
单词 自卫
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEFEND〕All nations have the right to self-defence. 所有国家都有自卫的权利。朗文写作活用〔DEFEND〕Carson claims he was defending himself when he struck the other man. 卡森声称他是为了自卫才打另一名男子的。朗文写作活用〔DEFEND〕She claims she shot him in self-defence. 她声称向他开枪是出于自卫朗文写作活用〔EXTREME〕Observers are disturbed by the rise in the number of far-right militias. 观察家对于极右国民自卫队人数的增长深感不安。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕The defendant's claims of self-defense left the jury unmoved. 被告声称是出于自卫,但陪审团不为所动。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕Taking action to defend yourself is a completely rational reaction if you're being attacked. 在遭受袭击的情况下采取行动自卫完全是理性的反应。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕The UN troops shouldn't be there just to be shot at -- they should be allowed to defend themselves. 联合国部队不该就在那里任人射击一应该允许他们自卫朗文写作活用〔TF.〕Territorial Force.地方自卫美国传统〔WEAK〕No one is doing anything to help these poor defenceless children. 对于这些可怜的没有自卫能力的孩子,没有人给予任何帮助。朗文写作活用〔WEAPON〕In the first weeks of the war, dozens of defenceless ships were sunk by submarines. 战争开始的几周内,许多没有自卫能力的船只被潜水艇击沉。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕Do you think violence is always wrong, even in self-defence? 你是否认为暴力总是不对的,即使是在自卫的时候?朗文写作活用〔act〕She had acted in self-defense when she killed her attacker.她出于自卫杀死了袭击者。韦氏高阶〔act〕The jury accepted that he had acted in self-defence / self-defense.陪审团接受了他那样做是出于自卫的观点。牛津搭配〔act〕The jury decided that Walker had acted in self-defence.陪审团裁定沃克的行为属于自卫朗文当代〔aikido〕A Japanese art of self-defense that employs holds and locks and that uses the principles of nonresistance in order to debilitate the strength of the opponent.合气道:日本的一种自卫拳术,运用搂抱和不抵抗的原则来削弱对方的力量美国传统〔biophilia〕An appreciation of life and the living world.生物自卫,生物本能:对生命及生物世界的热爱美国传统〔capoeira〕An Afro-Brazilian dance form that incorporates self-defense maneuvers.卡波埃拉舞:融合自卫作战动作的巴西黑人舞蹈美国传统〔carry〕He says he's got to carry a knife to protect himself.他说他得带把刀自卫朗文当代〔claim〕He tried to claim that he had acted in self-defence.他极力宣称自己是自卫牛津搭配〔come at〕He maintained that he was protecting himself from Mr Cox, who came at him with an axe.他坚持说当时考克斯先生拿着斧头向他冲过来,他是在自卫柯林斯高阶〔commander〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant commander and below captain.海军中校:美国海军和海岸自卫队军衔,高于少校但低于上校美国传统〔defenceless〕He was kicked as he lay defenceless on the ground.他躺在地上被人踢而无力自卫牛津搭配〔defence〕By wielding a knife in defence you run the risk of having it used against you.若是挥刀自卫,有可能会被夺去而反受其害。柯林斯高阶〔defence〕By wielding a knife in defence you run the risk of prosecution.如果持刀自卫, 那你就会有被起诉的风险。外研社新世纪〔defend oneself〕When he attacked me, I defended myself with a stick.当他向我袭击时,我用棒子自卫21世纪英汉〔defend〕In 1991 he and his friends defended themselves against some white racist thugs who set upon them for no other reason than their skin colour.1991 年,他和朋友在面对几个仅仅因为肤色就攻击他们的白人种族主义暴徒时奋起自卫柯林斯高阶〔defend〕They would have killed him if he had not defended himself.