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例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AREA〕The abortion issue has shifted from the political to the religious domain. 堕胎问题已从政治范畴转移到了宗教范畴。朗文写作活用〔ASK〕The lawyer questioned me about how money was transmitted to Mexico. 律师盘问我钱是如何转移到墨西哥去的。朗文写作活用〔PAIN〕The pain moved to my elbow, and it became agonizing to even lift my arm. 疼痛转移到了我的肘部,就连抬一下胳膊都痛得受不了。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕Oil companies say they will absorb these price rises, and not pass them on to customers.石油公司说他们会承担价格的上涨,不会把费用转移到顾客身上。麦克米伦高阶〔adjourn〕Shall we adjourn to your office? 我们转移到你办公室去,好吗?牛津搭配〔aggression〕He manages to channel his aggression into football.他设法将对抗情绪转移到足球上。牛津搭配〔anger〕He tried to channel his anger into political activism.他竭力将自己的愤怒转移到政治行动主义中。牛津搭配〔assignment〕The transfer of a claim, right, interest, or property from one to another.转让:要求、权利、利益或财产从一人转移到另一人美国传统〔attention〕He then turned his attention to the report.接着,他将注意力转移到报告上。牛津搭配〔balance〕The balance of advantage has shifted from the unions to employers.优势已经从工会转移到雇主一方。牛津搭配〔besiege〕The main part of the army moved to Sevastopol to besiege the town.军队主力转移到了塞瓦斯托波尔,对该城进行围攻。柯林斯高阶〔besiege〕The main part of the army moved to Sevastopol to besiege the town.部队主力转移到了塞瓦斯托波尔, 对该城实施包围。外研社新世纪〔block〕The prisoners had been transferred to a different cell block.囚犯们被转移到另一个监区。牛津搭配〔channel〕Conversation drifted into other channels.谈话转移到别的方面去了。英汉大词典〔circuit training〕A method of physical conditioning in which one moves from one exercise to another, usually in a series of different stations or pieces of equipment.循环训练:锻炼身体的方法,其间一个人从一个运动转移到另一个,通常在一系列不同的位置或配备美国传统〔co-operative〕He was transferred to FBI custody in a smooth co-operative effort between Egyptian and US authorities.在埃及和美国当局的顺利合作下, 他被转移到了联邦调查局的监护之下。外研社新世纪〔conjugation〕The temporary union of two bacterial cells during which one cell transfers part or all of its genome to the other.两个细菌的短暂的结合,其间一个细胞的基因组会部分或全部地转移到另一个细胞中美国传统〔debate〕These events shifted debate from economic issues to social ones.这些事件使讨论从经济问题转移到社会问题。牛津搭配〔divert〕The money that might be spent on cities has been diverted into other projects.原可用于城市建设的钱已被转移到其他项目上去了。英汉大词典〔drift〕Her gaze gradually drifted to the bookshelf.她的视线渐渐转移到了书架上。牛津搭配〔electrovalence〕Valence characterized by the transfer of electrons from atoms of one element to atoms of another during the formation of an ionic bond between the atoms.电价:在原子间形成离子键的过程中,由电子从一种元素的原子转移到另一种元素的原子所表示的价美国传统〔employ〕Staff are currently employed in transferring patients' records to the new system.工作人员目前正忙于将病人的医疗记录转移到新系统。外研社新世纪〔energy〕She had started to devote her energies to teaching rather than performing.她已经开始将精力从表演转移到教学中。柯林斯高阶〔fetishism〕The displacement of sexual arousal or gratification to a fetish.恋物癖:把性唤起或性满足转移到物体上美国传统〔focus〕His focus switched to the little white ball.他把关注点转移到那个小白球上。柯林斯高阶〔focus〕The focus has now shifted towards / toward the problem of long-term unemployment.现在焦点已转移到了长期失业的问题上。牛津搭配〔focus〕The focus of the conference shifted from population growth to the education of women.会议的重点由人口增长问题转移到了妇女教育问题。朗文当代〔focus〕The legal team tried to shift the focus onto the victim.法务小组尽力使焦点转移到受害者身上。牛津搭配〔foot〕He shifted his weight onto his back foot.他把重心转移到后脚上。牛津搭配〔forestall〕They forestalled any attempt to steal the jewels by having them moved to a safer place.他们把珠宝转移到了一个较为安全的地方,阻止了任何偷窃珠宝的企图。21世纪英汉〔get away〕I wanted to get her away to somewhere safe.我想把她转移到安全的地方。外研社新世纪〔hand〕Peter turned his attention to the task at hand.彼得将注意力转移到手头的工作上。朗文当代〔harm〕Workers scrambled to carry priceless objects out of harm's way.