
单词 背甲
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔soft-shelled turtle〕Any of various freshwater turtles of the family Trionychidae, having a flat carapace covered with leathery skin and fleshy, elongated snout.软甲龟:一种属于鳖科的浅水龟,长有柔韧皮肤覆盖的、平坦的背甲和肉质的、细长的口鼻美国传统〔tergite〕A sclerite forming one of the constituents of a tergum.背甲:组成动物背甲几部分之一的一种硬壳美国传统〔turtleback〕Nautical An arched structure erected over the deck of a ship as protection from heavy seas.【航海】 龟背甲板:船的甲板上拱形的结构,可保护船在狂暴的海上航行美国传统〔whaleback〕A steamship with the bow and upper deck rounded so as to shed water.鲸背甲板船:一种蒸汽船,带有圆形的船头和上甲板以遮蔽雨水美国传统〔zoea〕A larval form of crabs and other decapod crustaceans, characterized by one or more spines on the carapace and rudimentary limbs on the abdomen and thorax. 蟹幼体:蟹和其它十足目甲壳纲动物的幼虫形式,其特点是在其背甲上有一个或多个脊椎,而且在腹部和胸部有一个或多个未发展完全的肢体美国传统

