
单词 被认为是
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALIVE〕The tree, at 368 feet, is considered the world's tallest living thing. 这棵368英尺高的树被认为是世界上最高的生物。朗文写作活用〔ILLEGAL〕The new rule was regarded as an infringement of the free-speech rights of government employees. 这一新规定被认为是对政府雇员的言论自由权的侵犯。朗文写作活用〔JOKE〕At the risk of sounding facetious, who really cares about what happens? 说出来怕被认为是在乱开玩笑,其实谁真的会在乎发生什么事呢?朗文写作活用〔John o'Groat's〕A location on the northeast coast of Scotland, traditionally considered the northernmost point of Great Britain.约翰·奥古若茨:苏格兰东北部沿海的一个地区,传统上被认为是大不列颠的最北端点美国传统〔North Cape〕A promontory on an island of northern Norway west of Cape Nordkyn. It is considered the northernmost important extremity of the continent of Europe.新西兰北岛的北端:北挪威诺尔辰角西部岛上的海角,被认为是欧洲大陆最北的重要末端美国传统〔RESULT〕Pain and illness are sometimes thought to be the unavoidable consequences of growing old. 疼痛和疾病有时被认为是年老的不可避免的结果。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕The banning of public meetings was held to be a denial of civil liberties. 禁止公众集会被认为是一种剥夺公民自由权的行为。朗文写作活用〔Seventh Avenue〕A thoroughfare in New York City on Manhattan Island. It has long been considered the center of the garment and fashion industry in the United States.第七街,“时尚大街”:美国纽约市曼哈顿区主干道。它长期被认为是美国服饰与时尚工业中心美国传统〔TEST〕The devices were tested very carefully and are considered safe. 这些设备已仔细地检查过并被认为是安全的。朗文写作活用〔WORLD〕At age 116, she was believed to be one of the oldest people in the world. 她116岁,被认为是全世界年纪最大的人之朗文写作活用〔articulation〕This was seen as a way of restricting women's articulation of grievances.这被认为是一种限制妇女发牢骚的方式。柯林斯高阶〔backwater〕The city was seen as a provincial backwater.这个城市被认为是个死气沉沉的地方城市。麦克米伦高阶〔bad〕In some parts of the world, it is considered bad manners to pick up food with the left hand.在世界上某些地区,用左手取食物会被认为是失礼的行为。剑桥高阶〔bearer〕Generally, the lower classes are considered to be the bearers of tradition.总的来说,下层民众被认为是传统的保持者。柯林斯高阶〔bellwether〕IBM is considered the bellwether stock on Wall Street.美国国际商用机器公司被认为是华尔街股票的风向标。外研社新世纪〔benefit〕He must have the benefit of the doubt until we are certain of his guilt.在我们未能确定他有罪之前,他应该被认为是无罪的。英汉大词典〔chivalrous〕Having the qualities of gallantry and honor attributed to an ideal knight.武士精神的:具有勇武精神及荣誉感等被认为是理想的武士所就具有的品质的美国传统〔clause〕Clause 4 of the constitution is thought to be the most important section.宪法第四条被认为是最重要的部分。剑桥高阶〔consider〕He is currently considered (to be) the best British athlete.他目前被认为是英国最出色的运动员。剑桥高阶〔consider〕It is considered bad manners in some cultures to speak with your mouth full of food.在某些文化习俗中,说话时嘴里塞满食物被认为是不礼貌的。剑桥高阶〔consider〕Liz Quinn was considered an excellent teacher.莉兹‧奎因被认为是一位优秀的教师。朗文当代〔cop-out〕Drug addiction is considered a kind of cop-out.吸毒被认为是一种逃避现实的途径。英汉大词典〔cow college〕A college or university considered to be provincial and unsophisticated.被认为是偏僻或不出名的大学或学院美国传统〔daring〕Her actions was considered very daring at the time.她的行为在当时被认为是非常大胆的。牛津搭配〔departure〕Reihill's departure from the company is thought to follow disagreements with John Reihill Sr, who now controls the company.赖希尔从公司的离职被认为是因为与现在掌管公司的老约翰·赖希尔意见不合。柯林斯高阶〔disavow〕The director disavowed the remark that had been attributed to him.主任否认被认为是他说过的话。21世纪英汉〔dispensation〕A religious system or code of commands considered to have been divinely revealed or appointed.教规:被认为是由神显示或指定的宗教体制或控制方式美国传统〔electron pair〕Two electrons functioning or regarded as functioning in concert, especially two electrons that form a nonpolar covalent bond between atoms.电子对:协调运行或被认为是协调运行的两个电子,尤指在原子间形成非极性共价键的两个电子美国传统〔engine room〕These firms are regarded as the engine room of the British economy.