
单词 过水
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JOIN〕Years ago, someone had resealed the tank, and now water was beginning to leak from the rusty join. 几年前,有人补过水箱,现在水慢慢地开始从生了锈的接合处漏出来了。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕The disease is very probably transmitted in water. 这种疾病极有可能是通过水传播的。朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕Seagulls skimmed the water, looking for fish. 海鸥掠过水面找鱼吃。朗文写作活用〔around〕She went around the puddle to avoid getting dirty.她绕过水坑免得弄脏衣服。韦氏高阶〔breath〕Exhaled air, as evidenced by vapor, odor, or heat.呼出的空气:如通过水气、味道或热气显示出来的美国传统〔busking〕Passers-by in the area have been treated to some high-quality busking.路过这一带的行人听到过水平很高的街头演唱。柯林斯高阶〔causeway〕A raised roadway, as across water or marshland.堤道:加高的行道,如穿过水洼或沼泽的道路美国传统〔cholinesterase〕An enzyme found chiefly at nerve terminals that inactivates acetylcholine by hydrolyzing it to form acetic acid and choline.乙酰胆碱酯酶:一种主要分布于神经末梢的酶,它能通过水解乙酰胆碱形成醋酸和胆碱从而使之失去活性美国传统〔crop〕I decided to crop the picture just above the water line.我决定把照片裁剪到刚过水印线。外研社新世纪〔dive〕She has done dives all around the world.她在世界各地都潜过水韦氏高阶〔drain〕Drain and rinse the pasta.把通心粉过一过水牛津高阶〔echo〕Their voices echoed back across the water.他们的声音穿过水面传了回来。牛津搭配〔ferry〕A place where passengers or goods are transported across a body of water, such as a river or bay, by a ferryboat.渡口:如河或海湾等用渡船将乘客或货物运送过水体的场所美国传统〔ferry〕To cross a body of water on or as if on a ferry.摆渡:乘或好象乘渡船跨过水美国传统〔ferry〕To transport (people, vehicles, or goods) by boat across a body of water.渡运:用渡船跨过水体运送(人、车或货物)美国传统〔fish ladder〕A series of pools arranged like ascending steps at the side of a stream, enabling migrating fish to swim upstream around a dam or other obstruction.鱼道,鱼梯:在水流边上呈上升阶梯状排列的一系列使洄游鱼能绕过水坝或其它障碍物向上游游去的池塘美国传统〔flap〕Two large birds flapped(= flew)slowly across the water.两只大鸟振翅缓缓飞过水面。牛津高阶〔gurgle〕We could hear the gurgle of water against the hull.我们能听到船体划过水面的潺潺声。外研社新世纪〔have/make a stab at sth〕I'd never tried snorkelling before but I had a stab at it while I was in Greece.我以前从未潜过水,但在希腊时试过一次。剑桥高阶〔high pressure〕Water is forced through the pipes at high pressure.水在高压下流过水管。牛津高阶〔hop〕He hopped over the puddle.他跳过水坑。麦克米伦高阶〔horizontally〕Do not raise your left arm above the horizontal.左臂不要举过水平高度。柯林斯高阶〔hydrophilous〕Pollinated by water, as the flowers of ribbon grass and hornwort.水媒的:通过水传花粉的,就象金鱼藻的花传花粉一样美国传统〔hydroplane〕He saw many dragonflies hydroplane.他看见许多蜻蜓飞掠过水面。21世纪英汉〔hydroplane〕Nautical A motorboat designed so that the prow and much of the hull lift out of the water and skim the surface at high speeds.【航海】 水上滑行艇:一种机动船,设计使船头及船身很大一部分露出水面,船可以高速滑过水平面美国传统〔hydroplane〕To skim along on the surface of the water.滑过水美国传统〔immune〕Most people who've had chickenpox once are immune to it for the rest of their lives.大多数出过水痘的人终生都对此病具有免疫力。剑桥高阶〔jump〕The boy jumped across the puddle.小男孩跃过水坑。英汉大词典〔keep〕The escaping prisoner, swimming across the river, managed to keep under as the searchlight raked the surface.当探照灯扫过水面时,泅水过河的逃犯潜入水中。英汉大词典〔leap〕She leaped clear of the water.她跳过水面。牛津搭配〔levigate〕To separate fine particles from coarse by grinding in water.澄清,淘选:通过水磨把精细的颗粒从粗糙的颗粒中分离出来美国传统〔life-saving〕All of the staff have been trained in lifesaving.所有员工都受过水中救生培训。朗文当代〔lockage〕The passage of a ship through a lock.船只通过水美国传统〔lock〕The ship locked into the canal.该船通过水门驶入运河。文馨英汉〔lock〕The ship locked into the new canal.船通过水闸驶入新运河。