“british isles”例句

单词 british isles
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Insular Celtic〕A branch of the Celtic languages comprising those spoken or having originated in the British Isles and divided into the Goidelic and Brittonic groups.凯尔特岛民:由英伦群岛的语言所发展或源自于英伦群岛所组成凯尔特语的一个分支,区分为盖尔及布立吞族群美国传统〔TRAVEL〕He was the first traveller from the British Isles to visit Abyssinia. 他是第一位从不列颠群岛到阿比西尼亚游玩的旅行者。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The Roman legions left, opening the way for the conquest of the British Isles by the Germanic tribes. 罗马军团撤退,给日耳曼部族开辟了征服不列颠群岛的道路。朗文写作活用〔continental〕Continental Europe and the British Isles 欧洲大陆和英伦三岛英汉大词典〔court tomb〕A Neolithic tomb found chiefly in the British Isles consisting of a chamber tomb adjoined by an open space marked off by large standing stones.法院石墓:多在英伦群岛上发现的新石器时代坟墓,包括一个墓室,与一个被大的直立石头所做记号的宽广空间相连美国传统〔distribution〕Has the Channel Tunnel improved the distribution of goods between the British Isles and mainland Europe? 海峡隧道是否改善了不列颠群岛与欧洲大陆之间的货物流通?剑桥高阶〔here〕Here is the weather forecast for the British Isles.下面是不列颠群岛天气预报。麦克米伦高阶〔hillbilly music〕A type of country music originating in the Appalachian Mountains and based on the traditional folk music of the British Isles.乡土音乐:一种发源于阿巴拉契亚山脉的乡村音乐,以不列颠群岛的传统民族音乐为基础美国传统〔manner〕The British Isles have been conquered by all manner of people.不列颠群岛被各种各样的民族征服过。朗文当代〔menhir〕A prehistoric monument of a class found chiefly in the British Isles and northern France, consisting of a single tall, upright megalith.竖石纪念物:一种史前遗留下来的纪念碑,主要存在于不列颠群岛及法国北部,由单块高而直的巨石构成美国传统〔northerly〕Unst is the most northerly island in the British Isles.安斯特岛是不列颠群岛中最北的一个。柯林斯高阶〔stronghold〕Shetland is the last stronghold of otters in the British Isles.设得兰群岛是水獭在不列颠群岛上最后的栖息地。柯林斯高阶〔trough〕Troughs of low pressure will cross the British Isles.若干低压槽将穿过不列颠群岛。英汉大词典〔wedge tomb〕A Neolithic chamber tomb found chiefly in the British Isles that narrows from the entrance to the back.楔形墓穴:主要是在英伦群岛所发现的新石器时代墓室,由入口处向后方逐渐变窄美国传统An anticyclone of 1030 millibars is over the British Isles.不列颠岛上空存在着1030毫巴的高气压。剑桥国际In 1963 there was one of the longest cold spells ever recorded in the British Isles.不列颠群岛在1963年曾经有过一次创记录的长久寒冷期。剑桥国际The coastal waters of the British Isles do not freeze because the Gulf Stream (= water from the Gulf of Mexico which flows across the Atlantic Ocean) keeps the temperature relatively warm.靠近大不列颠群岛海岸的水不会结冰,因为墨西哥湾暖流将水温保持得相对较高。剑桥国际Twenty people died in the storms which lashed the British Isles at the weekend.二十人死于周末袭击不列颠群岛的风暴。剑桥国际