工人们争先恐后地将无价之宝转移到安全的地方。外研社新世纪〔identification〕An unconscious process by which a person transfers the response appropriate to a particular person or group to a different person or group.自居作用:指一人下意识将适应于某一特定个人或人群的感受转移到另一不同个人或人群之上的过程美国传统〔import〕Computer Science To transfer (a file, for example) from one database to another.【计算机科学】 输入:把(例如文件)从一个数据库转移到另一个数据库美国传统〔inmate〕The inmates were transferred to an undisclosed location.监狱里的囚犯被转移到了一个秘密处所。牛津搭配〔jump〕Computer Science To move from one set of instructions in a program to another out of sequence.【计算机科学】 转移,跳转:不成顺序地从一个程序的一套指令转移到另一套指令上美国传统〔lift〕The helicopters are designed to quickly lift soldiers and equipment to the battlefield.直升飞机专为快速将士兵和装备转移到战地上。外研社新世纪〔locomote〕To move from one place to another.移动:从一地转移到另一地美国传统〔metastasis〕Patients with kidney metastasis typically have cancerous cell growth in both kidneys.如果患者的癌细胞转移到了肾脏,那么通常两只肾内都有癌细胞。剑桥高阶〔migrate〕The infected cells then migrate to other areas of the body.受感染的细胞接着转移到身体的其他部位。牛津高阶〔migrate〕Trade has migrated from local shops to the larger chain stores.贸易正从当地的商店转移到更大的连锁商店。剑桥高阶〔move〕They moved George to another prison.他们把乔治转移到另一座监狱去。英汉大词典〔offload〕Computer Science To transfer (data) to a peripheral device.【计算机科学】 卸下,卸载:把(数据)转移到外部设备美国传统〔on〕The play moved on to the next city.剧组转移到下一个城市演出美国传统〔other〕He kept shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other.他不停地把重心从一只脚转移到另一只脚,样子很是笨拙。朗文当代〔oxidation-reduction〕A chemical reaction in which an atom or ion loses electrons to another atom or ion.氧化还原反应:一个原子或离子的电子转移到另一个原子或离子的一种化学反应美国传统〔pass〕He was assigned to pass Englishmen through France to England.他受指派把英国人通过法国转移到英国去。英汉大词典〔printing press〕A machine that transfers lettering or images by contact with various forms of inked surface onto paper or similar material fed into it in various ways.印刷机:通过与各种油墨表面接触而把字母或图像转移到以各种方式放入其中的纸或类似材料上的机器美国传统〔printing〕The art, process, or business of producing printed material by means of inked type and a printing press or by similar means.印刷术,印刷业:通过接触压印或类似方式,将油墨从印刷表面转移到纸或布上的图像复制过程、工艺或行业美国传统〔province〕The government plans to transfer some 30,000 government jobs from Paris to the provinces.政府计划将3万个左右的政府职位从巴黎转移到外省。柯林斯高阶〔quantum teleportation〕The instantaneous transference of properties from one quantum system to another without physical contact.量子遥传,空间转移:不透过实质接触而在瞬间将某些特性从一个量子系统转移到另一个量子系统美国传统〔redirect〕She was good at redirecting the children's energy into something useful.她善于把孩子们的精力转移到做有用的事情上。朗文当代〔refocus〕He needs to refocus his attention on his schoolwork.他需要把注意力转移到自己的学业上。韦氏高阶〔retake〕Residents were moved 30 miles away as the rebels retook the town.叛乱者重新占领这座城镇时, 居民被转移到了30英里以外。外研社新世纪〔retake〕Residents were moved 30 miles away as the rebels retook the town.当叛军重新占领这个城镇的时候,居民们被转移到了30英里以外。柯林斯高阶〔safety〕The refugees were groping their way through the dark, trying to reach safety.难民摸黑前进,试图转移到安全的地方。柯林斯高阶〔screen dump〕The act or process of transferring data on a screen to a printer or storage medium.屏幕转储:把屏幕上的数据转移到打印机或者储存介质的动作或者过程美国传统〔shift〕In recent years, manufacturing has shifted out of the US.近年来,制造业已经转移到美国境外。牛津搭配〔shift〕In this stage of a rape case, the focus often shifts onto the victim and her conduct.到了强奸案的这一阶段,注意力往往会转移到受害人及其行为上去。朗文当代〔shift〕Joe listened, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another.乔听着,不安地把重心从一只脚转移到另一只脚。朗文当代〔shift〕She shifted (her weight) uneasily from one foot to the other.她不安地把身体的重心由一只脚转移到另一只脚。剑桥高阶〔shift〕The government has shifted its attention away from the fight against crime.政府将其注意力从打击犯罪上转移到了别处。麦克米伦高阶〔shunt〕His questions were tactfully shunted onto other topics.