
单词 缆绳
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOSE〕I let the rope go slack as the boat came closer. 船驶近时,我突然松开缆绳朗文写作活用〔LOOSE〕The boat surged forwards as he slackened the rope. 他松开缆绳,小船起伏着向前驶去。朗文写作活用〔abutment〕A structure that anchors the cables of a suspension bridge.系缆墩:支撑吊桥缆绳的结构美国传统〔be lay〕Belay on this cleat.把缆绳系在这系缆墩上。21世纪英汉〔be lay〕The seamen knew where each rope belayed on deck.水手们知道每根缆绳可拴在甲板上什么地方。21世纪英汉〔bitter end〕Nautical The inboard end of a chain, rope, or cable, especially the end of a rope or cable that is wound around a bitt.【航海】 索端:索链、绳子或缆绳在船内的终端,尤指绕在系缆柱上的绳子或缆绳的尾端美国传统〔bitt〕A vertical post, usually one of a pair, set on the deck of a ship and used to secure ropes or cables.系缆柱:垂直的柱子,常为一对中的一个,固定在船的甲板上,用于系住绳子或缆绳美国传统〔break〕In the storm the boat broke loose from its moorings.暴风雨中船脱开了缆绳剑桥高阶〔bridle〕Nautical A span of chain, wire, or rope that can be secured at both ends to an object and slung from its center point.【航海】 系船索:能被缚在一个物体两端,并从其中心点吊起的链子、缆绳,绳索的跨绳美国传统〔cable car〕A car designed to operate on a cableway or cable railway.空中缆车:用于在缆绳索道上工作的车子美国传统〔cable railway〕A railroad on which the cars are moved by an endless cable driven by a stationary engine.缆车铁路:一种铁路,用无终端的缆绳来带动车辆,而缆绳由静止不动的引擎带动美国传统〔cableway〕A suspended cable used as a track typically for a cable car.空中缆绳,吊车道:一种悬挂缆索,用于缆索车的通道美国传统〔cable〕A strong, large-diameter, heavy steel or fiber rope.缆绳,绳索:高强度的、直径大的、高强钢质或纤维质的绳子美国传统〔cable〕Something that resembles such steel or fiber rope.似缆绳的东西:引起类似于这种钢质或纤维质的缆绳的东西美国传统〔cable〕The ships were cabled together in the harbour.船只在港内用缆绳系在一起。英汉大词典〔cable〕Their fishing boats were cabled together before the storm came.暴风雨降临前,他们的渔船都用缆绳系在一起。21世纪英汉〔cable〕To supply or fasten with a cable or cables.固定系牢:用一根或多根缆绳系住或系紧美国传统〔cantala〕The fiber of this plant, used for twine, rope, and nets.琼麻纤维:这种植物的纤维,用来制造缆绳、绳索和鱼网美国传统〔cast off〕He cast off, heading out to the bay.他解开缆绳,往海湾驶去。柯林斯高阶〔catenary〕The curve theoretically formed by a perfectly flexible, uniformly dense, and inextensible cable suspended from its endpoints.垂曲线:理论上由一条极柔软、密度均匀且长度不变的缆绳从其两端间垂下而形成的曲线美国传统〔chatter〕The chatter of the chairlift cable over the pulley wheel is the loudest noise.最大的声响是升降椅的缆绳在滑轮上发出的吱吱声。外研社新世纪〔crane〕A machine for hoisting and moving heavy objects by means of cables attached to a movable boom.起重机:一种用连在活动架上的缆绳举起和移动重物的机器美国传统〔cut free〕The boat was cut loose from the pier and allowed to drift away.小船系在码头上的缆绳被人割断了,漂走了。韦氏高阶〔disentangle〕We disentangled the ropes and heaved them on the ship.我们解开缆绳上的结,把缆绳绞上船。21世纪英汉〔down-river〕By 09.30 we had cast off and were heading down-river.到九点三十分, 我们已经解开缆绳向下游驶去。外研社新世纪〔flying〕He threw the mooring lines ashore and took a flying leap but missed the bank.他把缆绳扔上岸并纵身一跃, 但是没能跳到岸上。