
单词 habitats
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENVIRONMENT〕Ancient habitats such as grasslands, bogs, and wetlands are rapidly disappearing. 草原、沼泽和湿地等古老的天然栖息地正在迅速消失。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕Environmentalists say that the area includes the habitats of at least 20 endangered species. 环保人士称,至少有20个濒危物种在这个地区生长栖息。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕Further building development would threaten valuable badger and red squirrel habitats. 继续进行建筑开发会对珍稀的獾和红松鼠的生存环境构成威胁。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕Suburban gardens can provide habitats for many forms of wildlife. 郊区的公园可为多种野生生物提供栖息地。朗文写作活用〔OFFICIAL〕The need for greater protection for wildlife habitats is not always officially recognized. 野生生物的生活环境需要得到更大的保护,但是这并非总能得到官方的认可。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Development in the wetlands will put the environment and wildlife habitats at risk. 开发湿地将使自然环境和野生生物的栖息地受到威胁。朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕The natural habitats of Britain's wildlife have been ravaged by urban sprawl and pollution. 英国的野生生物的自然栖息地已经被都市扩展和污染破坏了。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Environmentalists claim that the development will have undesirable effects on animal habitats in the area. 环境主义者称,开发会对该地区动物的栖息地造成不良影响。朗文写作活用〔conservancy〕An organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats in the United States.保护机构:美国一个旨在保护自然资源与野生动植物的事业机构美国传统〔encroach〕Housing developments continue to encroach on wildlife habitats.房地产的发展继续蚕食着野生动物的栖息地。麦克米伦高阶〔foul〕The oil spill fouled the river and destroyed habitats.石油泄漏污染了河流,破坏了野生动物聚居地。剑桥高阶〔ghost〕The spirit of a dead person, especially one believed to appear in bodily likeness to living persons or to haunt former habitats.鬼,鬼魂:死人的精神或灵魂,尤指被认为能以身体再现于活人身上或经常在以前的住处出现的美国传统〔habitat〕One of our objectives is to restore habitats for native species.我们的目标之一就是恢复本地物种的生境。牛津搭配〔habitat〕Peat bogs are one of Europe's most threatened habitats.泥炭沼是欧洲面临最大威胁的生态环境之一。牛津搭配〔habitat〕The many different habitats support a wide variety of birds.多种多样的栖息地使各种鸟类得以生息。牛津搭配〔habitat〕These animals will lose their habitats by the flooding of the area.该地区的洪水会使这些动物失去它们的栖身之所。牛津搭配〔heterotopic〕Ecology Occurring in a number of different habitats.【生态学】 异位移植的:发生于数种不同栖息地或产地中美国传统〔mariculture〕Cultivation of marine organisms in their natural habitats, usually for commercial purposes.海上养殖:在海洋生物的天然栖息地养殖这些生物,通常是出于商业目的美国传统〔marsh〕The crane lives in marshy habitats.鹤生活在沼泽地里。朗文当代〔mosaic〕Mixed farms often provide the mosaic of different habitats that wildlife needs to thrive.混合式农场往往能为野生动物的繁荣生长提供各种不同的栖息地。外研社新世纪〔progression〕There is a progression of habitats from dry meadows through marshes to open water.栖息地是一系列的, 从干燥的草地到沼泽地, 再到开阔的水面。外研社新世纪〔radiate〕Ecology To spread into new habitats and thereby diverge or diversify. Used of a group of organisms.【生态学】 分散,扩展到新的聚居地:传到新的产地从而分散或变化。用于组织群落美国传统〔radiation〕Ecology The spread of a group of organisms into new habitats.【生态学】 分散:组织群落新的产地的扩展美国传统〔recreate〕Their work involves restoring and recreating wildlife habitats all across the country.他们的工作包括在全国恢复和重建野生动植物的生长环境。剑桥高阶〔restricted〕Plants, like animals, often have restricted habitats.植物和动物一样,生活环境常常有限。柯林斯高阶〔uppermost〕Protection of sites, habitats and landscapes is of uppermost priority.保护遗址、栖息地和风景区是重中之重。柯林斯高阶〔uppermost〕Protection of sites, habitats, and landscapes is of uppermost priority.对遗址、栖息地和风景区的保护是重中之重。外研社新世纪〔variable〕Polar habitats are harsh and highly variable.极地的生存环境条件艰苦,变化无常。牛津搭配〔vigilant〕The organization is ever vigilant for threats to the habitats of birds.该组织对鸟类栖息地所面临的种种威胁始终保持警惕。牛津搭配〔zoography〕The biological description of animals and their habitats.动物志:动物和它们的繁殖地的生物描述美国传统

