
单词 补偿
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕I've always thought it outrageous that the poor have to pay for tax cuts for the rich. 我一向认为富人的减税要穷人来补偿是极不公平的。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕Employees who were exposed to hazardous substances are now claiming compensation. 接触过危险物品的员工正在要求补偿朗文写作活用〔I trust〕I trust that you'll pay me for the broken window.我想你一定会为打破窗户给我些补偿韦氏高阶〔TAKE〕A good insurance policy will cover the cost of goods lost or damaged in transit. 一份完善的保险能够补偿运输过程中货物丢失或损坏的费用。朗文写作活用〔amend〕He wanted to make amends for causing their marriage to fail.他导致了他们的婚姻破裂,因此想作出补偿柯林斯高阶〔atone〕To expiate.补偿美国传统〔base pay〕An amount or a rate of compensation for a specified position of employment or activity excluding any other payments or allowances.基本工资,底薪:补偿给特定职位的雇员或活动的一定数量或比率的薪金,不包括其它的报酬或津贴美国传统〔carbon credit〕Wind energy companies sell carbon credits to consumers.风能公司向消费者出售碳补偿信用额。牛津高阶〔city〕The city has agreed to pay damages to those involved.市政府已经同意向有关人员支付损失补偿费。麦克米伦高阶〔civvy street〕If they were in civvy street they would be compensated anyway.他们要是老百姓的话,就一定会得到补偿柯林斯高阶〔compensate〕Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.一个人健康的丧失是无法补偿的。21世纪英汉〔compensate〕The government is fully prepared to compensate the victims.政府已做好充分准备补偿受害者。外研社新世纪〔compensate〕The official promise to compensate people for the price rise clearly hadn't been worked out properly.显然,官方对物价上涨进行补偿的承诺没有真正兑现。柯林斯高阶〔compensation〕He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office.他得到一年的工资作为失业补偿金。柯林斯高阶〔compensation〕He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office.他拿到了一年的工资作为失业补偿金。外研社新世纪〔compensation〕People who are wrongly arrested may be paid compensation .遭误捕的人有可能得到补偿费。朗文当代〔compensation〕Psychology Behavior that develops either consciously or unconsciously to offset a real or imagined deficiency, as in personality or physical ability.【心理学】 补偿行为:有意识或无意识地发展的行为,以抵消实际或想象的缺点,如在个性或身体能力上美国传统〔compensation〕The money was small compensation for unfair dismissal.这笔钱是对不公平解雇的少量补偿牛津搭配〔compensatory〕Money should be spent on compensatory programmes for deprived pre-school and infant-school children.钱应该花在为不能享有学前班和幼儿学校教育的儿童设置的补偿教育项目上。柯林斯高阶〔coordinated universal time〕Universal time, taking into account the addition or omission of leap seconds by atomic clocks each year to compensate for changes in the rotation of the earth.世界协调时:普遍的时间。把原子钟每年润秒的增加或遗漏考虑进去,来补偿地球自转中产生的改变美国传统〔countervail〕To compensate for; offset.补偿;抵消美国传统〔cover〕Does your travel insurance cover you against/for the loss or theft of cash? 你的旅行保险能为你的现金丢失或失窃提供保险补偿吗?剑桥高阶〔derivative〕They permit a shareholder to obtain leave from the court to bring a derivative action and thereby gain better access to a remedy.他们允许股东获得法院许可提起派生诉讼, 以便获得更好的补偿外研社新世纪〔dividend〕A payment pro rata to a creditor of a person adjudged bankrupt.破产补偿金:破产清算时债权人按比例分得的补偿美国传统〔double-barrelled〕The company announced a double-barreled investment and management-compensation plan.公司宣布了一份投资和管理补偿的双重计划。柯林斯高阶〔earnings〕He claimed compensation for loss of earnings .他要求对工资的损失作出补偿朗文当代〔eminent domain〕The right of a government to appropriate private property for public use, usually with compensation to the owner.