如果他当时不自卫, 他们可能已经把他杀了。外研社新世纪〔defend〕They would have killed him if he had not defended himself.如果他没有进行自卫的话,他们早就把他给杀死了。柯林斯高阶〔defend〕You have a right to defend yourself if you are being attacked.如果你受到攻击,你有权进行自卫麦克米伦高阶〔defenseless〕Without weapons of any kind, the people of the town were completely defenseless.没有任何武器,这个镇的居民根本无法自卫韦氏高阶〔defense〕The science or art of defending oneself; self-defense.防卫技巧,自卫:保护自己的技术或技巧;自卫美国传统〔defensive〕Psychology Constantly protecting oneself from criticism, exposure of one's shortcomings, or other real or perceived threats to the ego.【心理学】 自我保护的,自卫的:不断地保护自己,使自我不受批评,不暴露自己的短处或不受其它真的或可察觉的事威胁自我的美国传统〔draw〕He drew on me, and I was forced to defend myself.他拔出手枪对准我,我被迫自卫英汉大词典〔erect〕The soldiers had erected barricades to protect themselves.士兵们筑起了街垒用以自卫剑桥高阶〔even〕He'd learned the way how to defend himself and how to get even.他学会了自卫和不让别人占便宜的办法。英汉大词典〔grovel〕Don’t grovel — stick up for yourself!你别卑躬屈膝──要自卫牛津同义词〔help〕America's priority is to help nations defend themselves.美国最优先考虑的是帮助各国自卫防御。柯林斯高阶〔home guard〕A volunteer force formed to defend a homeland while the regular army is fighting elsewhere.国民自卫军:一支志愿组成的军队,在正规军在别处战斗时以保卫国土美国传统〔in self-defense〕She hit back in self-defense.出于自卫,她进行了反击。韦氏高阶〔insane〕Agnes was a battered woman who had killed, in self-defence, while temporarily insane.阿格尼丝是个饱受虐待的女人, 她在一时精神错乱的情况下出于自卫杀了人。外研社新世纪〔justify〕The constable was justified in shooting an escaped criminal in self-defence.警察出于自卫枪击逃犯的行为被判明无罪。英汉大词典〔karate〕A Japanese art of self-defense in which sharp blows and kicks are administered to pressure-sensitive points on the body of an opponent.空手道:一种日本的自卫术,其猛烈地拳击或腿踢针对对手身体上对压力敏感的部位美国传统〔knife〕Some young people are carrying knives to defend themselves.一些年轻人带刀子自卫朗文当代〔land on〕The girl rose in self-defence and landed a blow on the hooligan's nose.女孩奋起自卫,并打了流氓的鼻子一拳。21世纪英汉〔lash out〕He lashed out in desperate self-defence.他拼命自卫, 猛踢乱打。外研社新世纪〔law〕The first law of kung fu is to defend yourself.功夫的首要原则是自卫牛津高阶〔lay ... out〕He was laid out before he had time to defend himself.他还没来得及自卫就被杀死了。21世纪英汉〔martial art〕Any of several Oriental arts of combat or self-defense, such as aikido, karate, judo, or tae kwon do, usually practiced as sport. Often used in the plural.东方武术:用于竞技或自卫的东方武术,如合气道、空手道、柔道或跆拳道,通常用于作体育项目。常用复数形式美国传统〔militia〕He said he would call out the state militia if the rebels did not surrender.他说如果反叛分子拒不投降,他就要出动州国民自卫队。牛津搭配〔militia〕The government called out the militia to help cope with the rioting.政府召集国民自卫队来帮助应对骚乱。剑桥高阶〔militia〕Two of his generals raised a militia of over 30,000 men.他的2名将领筹建了一支超过3万人的国民自卫队。外研社新世纪〔offence〕Self-defence is no offence.自卫不是攻击。英汉大词典〔offensive〕Since the other side had taken offensive action (= attacked), we had no choice but to defend ourselves.既然对方已经采取了攻势,我们除了自卫别无选择。剑桥高阶〔or〕I had to defend myself or else he'd have killed me.我只得自卫,否则他就把我杀死了。朗文当代〔protection〕She carries a gun in her bag for personal protection.她包里带着一把枪以自卫牛津搭配〔rest〕There's so much competition from satellite TV, local radio, and the rest.