
单词 装设
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cardin〕French fashion designer noted for his bold, futuristic designs.卡登,皮尔:法国时装设计师,以大胆、前卫的设计闻名美国传统〔DESIGN〕The show features clothes by famous fashion designers like Jean-Paul Gaultier. 这次表演展示了一些著名时装设计师如让·保罗·高提耶等设计的服装。朗文写作活用〔EARN〕One of the perks of working for a fashion designer is that you get to wear lots of nice clothes. 给时装设计师工作的好处之一是能穿很多漂亮的衣服。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕She is beginning to make a name for herself as a fashion designer. 她开始成为闻名的时装设计师。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Fezza, the clothes designer, launched his first collection in 1980. 1980年,服装设计师费扎推出了他的第一个系列。朗文写作活用〔Saint-Laurent〕Algerian-born French fashion designer who pioneered ready-to-wear fashions and adapted menswear for women.圣罗兰:阿尔及利亚裔法国籍时装设计师,首创成衣,并将男装改为女装美国传统〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The clothing designer has branched out and now has his name on a line of perfume. 那位服装设计师开拓了新领域,现在他的名字出现在一系列香水上。朗文写作活用〔arbiter〕Dress designers are arbiters of ladies' fashion.服装设计师决定着女子时装式样的取舍。英汉大词典〔article〕Have you seen that article about young fashion designers? 你见到了关于年轻时装设计师的那篇文章没有?牛津高阶〔be the new sth〕This season fashion designers have declared that brown is the new black.本季时装设计师们宣称棕色比黑色更加流行。剑桥高阶〔career〕She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer.她现在正专注于服装设计工作。外研社新世纪〔ceil〕They ceiled their bedroom with cedar boards.他们用杉木板装设了卧室的天花板。21世纪英汉〔chase ... up〕They chased up the dress designer to get a delivery date.他们找到服装设计师要他定一个送交设计图的日子。21世纪英汉〔cheaply〕I don't like a cheaply furnished room.我不喜欢装设低俗的房间。文馨英汉〔citadel〕At the age of 32, she managed to enter one of the citadels of high fashion.32岁时,她成功进入了一个有着强烈排外情结的高端时装设计圈。剑桥高阶〔classical〕I love the classical lines of his dress designs.我喜欢他服装设计中简洁典雅的线条。剑桥高阶〔couture〕Dressmakers and fashion designers considered as a group.服装设计师和裁缝的总称美国传统〔couturier〕The Paris couturiers showed their collections for winter last week.上周,巴黎的时装设计师们展示了他们的冬季时装作品。柯林斯高阶〔creatable〕Costuming experts create new dress styles for ladies every season.服装设计专家们每个季度都为妇女设计新的服装式样。21世纪英汉〔creation〕The designer's latest creation is a backless evening dress.时装设计师设计的最新式服装是一种露背女晚礼服。英汉大词典〔dash〕If you're determined to cut a dash in a designer dress, consider hiring one.如果你决意要身着设计师之作惊艳出位,那就考虑雇请一位时装设计师吧。柯林斯高阶〔date〕He is a great fashion designer; his stuff doesn't date.他是伟大的时装设计家,他作品并不过时。文馨英汉〔deserve〕The work of the costume designers deserves a special mention.服装设计工作值得特别关注。麦克米伦高阶〔designer〕Carolyne is a fashion designer.卡罗琳是一名时装设计师。柯林斯高阶〔design〕She came in while I was designing the dresses.她进来时我正在画服装设计图。外研社新世纪〔design〕She came to London in 1960 to study fashion design.她1960年来到伦敦学习时装设计。柯林斯高阶〔dictator〕French dress designers have long been the dictators in the world of fashion.法国服装设计师长期以来一直是左右时装界的权威。英汉大词典〔display〕The show featured a display of some of Mack's costume designs.这个展览以展出麦克的一些服装设计为特色。牛津搭配〔doodad〕That luxury car is equipped with thick carpeting and electronic doodads.那部豪华汽车装设了厚地毯和电子器具。文馨英汉〔dress〕The actress was dressed by a French dress designer.