征用权:政府把私人财产充为公用的权利,通常对拥有者有所补偿美国传统〔emission〕New power plants must offset emissions by funding climate-change projects.新电站必须通过资助气候变化项目以补偿其排放。牛津搭配〔ex gratia〕Ex gratia payments were made to all those who had been affected by the spillage.受到泄漏事故影响的所有人都得到了额外的补偿剑桥高阶〔ex gratia〕Otherwise, they would not feel compelled to make ex gratia payments to customers they have wronged.否则,他们不会觉得必须向那些没有受到公平待遇的顾客提供补偿款。柯林斯高阶〔expense〕You will receive expense reimbursement for up to $5 000 for legal representation.作为法律代表,你将会获得最高 5,000 美元的费用补偿牛津搭配〔expiate〕To make amends; atone.做纠正;补偿美国传统〔expiation〕A means of expiating or atoning.补偿或赎罪的方式美国传统〔fetch again〕Their loss has been fetched again.他们的损失已经得到补偿21世纪英汉〔financial〕He received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services.他的服务只得到了一句谢谢却并没有物质上的补偿美国传统〔guarantee〕The bank can give no guarantee that investors will be compensated.这家银行不能作出给予投资者补偿的保证。外研社新世纪〔hedge〕To take compensatory measures so as to counterbalance possible loss.以套期保值避免损失:采取补偿性措施以平衡可能的损失美国传统〔incur〕The final rewards will more than compensate for any loss you may incur.最后的报酬除补偿你可能经受到的损失外还会有余。英汉大词典〔indemnify〕To make compensation to for damage, loss, or injury suffered.赔偿; 补偿:因遭破坏、损失或受伤而做出补偿美国传统〔indemnity〕The government paid the family an indemnity for the missing pictures.政府为丢失的照片向这家人支付了一笔补偿金。外研社新世纪〔k〕To pay, atone, compensate.支付, 补偿, 偿还.美国传统〔level compensator〕An automatic gain control device used in the receiving equipment of telegraphic circuits.电平补偿器:用于电报电路接收设备中的自动增益控制装置美国传统〔loss〕She was offered compensation for loss of earnings.她收入上的损失得到了补偿麦克米伦高阶〔lump sum〕Her divorce settlement included a lump sum of $2 million.她的离婚协议包括一次性补偿200万美元。剑桥高阶〔make it up to sb〕I'm sorry we can't take you with us, but I promise I'll make it up to you somehow.很抱歉我们不能带你去,但我保证以后设法补偿你。剑桥高阶〔make up for sth〕He bought me dinner to make up for being so late the day before.他请我吃晚饭,作为对前一天迟到的补偿剑桥高阶〔make up for〕A conservatory would make up for the fact that we were refused planning permission for a roof terrace.我们建屋顶平台的计划被驳回了,要是能盖一间温室也算一种补偿柯林斯高阶〔make up for〕Ask for an extra compensation payment to make up for the stress you have been caused.为补偿你为此承受的压力,你要申请额外的补偿金。柯林斯高阶〔make up to〕I must make it up to him for the awful intrusion of last night.因为昨晚过分的打扰,我必须对他有所补偿柯林斯高阶〔make up〕He'd neglected his children and wanted to make it up to them by spending more time with them.他忽略了孩子,想花更多的时间陪他们以进行补偿韦氏高阶〔means〕He did not have the means to compensate her.他没有钱来补偿她。外研社新世纪〔miserly〕She was left with a miserly amount of compensation.只留给她一笔少得可怜的补偿金。外研社新世纪〔offset〕Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials.为补偿原料成本的增加而提高了价格。牛津高阶〔offset〕We offset all our long-haul flights.我们补偿了之前长途运输机的排放所带来的损害。剑桥高阶〔order〕The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employee.公司被勒令向以前的员工作出补偿牛津高阶〔overcompensation〕Excessive compensation, especially the exertion of effort in excess of that needed to compensate for a physical or psychological characteristic or defect.过度补偿:过多的补偿,尤指为弥补身体或心理的不正常或缺陷而进行的过度努力美国传统〔payment〕One's due, reward, or punishment; requital.