外研社新世纪〔hack ... off〕He resolutely hacked off the cable and the sail slipped down.他果断地砍断了缆绳,主帆滑落了下来。21世纪英汉〔hang off〕Hang off the rope, let's start our boat.松开缆绳,咱们开船吧。21世纪英汉〔hawser〕A cable or rope used in mooring or towing a ship.粗绳:用于系泊或拖船用的缆绳或绳索美国传统〔inboard〕The cables were passed inboard through a block.缆绳通过滑轮传至船体内。英汉大词典〔kevel〕A sturdy belaying pin for the heavier cables of a ship.盘绳栓:用于船的较重缆绳的坚固的系索栓美国传统〔lead〕A boat may lie more quietly at anchor if the cable is led to the bowsprit-end.假如把缆绳引到船头第一斜桅末端, 船停泊时可能更稳当。外研社新世纪〔line〕Nautical A rope used aboard a ship.【航海】 缆绳:用于船上的绳索美国传统〔loose〕During the night, somebody had cut the boat loose from its moorings.有人在夜间砍断了泊船的缆绳牛津高阶〔loose〕The boat came loose from its moorings and floated out into the harbor.那艘船的缆绳松开了,漂进了海港。韦氏高阶〔pay out〕We lowered the anchor and continued to pay out several more feet of rope.我们下锚后又继续放松几英尺缆绳韦氏高阶〔pulley〕The weights are moved via a cable and pulley system.重物通过缆绳和滑轮系统运送。外研社新世纪〔pulley〕The weights are moved via a cable and pulley system.重物通过缆绳和滑轮系统运送。柯林斯高阶〔range〕Nautical To uncoil (an anchor cable) on deck so the anchor may descend easily.【航海】 解开锚缆:在甲板上解开(缆绳)以便能更快下锚美国传统〔rope〕A sailor threw a rope ashore and we tied the boat to a post.一个水手将一条缆绳扔到岸上,于是我们把船拴到了一根柱子上。剑桥高阶〔rope〕The anchor was attached to a length of rope.铁锚系在一段缆绳上。牛津高阶〔shroud〕Nautical One of a set of ropes or wire cables stretched from the masthead to the sides of a vessel to support the mast.【航海】 左右支索,侧支索:从桅顶伸至船侧用以支撑桅杆的一组绳索或缆绳中的一根美国传统〔slip〕The boat came untied and drifted out of the slip.小船的缆绳松脱,漂离了码头。英汉大词典〔stretch〕The cables are designed not to stretch.这些缆绳不能拉伸。外研社新世纪〔swallow〕Nautical The channel through which a rope runs in a block or a mooring chock.【航海】 通索孔,停泊钩:供缆绳穿过进入滑轮或系泊导缆钩的凹槽美国传统〔tension〕Stay clear of cables which are under tension.远离绷紧的缆绳牛津搭配〔tightening〕The cables tightened and he was lifted gradually from the deck.缆绳绷紧了,他被慢慢地吊离了甲板。柯林斯高阶〔tighten〕The cables tightened and he was lifted gradually from the deck.缆绳绷紧了, 他被慢慢地吊离了甲板。外研社新世纪〔tow〕A rope or cable used in towing.拖缆:用于拖曳的绳索或缆绳美国传统〔tramway〕A cable or system of cables for a cable car.缆索:缆车的一根缆绳或索道系统美国传统〔twang〕We heard a twang as the cable broke.缆绳断时我们听到嘣的一声。剑桥高阶〔untie〕He untied the rope and pushed the boat into the water.他解开缆绳,把小船推入水中。牛津高阶〔untie〕Nicholas untied the boat from her mooring.尼古拉斯把泊船的缆绳解开。外研社新世纪〔veer〕To let out or release (a line or an anchor train).放开或放松(缆绳或锚等)美国传统A sailor threw a rope ashore and we tied the boat to a post.一名水手将一根缆绳扔上岸,我们将小船系在一个桩子上。剑桥国际Coils of rope lay untidily all over the ship's deck.一卷一卷的缆绳杂乱无章地放在船的整个甲板上。剑桥国际He strained at the rope and the boat moved. 他拉紧缆绳,船随著动了。译典通In the storm the boat broke loose from its moorings.暴风雨中船挣脱了缆绳剑桥国际