这位女演员的服装是由一位法国服装设计师设计的。21世纪英汉〔equipment〕The photographer came early to set up his equipment.摄影师为安装设备很早就来了。韦氏高阶〔experience〕I had some experience in fashion design.我有一些时装设计方面的经验。朗文当代〔factory ship〕An ocean vessel equipped to process fish or other marine animals, especially as seafood.工厂渔船:一种装设有处理鱼类或是其它海产动物例如海鲜的远洋渔船美国传统〔fashion〕This young Welshman first dazzled the fashion world with cobweb-like creations.这位年轻的威尔士男子以蛛网般的创意服装设计第一次使时尚界为之倾倒。外研社新世纪〔fete〕Anouska Hempel, the British dress designer, was feted in New York this week at a spectacular dinner.英国服装设计师阿瑙斯卡·亨普尔本周在纽约出席豪华晚宴时大受追捧。柯林斯高阶〔foliate〕To furnish or adorn with metal foil.饰以箔:用金属箔装设或装饰美国传统〔fussy〕The costume designs are too fussy.这些服装设计过于花哨。牛津高阶〔high fashion〕Haute couture.高级女子时装业,高级女子时装设计制作美国传统〔household〕Today, fashion designers are household names.今天,时装设计师是家喻户晓的人物。柯林斯高阶〔house〕Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses.这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。柯林斯高阶〔ill-equipped〕Poorly or inadequately equipped.设备简陋的:设备简陋或是不适当地装设美国传统〔knock off〕Several other companies knocked off their dress design.另外几家公司仿制了他们的服装设计。韦氏高阶〔lost〕Mark looked a little lost amongst all those trendy designers.马克在那些时髦的服装设计师中间显得有点拘谨。麦克米伦高阶〔mockery〕There should be no snobbish mockery of catering or fashion design as university subjects.不应该自命不凡地嘲笑大学里的酒席承办和时装设计课程。柯林斯高阶〔mockery〕There should be no snobbish mockery of catering or fashion design as university subjects.不应该自命不凡地嘲笑大学里的餐饮服务或时装设计课程。外研社新世纪〔moment〕She's the fashion designer of the moment.她是当前最红的时装设计师。牛津高阶〔movement〕There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing.近来服装设计趋于朴素。英汉大词典〔niche〕She's carved out quite a niche for herself in fashion design.她已经为自己在时装设计方面谋得了一个称心的工作。牛津搭配〔notoriety〕Christian Lacroix gained notoriety as one of Paris's most flamboyant dress designers in the 1980s.克里斯蒂安•拉克鲁瓦作为20世纪80年代巴黎最推崇华丽风格的服装设计师之一, 尽人皆知。外研社新世纪〔notoriety〕Christian Lacroix, who gained notoriety as one of Paris's most flamboyant dress designers in the 1980s.20世纪80年代作为巴黎最大胆出位、夸张惹眼的服装设计师之一而人尽皆知的克里斯蒂安·拉克鲁瓦柯林斯高阶〔offshoot〕The business started as an offshoot of an established fashion design company.这家公司起步时只是一个知名时装设计公司的分支机构。韦氏高阶〔outsell〕Armani consistently outsells all other European designers.阿玛尼设计的时装一直都比欧洲其他所有时装设计师的作品更畅销。柯林斯高阶〔packaging〕It is selling very well, in part because the packaging is so attractive.它销售火爆, 部分原因是其包装设计非常吸引人。外研社新世纪〔planetarium〕A building or room containing a planetarium, with seats for an audience.天文馆,天象放映馆:装设天象仪并为观众准备椅子的建筑物或房间美国传统〔pretence〕The industry has abandoned any pretence of restraint.该行业已经不再假装设定限制。外研社新世纪〔proficient〕The dress designer was adept at draping and cutting the fabric without using a pattern.这个服装设计师善于不用图样就裁剪布料及打褶皱。美国传统〔psychedelic〕Fashion designers look back to the 1960s with dazzling psychedelic prints.时装设计师回顾 20 世纪 60 年代,那时都是令人眼花缭乱的印花图案。朗文当代〔raise〕Mary Quant was the first fashion designer to raise hemlines.玛丽.匡特是第一个把裙子裁短的时装设计师。剑桥高阶〔reflectorization〕A curved margin of a highway was reflectorized for safety.为安全起见公路的弯道边上装设了反射镜。21世纪英汉〔reseat〕To fit (a valve, for example) in a new seating.装设:在新的阀座上装上(如阀门)美国传统〔reseat〕To provide with a new or different seat.