有来自卫星电视、地方电台及其他诸如此类媒体的众多竞争。麦克米伦高阶〔savagely〕This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl.这是对一个毫无自卫能力的年轻女孩的野蛮袭击。柯林斯高阶〔secretion〕These secretions are used by the caterpillar as a defence.这些分泌物被毛虫用来作为自卫武器。朗文当代〔self-defence〕He shot him in self-defence.他出于自卫开枪打死了他。朗文当代〔self-defence〕He shot the man in self-defence.他出于自卫开枪打死了那人。英汉大词典〔self-defence〕He used the gun in self-defence.他出于自卫使用了枪。剑桥高阶〔self-defence〕I really wanted to learn self-defence.我曾很想学习自卫术。外研社新世纪〔self-defence〕Margaret claims she was acting in self-defence when she shot him.玛格丽特声称她向他开枪是为了自卫麦克米伦高阶〔self-defence〕Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege.理查兹声称在一次围攻中他是在佩吉特朝他开火后才进行自卫的。柯林斯高阶〔self-defence〕She killed him in self-defence.她出于自卫杀了他。外研社新世纪〔self-defense〕He argued that shooting the burglar was self-defense.他辩称开枪打死入室窃贼属于自卫韦氏高阶〔self-defense〕She was taking a course in self-defense.她参加了自卫训练教程美国传统〔self-protective〕Serving or designed to protect oneself.自我防护的,自卫的:用来保护自己的或设计来保护自己的美国传统〔selfdefence〕He told police that he had acted in self-defence.他对警方说他的行为是出于自卫牛津搭配〔selfdefence〕The women learn self-defence to protect themselves.这些女子学习自卫术防身。牛津搭配〔so〕If she committed a crime, she did so in self-defence.如果她犯了罪的话, 也是出于自卫才这样做的。外研社新世纪〔strict〕The troops were under strict orders not to open fire except in self-defence.军队被下令严禁开火, 除非是出于自卫外研社新世纪〔superiority complex〕A psychological defense mechanism in which feelings of superiority counter or conceal feelings of inferiority.自大情绪:一种心理上自卫的机制,在这种状况下,一个人的优越感会抗拒或掩盖自己的心理上的弱点美国传统〔tae kwon do〕A Korean art of self-defense; a style of karate.跆拳道:一种朝鲜的自卫术;空手道的一种美国传统〔those〕Those people who took up weapons to defend themselves are political prisoners.那些拿起武器自卫的人是些政治犯。柯林斯高阶〔unprovoked〕This was an unprovoked attack on a defenceless elderly man.这是对一位无自卫能力的老人的无端攻击。外研社新世纪〔version〕The official version of events is that the police were attacked and were just trying to defend themselves.事件的官方说法是警察受到了攻击,他们只是想自卫剑桥高阶A city without guns or water is defenseless before an army. 无枪砲或缺水的城市在大军围攻时是无法自卫的。译典通He also had a gun with which to defend himself. 他还有一把自卫用的枪。译典通He had struck her only in self-defense. 他打她只是出于自卫译典通He shot the man in self-defence. 他为了自卫射杀了那个人。译典通He shot the man in self-defense. 他是为了自卫才向那人开枪的。译典通He used the gun in self-defence.他因自卫而使用枪支。剑桥国际Her personality, at times brittle, defensive and haughty, irritated many Canadians.她的个性是时而脆弱、时而自卫,时而又自负,这激怒了许多加拿大人。剑桥国际Jane declined his amiable invitation in pure self-defence. 珍完全出于自卫地拒绝了他友善的邀请。译典通The basic principles of martial arts are discipline, respect, confidence and self-defence.武术的基本准则是纪律,恭敬,信心和自卫剑桥国际The local college runs (= provides) a course in self-defence.这家当地学院开设一门关于自卫防身的课程。剑桥国际The official version of events is that the police were attacked and were just trying to defend themselves.对事件的官方说法是警察受到了袭击,因而只是想自卫剑桥国际The shooting was in pure self-defense. 开枪纯粹是为了自卫译典通They claimed that they needed the weapons for self-protection.他们说他们需要武器来自卫剑桥国际