21世纪英汉〔lock〕To pass (a vessel) through a lock.使(船)通过水美国传统〔lock〕To pass through a lock or locks in a waterway.穿过水道的水闸美国传统〔mercuric sulfide〕Black mercuric sulfide, a black powder obtained from mercury salts or by the reaction of mercury with sulfur, used as a pigment.黑色硫化汞:黑色硫化汞,是来自于汞盐或通过水银与硫磺反应而得到的一种黑色粉末,用作颜料美国传统〔merrily〕The ferry cut merrily through the water.渡船轻快地划过水面。柯林斯高阶〔paddle〕To move through water by means of repeated short strokes of the limbs.划浆:用四肢重复的短划通过水美国传统〔peak〕Nautical To raise (a gaff) above the horizontal.【航海】 升起斜桁:把(桅斜桁)升过水平面美国传统〔penetrate〕Their keen eyes can penetrate the water to a depth of forty feet.他们锐利的眼睛能透过水面看到40英尺的深处。英汉大词典〔peptonize〕To dissolve (food) by means of a proteolytic enzyme.通过水解酶来溶解(食物)美国传统〔pipe〕The heated gas is piped through a coil surrounded by water.受热气体通过水中的盘管输送。柯林斯高阶〔ripple〕The canoe rippled through the water.小艇击起层层水波穿过水面。英汉大词典〔sailor〕One who travels by water.乘船者:通过水路旅行的人美国传统〔scooter〕Nautical A flat-bottomed sailboat with runners that can skim over water or ice.【航海】 滑行船:装有滑行装置的平底帆船,可快速掠过水面或冰面美国传统〔set〕A strong current set through the channel.一股强大的水流通过水道。英汉大词典〔sidestep〕She sidestepped the puddle.她横跨一步迈过水坑。韦氏高阶〔skim〕The hovercraft is able to skim over (或along) the water.气垫船能掠过水面飞速行驶。英汉大词典〔skim〕The sailboat skimmed the water.帆船掠过水面。21世纪英汉〔skim〕We skimmed across the water in a small boat.我们乘小船掠过水面。牛津搭配〔skim〕We stood on the bridge watching swallows skimming the water.我们站在桥上观看燕子掠过水面。麦克米伦高阶〔slosh〕We sloshed through the puddles.我们哗啦哗啦地涉过水坑。剑桥高阶〔splash〕He splashed through the puddle.他溅泼着趟过水坑。英汉大词典〔splash〕I was hit by the splash when a truck drove through the puddle.卡车开过水坑时,水溅到了我身上。韦氏高阶〔splash〕Splashing his way through the puddles, he made his way to the door.他哗哗地蹚过水坑, 来到门边。外研社新世纪〔splash〕They splashed through the puddles.他们哗啦哗啦地蹚过水坑。牛津搭配〔spray〕The rope whipped clear of the water, throwing up a spray of droplets.绳子猛地甩过水面, 带起一片水珠。外研社新世纪〔spray〕The rope whipped clear of the water, throwing up a spray of droplets.绳子猛地甩过水面,带起一片水珠。柯林斯高阶〔stonewash〕To wash (garments or material, usually denim) in large industrial machines with pumice pebbles to soften and abrade the material by friction.经过水磨石处理:在工业机器中用浮石块通过摩擦来软化并磨光材料对(衣服或材料,通常是粗斜纹棉布)进行洗涤美国传统〔swim〕To move as though gliding through water.滑过水美国传统〔thereby〕Our bodies can sweat, thereby losing heat by evaporation.我们的身体能出汗, 因而可以通过水分蒸发而降温。外研社新世纪〔tiptoe〕She tiptoed through the puddle.她踮脚走过水坑。韦氏高阶〔wade〕The men waded ashore.那些男人蹚过水上了岸。牛津搭配〔wade〕To walk in or through water or something else that similarly impedes normal movement.涉水:走进或趟过水或其它同样阻碍正常运动的东西美国传统〔water〕Goods were often transported by water in the 19th century.19 世纪货物经常通过水路运输。牛津搭配〔water〕Have the horses been fed and watered? 这些马喂过食饮过水了吗?朗文当代〔water〕The horses had been fed and watered.已经给马喂过饲料饮过水了。剑桥高阶〔whip〕Acold wind was whipping across the water.一阵冷风扫过水面。麦克米伦高阶〔whisper〕The car's tires whispered through the puddles.穿过水坑时, 汽车的轮胎发出扑哧声。外研社新世纪〔whisper〕The car's tires whispered through the puddles.穿过水坑时汽车的轮胎发出呜呜声。柯林斯高阶A bus covered me with water when it went through a puddle.汽车驶过水洼时溅了我一身水。剑桥国际Children love splashing through puddles. 孩子们爱踩溅过水洼。译典通I'd never tried water skiing before but I had a stab at it while I was in Greece.我从未滑过水,但我在希腊时试过一次。剑桥国际The bird skimmed the water. 鸟儿掠过水面。译典通There was a famine of water in this locality. 这地方有过水荒。译典通This drink has been watered down--it's got no flavour.这种饮料已经掺过水了----它简直没味道。剑桥国际