给…装设新座:为…装设新的或不同的座位美国传统〔retrofit〕To install or fit (a device or system, for example) for use in or on an existing structure, especially an older dwelling.作改型翻新:在现存的结构内或其上(尤其是较老的住所)安装或装设(设备或系统)美国传统〔school〕Stella, 21, is at art school training to be a fashion designer.斯特拉,21 岁,就读于艺术系,正接受时装设计师的培训。柯林斯高阶〔sharpen up〕The fashion designers have sharpened up their act in the last few years.时装设计师在过去的几年间表现得更出色了。外研社新世纪〔sharpen up〕The fashion designers have sharpened up their act in the last few years.时装设计师在过去的几年间表现得更出色了。柯林斯高阶〔show〕Several dress designers are showing in New York now.几位时装设计师正在纽约举行服装展览。英汉大词典〔sneezeguard〕A transparent panel or canopy mounted above a salad bar or food counter as a sanitary barrier.食物遮盖板:透明的遮盖板或是顶篷,装设在自助色拉台或是食物台上方以利卫生考虑美国传统〔specialization〕The course offers three areas of specialization – fine art, graphic design, and fashion.该课程有3个专业领域:美术、平面造型设计和时装设计。麦克米伦高阶〔tank trailer〕A truck trailer equipped as a tanker, used to carry liquids such as oil, milk, or chemicals.油罐挂车:一种被装设成带拖车的缸罐运输车,用来运载液体如油料、牛奶或化学药品等美国传统〔top〕To form, furnish with, or serve as a top.形成顶部,装设顶部,用作顶部美国传统〔trendsetting〕The trendsetting designers have gone overboard for the new brilliant colours.时装设计师们在追求新的耀眼色彩方面走过了头。英汉大词典〔uppity〕He got/became very uppity when his fashion designs were criticized.他的时装设计遭到了批评,但他根本就不屑一顾。剑桥高阶〔venturesome〕He has become more venturesome this season with dress designs that incorporate a variety of ethnic influences.这一季他的服装设计更加大胆,吸收了丰富的民族元素。剑桥高阶〔wiretap〕The act of installing such a device.装设窃听器:安装搭线窃听装置的行为美国传统〔wiretap〕To connect a concealed listening or recording device to.装设窃听器:把隐藏的窃听或录音装置与…相连接美国传统〔wire〕To equip with a system of electrical wires.装设电线美国传统〔zhuzh〕The stylist said he would zhuzh up the outfit with some jewellery.时装设计师说,他要在这件外套上加上些珠宝使其更加夺目。剑桥高阶Around 80% of homes in the country are equipped with cable.这国家大约 80% 的家庭装设了有线电视。牛津商务Despite the hard times, haute couture is alive and well and living in Paris.尽管在艰难时期,巴黎的高级时装设计仍十分具有生机和活力。剑桥国际Fashion designers have been emphasizing the monochrome look with clothing done entirely in black and white.时装设计师着重于单色效果,做出来的衣服都是黑白色的。剑桥国际He got/became very uppity when his fashion designs were criticized.当他的时装设计遭到批评时, 他显得特别傲慢。剑桥国际He has become more venturesome this season with dress designs that incorporate a variety of ethnic influences.这个季节他的服装设计变得更加大胆,吸收了不同民族的影响。剑桥国际I love the classical lines of his dress designs.我喜欢他的服装设计中的那种简单而传统的线条。剑桥国际Mary Quant was the first fashion designer to raise hemlines.玛丽·昆特是第一位设计收提衣裙下摆的时装设计师。剑桥国际Ours is a culture of designer fetishism --a society obsessed by style.我们的文化是一种盲目崇拜时装设计师的文化----我们的社会是迷恋时尚的社会。剑桥国际She attended a school of dress design. 她就读于一所服装设计学校。译典通There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing. 时下服装设计趋于朴素。译典通They attached too little importance to design and missed an important selling point in the export market.他们一点儿都不注重包装设计,丧失了在出口市场上吸引买主的重要特色。剑桥国际This young fashion designer is rising to prominence. 这位年轻的时装设计师的声望越来越高。译典通We received a price estimate for alteration and equipment of the building.我们收到了改建和装设楼房的估价。剑桥国际