他提出的问题被巧妙地转移到了别的话题上去。英汉大词典〔sight〕She turned her sights on Florida's adoption laws.她将注意力转移到了佛罗里达州的收养法。牛津搭配〔siphon〕She has been accused of siphoning off thousands of pounds from the company into her own bank account.她被指控把公司的几千英镑转移到了自己的账户里。牛津高阶〔sphere〕Let's take this debate out of the political sphere and into the public arena.让我们把辩论从政治范畴转移到公众领域。麦克米伦高阶〔spirit〕Some of the funds had been spirited away to other accounts.一部分资金被偷偷转移到其他账户了。韦氏高阶〔spotlight〕Congress is turning the spotlight on the private lives of its members.国会正把大家的注意力转移到其成员的私人生活上。麦克米伦高阶〔switch〕Journalists are switching their attention to other members of the royal family.新闻记者们正在把注意力转移到皇室家族的其他成员身上。麦克米伦高阶〔tented〕He said the refugees would be moved to a tented camp.他说,难民们将被转移到一个搭有帐篷的营地去。柯林斯高阶〔traffic〕Environmental groups want more passenger and freight traffic moved off the roads and onto trains.环保团体想要把更多的客运和货运业务从公路转移到铁路上。剑桥高阶〔transamination〕Transfer of an amino group from one chemical compound to another.转氨作用:将氨基从一种化合物转移到另一种化合物美国传统〔transfer〕Assets can be transferred overseas.资产可以转移到海外。牛津搭配〔transfer〕I realized she'd transferred all her love from me to you.我意识到她已把所有的爱从我身上转移到了你身上。柯林斯高阶〔transfer〕Joe had already transferred his affections from Lisa to Cleo.乔已移情别恋,把爱意从莉萨转移到了克利奥身上。牛津高阶〔transfer〕She transferred her gun from its shoulder holster to her handbag.她把枪从挂肩枪套里转移到手提包里。剑桥高阶〔transfer〕The chief inspector transferred a placid gaze to him.巡长平静而专注的目光转移到他身上。英汉大词典〔transfer〕They arrange the transfer of patients to other hospitals by air ambulance.他们安排救护飞机将病人转移到其他医院。外研社新世纪〔transfer〕They arranged for a transfer of the prisoner to a different prison.他们安排将囚犯转移到另一座监狱。韦氏高阶〔transit〕The passengers had been transferred into the transit lounge.乘客已被转移到中转候机厅。牛津搭配〔translocate〕To transfer (a chromosomal segment) to a new position; cause to undergo translocation.转移:把(一个染色体)转移到另一个新位置;使发生转移作用美国传统〔transposition〕Genetics Transfer of a segment of DNA to a new position on the same or another chromosome, plasmid, or cell.【遗传学】 换位:把脱氧核糖核酸的一个片断转移到同一个或另外的染色体、质体或细胞上的一个新位置上美国传统〔turn〕She turned her attention to the child.她把注意力转移到了孩子身上。韦氏高阶〔unlikely〕In the unlikely event of a fire, passengers should move to the top deck.万一发生火警,乘客应转移到顶层甲板上。朗文当代〔xenotransplantation〕The surgical transfer of cells, tissues, or especially whole organs from one species to another.异体移植:将细胞、组织或某个器官从一物种转移到另一物种的外科移植美国传统As many as 3.3 million jobs may be offshored in the next 15 years.在未来 15 年里,可能会有多达 330 万岗位转移到海外。牛津商务At the port the goods were transferred onto a ship. 货物在港口被转移到一艘船上。译典通Backups of all our data are transferred to a secure data centre.所有数据的备份都转移到一个安全的数据中心。牛津商务Business will move to other centres if we do not adopt modern business methods.如果我们不采取现代经营方式,生意将转移到其他中心。牛津商务Lately the main focus of monetary policy has shifted to interest rates.最近货币政策的主要重点已经转移到了利率上面。剑桥国际She transferred her gun from its shoulder holster to her handbag.她把枪从肩上的枪套里转移到她的手提袋里。剑桥国际Sony has switched assembly to lower-cost countries.索尼已将组装业务转移到较低成本的国家。牛津商务The company intends to move to the main market next month.这家公司打算下个月转移到主板市场。牛津商务The containers are transferred to trains at the port.集装箱在港口被转移到列车上。牛津商务The money has now been transferred abroad.这笔钱现在已经转移到国外。牛津商务The origination process involves transferring the digital designs onto plastic film.印前工艺包括将数码设计转移到塑料薄膜上。牛津商务The profit on the sale of the shares was transferred to capital reserves.出售股份所得的利润被转移到了资本准备金中。牛津商务They are shifting 70% of their production to China. 他们正将其 70% 的生产转移到中国。牛津商务We shifted our focus from luxury clothing to the middle market.我们将重点从高档服装市场转移到中级市场上。牛津商务

