
单词 grove
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DESERVE〕The evil Mr Grove gets his comeuppance at the end of the story. 故事的结尾,邪恶的格罗夫先生得到了应得的惩罚。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕The old city lay among sweet-smelling pine woods and almond groves. 古城坐落在一片飘着松树和杏树馨香的树林里。朗文写作活用〔academe〕There is an untapped wealth of writing talent, not in the groves of academe, but among the general population.有一类人的写作才华尚待发觉, 这类人并非出自学术界, 而是来自普通民众。外研社新世纪〔amid〕The hotel was in a beautiful position amid lemon groves.旅馆位于柠檬树丛之中,优美宜人。牛津高阶〔bamboo〕Bamboo grows in the grove near the house.竹子生长在屋旁的树丛中。韦氏高阶〔brighten〕The grove brightened after the moon came out.月亮出来后小树林里明亮起来。英汉大词典〔by〕We had made arrangements to stop by her house in Pacific Grove.我们已安排好去造访她位于帕西菲克格罗夫的家。柯林斯高阶〔clamber〕They clambered up the stone walls of a steeply terraced olive grove.他们手脚并用, 爬上了一片陡直梯田状的橄榄林外的石墙。外研社新世纪〔clamber〕They clambered up the stone walls of a steeply terraced olive grove.他们手脚并用,爬上了一片成陡直梯田状的橄榄林外面的石头围墙。柯林斯高阶〔coolly〕Soon we left the coolness of the olive groves.很快我们就离开了凉爽的橄榄树林。柯林斯高阶〔cross〕Le Tissier hit an accurate cross to Groves.勒蒂塞尔准确地把球横传给格罗夫斯。外研社新世纪〔discharge〕Judge Richard Groves discharged the jury after it had failed to reach a verdict.理查德・格罗夫斯法官因为陪审团未能作出裁定而将其解散。麦克米伦高阶〔grove〕Camberwell Grove 坎伯威尔路剑桥高阶〔grove〕Elm Grove 埃尔姆街牛津高阶〔grove〕He owns an orange grove near Tel Aviv.他在特拉维夫附近拥有一个橘园。朗文当代〔grove〕Ladbroke Grove 拉德布罗克路英汉大词典〔grove〕Lisson Grove 利森路朗文当代〔hide〕The grove of trees hid the village from sight.树丛把村庄遮挡住了。英汉大词典〔hill〕Olive groves cover the hills.橄榄树丛覆盖着山丘。牛津搭配〔in-between〕In-between are the groves of banana trees.中间是香蕉树丛。英汉大词典〔lie off〕On 6 December 1492, lying off Cuba, Columbus wrote of the island's beautiful harbours and groves.1492年12月6日, 在距离古巴不远的船上, 哥伦布记录下了这个岛上美丽的港湾和树林。外研社新世纪〔lost〕They were lost to sight in the citrus groves.他们在柑橘林中消失了。英汉大词典〔move around〕He moved around the country working in orange groves.他在乡村不断换工作,为不同的柑橘园干活。柯林斯高阶〔name〕His full name was William Augustus Grove.他的全名是威廉・奥古斯塔斯・格罗夫。牛津搭配〔pecan〕She walked far beyond the old grove of pecans.她一路走去, 远远地离开了那片老山核桃林。外研社新世纪〔picturesquely〕The hotel is set picturesquely among olive and lemon groves.这家旅馆坐落在橄榄树和柠檬树丛中, 美丽如画。外研社新世纪〔profusion〕Olive groves, grapes, and citrus fruits grow in profusion.橄榄、葡萄和柑橘类水果产量丰富。柯林斯高阶〔recall〕She could easily recall the smell of the orange groves.她常常回忆起那个柑橘园的芳香。牛津搭配〔recess〕I would watch the children playing at recess among the groves.我常常看那些小朋友于课间休息时在小树丛间玩耍。英汉大词典〔reverse out〕As she reversed out into St Mary's Grove she was already feeling odd.当她倒车开进圣玛丽路的时候, 就已经感觉有点怪了。外研社新世纪〔step〕Moving to Cottage Grove represented a definite step up (=something that is better than you had before) for my parents.搬到科地奇格罗夫对我父母来说绝对意味着是个改善。朗文当代〔the groves of academe〕It's yet another novel set in the groves of academe.这是又一部以大学为背景的小说。剑桥高阶〔thinly〕Further up the river, the vineyards start to thin out and the orange groves and almond trees take over.继续溯流而上,葡萄园开始淡去,柑橘园和杏树多了起来。柯林斯高阶At noonday two people entered the grove. 中午时分有两个人走进了树林。译典通I used to take a walk in the quiet grove. 过去我常在那安静的小树林里散步。译典通It's yet another novel set in the groves of academe.这是以学术界为背景的又一部小说。剑桥国际Ladbroke Grove 拉特布罗克路剑桥国际Orange groves grow around the village.橙树林围绕着村庄。剑桥国际We had a wonderful view of the olive groves from our hotel.从旅馆望出去,我们可以看到橄榄林的美景。剑桥国际