这些公司被认为是英国经济至关重要的组成部分。柯林斯高阶〔expendable〕During the recession, training budgets were seen as an expendable luxury.在经济衰退期间, 培训预算被认为是一项可以节省下来的奢侈费用。外研社新世纪〔far-out〕Pluto was once regarded as the solar system's most far-out planet.冥王星曾被认为是太阳系里最远的行星。英汉大词典〔father〕Henry Moore is considered to be the father of modern British sculpture.亨利 · 穆尔被认为是现代英国雕塑之父。牛津高阶〔fern seed〕The dustlike spores of ferns, formerly believed to be seeds and once thought to have the power of making their possessor invisible.(蕨类的)孢子:象灰尘似的过去被认为是种子的蕨的孢子,也曾被认为会产生一种使其拥有者隐身的力量美国传统〔flirtation〕Flirtation was supposed to be thrilling without being dangerous.调情被认为是一种刺激却没有危险的行为。外研社新世纪〔flowerage〕Flowers considered as a group.花类:被认为是一组的花美国传统〔foundation stone〕Greek and Latin were once viewed as the foundation stones of a good education.希腊语和拉丁语一度被认为是良好教育的奠基石。朗文当代〔gobshite〕A person regarded as mean or contemptible.差劲的人:被认为是脾气不好或是卑劣的人美国传统〔hag〕An old woman considered ugly or frightful.老丑婆:一个被认为是丑陋或可怕的老妇人美国传统〔half-wit〕A person regarded as foolish or stupid.笨蛋:一个被认为是笨蛋或傻瓜的人美国传统〔halidom〕Something considered holy.圣物:一些被认为是神圣的东西美国传统〔hall of fame〕A group of persons judged outstanding, as in a sport or profession.佼佼者:一群被认为是杰出的人,比如说在体育或职业方面美国传统〔hands-down〕He was rated a hands-down winner.他被认为是当然的赢家。英汉大词典〔ill〕A change of government is regarded as the cure for all the nation's ills.更换政府被认为是解决该国所有难题的良方。麦克米伦高阶〔impolitic〕It was considered impolitic of him to spend too much time with the party radicals.他花太多时间与党内的激进分子在一起,这被认为是不明智的。朗文当代〔import〕The beetle is thought to be a European import.这种甲虫被认为是从欧洲传进来的。朗文当代〔infrangible〕For centuries the atom was regarded as infrangible.有好几个世纪,原子一直被认为是不可分的。英汉大词典〔innocent〕Under the law, everyone is considered innocent until proved guilty.根据法律,所有人在证实有罪前都被认为是清白的。麦克米伦高阶〔judge〕The meeting was judged a success.会议被认为是成功的。麦克米伦高阶〔kook〕A person regarded as strange, eccentric, or crazy.怪人;狂人:被认为是奇怪的、怪异的或疯狂的人美国传统〔lag〕An interval between events or phenomena considered together.间隔的时间:在被认为是连续的事件或现象之间的间隔美国传统〔management buyout〕It is thought that a management buyout is one option.管理层收购被认为是一个选择。外研社新世纪〔measure〕GDP is considered the broadest measure of a country's economic activity.国内生产总值被认为是衡量一个国家经济活动的最宽泛指标。牛津搭配〔metallic〕Metallic finishes are seen as upmarket.金属般闪亮的罩面漆被认为是高档漆。柯林斯高阶〔motherland〕A country considered as the origin of something.发祥地:被认为是某物起源的国家美国传统〔neutrality〕He had departed from his prepared testimony, which was considered to be neutral.他抛开了自己准备好的、被认为是中立的证词。柯林斯高阶〔noblesse oblige〕Benevolent, honorable behavior considered to be the responsibility of persons of high birth or rank.贵人行为理应高尚:善良、高尚的行为,被认为是具有高贵出生或地位的人应该做的美国传统〔obscure〕For some obscure reason he is regarded as a great singer.由于某种说不清的原因,他被认为是个大歌唱家。麦克米伦高阶〔occupation〕Agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male occupation.在传统观念中,农活儿被认为是男性的工作。牛津搭配〔originate〕Dr Jose Arguelles is credited with originating the idea for the celebration.何塞•阿圭列斯博士被认为是首先想出这一庆祝方式的人。外研社新世纪〔pole〕These two men might be thought to represent the opposite poles of economic ideology.这两个人可能被认为是两种截然相反的经济思想体系的代表者。剑桥高阶〔prehominid〕Any of several extinct primates regarded as an immediate ancestor of the hominids.猿人:被认为是人类直接祖先的一种已灭绝的灵长目动物美国传统〔progeny〕Offspring or descendants considered as a group.后代,后裔:被认为是一团体的后代或后裔美国传统〔race〕Human beings considered as a group.人类:被认为是一个群体的人美国传统〔rank〕Thomas Hardy is ranked as one of the greatest English writers.哈代被认为是英国最伟大的作家之一。文馨英汉〔rate〕It is rated as one of the city's best hotels.它被认为是该市最好的酒店之一。牛津搭配〔safe〕We reveal only as much information as we can safely risk at a given time.