of winning (= there is a reasonable chance that she will win).她获胜的可能性相当大。剑桥高阶〔fair〕There's a fair chance that we might win this time.这次我们可能胜算很大。牛津高阶〔fair〕There's a fair chance we'll be coming over to England this summer.今年夏天我们很可能会去英格兰。朗文当代〔major〕Our major concern is how to give everyone a fair chance.我们更关注的是如何给每个人一个公平的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔sporting chance〕A fair chance for success.成功的公平机会美国传统She's got a fair chance of winning (= There is a reasonable chance that she will win) the title this year.她今年很有可能赢得这个称号。剑桥国际