我们仅能透露在某一时刻被认为是没有风险的信息量。柯林斯高阶〔scorn〕Contempt or disdain felt toward a person or object considered despicable or unworthy.轻视,轻蔑:对被认为是可鄙的或无用的人或物感到轻视或看不起美国传统〔secondary〕Money is considered to be of secondary importance.金钱被认为是次要的。外研社新世纪〔see〕This type of work is often seen as boring.这种工作常常被认为是单调乏味的。朗文当代〔shit〕Something considered disgusting, of poor quality, foolish, or otherwise totally unacceptable.愚蠢的事物,恶心的事物,无法接受的事物:被认为是令人讨厌的,质量次的,愚蠢的或者是令人完全无法接受的东西美国传统〔sinful〕Dancing was believed to be sinful.跳舞曾被认为是不道德的。朗文当代〔sissy〕A boy or man regarded as effeminate.女人气的男子:被认为是女孩子气的男孩或男人美国传统〔sissy〕A person regarded as timid or cowardly.胆小鬼:被认为是羞怯的或懦弱的人美国传统〔skunk〕A person regarded as obnoxious or despicable.卑鄙(或可恶)的人:被认为是讨厌的或卑鄙的人美国传统〔street〕The streets of a city viewed as the scene of crime, poverty, or dereliction.贫困的区域,犯罪多的区域:被认为是犯罪,贫穷或被遗弃场所的城市街道美国传统〔strike〕He is thought to be striking out at his former opponents.他被认为是在打击那些过去反对过他的人。英汉大词典〔tarantella〕A lively, whirling southern Italian dance once thought to be a remedy for tarantism.塔兰台拉舞:一种起源于意大利南部的欢快绕圈舞蹈,曾被认为是一种治疗毒蜘蛛舞蹈症的方法美国传统〔thing〕Going out and getting drunk was considered to be the thing to do.出门喝个一醉方休才回来在过去被认为是天经地义的事。外研社新世纪〔threat〕One that is regarded as a possible danger; a menace.威胁:一种被认为是可能的危险;一种危险美国传统〔tiki〕Tiki Mythology A male figure in Polynesian myth, sometimes identified as the first man. Tiki 【神话】 提基:玻利尼西亚神话中的一个男性人物,有时被认为是第一个男子美国传统〔trash〕A person or group of people regarded as worthless or contemptible.社会渣滓:被认为是没有价值的或可鄙的人或人群美国传统〔treasure〕One considered especially precious or valuable.珍品:被认为是非常珍贵或有价值的东西美国传统〔troglodyte〕A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.稳居者,遁世者:被认为是离群索居、反动的,过时的或野蛮的人美国传统〔unlucky〕Thirteen is supposed to be an unlucky number.13被认为是个不吉利的数字。麦克米伦高阶〔weed〕A plant considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome, especially one growing where it is not wanted, as in a garden.杂草:被认为是不想要的、没有吸引力的或令人讨厌的一种植物,尤指长在人们想要的地方,如在花园中美国传统〔work〕Her book is still considered the definitive work on beetles.她的书仍然被认为是甲虫研究方面的权威性著作。牛津搭配Descartes, Leibniz and Spinoza are considered to be the most important of the rationalists.笛卡尔、莱布尼茨和斯宾诺莎被认为是唯理论者中最重要的人物。剑桥国际Exuberance is regarded as their most endearing national characteristic.充满活力被认为是他们最可爱的民族特征。剑桥国际Government bonds are usually considered to be a safe investment.政府债券通常被认为是一种安全的投资。牛津商务In business, having a large share of the market is often assumed to be the touchstone for success.在商业中,占有很大的市场份额常被认为是衡量成功的标准。剑桥国际In the past pregnancy was considered to be something unmentionable.过去怀孕被认为是讲不出口的事情。剑桥国际It is not considered fair play to distract your opponent during a game.比赛中转移对手的注意力被认为是不公平的。剑桥国际John was regarded as a standout because of his stubbornness. 因为其顽固,约翰被认为是个固持己见的人。译典通Michael is considered an expert in computer science. 迈克被认为是位电脑专家。译典通Now aged 42, he is no longer considered as a serious/leading contender for the championship title.他今年42岁,已不被认为是夺冠热门。剑桥国际Originally trolls were thought of as giant ogres, but later trolls were mischievous dwarfs that guarded treasure and were skilled with their hands.原先人们认为突罗尔是巨怪,但是后来突罗尔被认为是守卫着财宝,双手有技能的淘气的侏儒。剑桥国际Over 6440 km in length, the Amazon constitutes the largest river in the world.亚马逊河长达6440多公里,被认为是世界上最大的河流。剑桥国际Police forensic evidence was regarded at that time as virtually infallible.警方的法医证据被认为是几乎不可能错的。剑桥国际Television in Britain in the 1950s had a novelty value.五十年代电视在英国被认为是一种新奇的事物。剑桥国际The only reason she was considered a security risk was because her husband was a foreigner.她被认为是不可靠分子的唯一原因是她的丈夫是个外国人。剑桥国际