报偿,报应:一个人应得报酬、报答、惩罚;补偿,赔偿美国传统〔payoff〕His ex-wife pocketed a £20 million payoff after 26 years of marriage.他的前妻把2000万英镑揣进自己的腰包,作为26年婚姻的补偿麦克米伦高阶〔poison pill〕Some believe this level of compensation is essentially a poison pill to put off any rival bidders.有些人认为这种程度的补偿实质上是阻止任何投标对手的“毒丸”防御。柯林斯高阶〔possibility〕The government now owns a lot of our land — one possibility would be to compensate us with other property.政府现在占了我们的大量土地,一种可能是用其他地产来对我们作出补偿柯林斯高阶〔preference〕Racial preferences are a way to make up for years of discrimination against minorities.种族优待政策是对多年歧视少数族裔行为的一种补偿朗文当代〔prevision〕She previsioned herself in a position where she could repay slurs.她预见到自己处于能补偿污点的地位。21世纪英汉〔quid pro quo〕The statement is emphatic in stating that there must be a quid pro quo.这项声明强调必须要有所补偿柯林斯高阶〔quittance〕Something given as requital or recompense; a repayment.报偿:给予作为回报或补偿的东西;报偿美国传统〔recompensable〕He didn't try to recompense for our loss.对我们的损失他无意补偿21世纪英汉〔recompense〕Amends made, as for damage or loss.赔偿:对诸如损害或损失而做的补偿美国传统〔recompense〕He was given £1 000 in recompense for his loss.他得到 1,000 英镑作为损失补偿金。牛津搭配〔recoup〕The act of recouping.获得补偿:获得补偿的行为美国传统〔redundancy〕The company has had to make redundancy payments of £472 million.该公司不得不为裁员支付4.72亿英镑的补偿款。柯林斯高阶〔reimburse〕His costs in recovering the lost suitcase were fully reimbursed.他找回丢失的手提箱的所有花费都得到了补偿牛津搭配〔reparation〕All of these nouns refer to something given in compensation for loss, suffering, or damage.这些名词都可指作为对损失、苦难或损害的补偿而给予的东西。美国传统〔reparation〕Offenders must make reparation for their crimes through community service.犯法者必须通过社区服务来为他们所犯的罪行作补偿朗文当代〔reparation〕Something done or paid to compensate or make amends.赔偿物;赔偿金:为了补偿或做赔偿而做或支付的东西美国传统〔reparative〕Of, relating to, or of the nature of reparations.赔偿的:属于、关于或具有补偿性质的美国传统〔replenish〕You know I am not able to replenish the losses.你知道我是无力补偿这些损失的。21世纪英汉〔restitution〕We have asked that they rehire the people that were fired and that they make restitution to them.我们已经要求他们重新雇用那些被开除的人,并对他们进行补偿柯林斯高阶〔salvage〕Compensation given to those who voluntarily aid in such a rescue.海上救助费:付给救援中义务人员的补偿美国传统〔satisfied〕The sum of money given by the insurance company satisfied for his losses.这笔款是作为补偿他的损失由保险公司偿付的。21世纪英汉〔scrappage〕The government is offering scrappage grants to reduce the number of old vehicles on the road.政府为减少上路的旧车而提供报废补偿剑桥高阶〔self-insurance〕Insurance of oneself or one's possessions against possible loss by regularly setting aside funds.自我保险:通过定期划拨准备金来补偿自己或自己财产可能遭受的损失美国传统〔setoff〕Something that offsets or compensates for something else; a counterbalance.补偿物:抵消或补偿其它事物的东西;抵消美国传统〔settle〕To make compensation for (a claim).补偿:按要求补偿美国传统〔set〕Certain business losses can be set (off) against taxes.部分营业亏损可因少付税款而得到补偿英汉大词典〔something〕We were given five hundred pounds in compensation which isn't much but at least it's something.我们得到了500英镑的补偿费,虽然不多,但至少还算幸运。剑桥高阶〔stand outside〕The compensation of the spirit for the loss of his right hand has been allowed to stand outside the discussion of this time.有关他失去右手提出精神补偿的问题,本次不予讨论。21世纪英汉〔unemployment compensation〕Financial compensation for unemployed workers, provided in the United States chiefly by state governments.失业救济:给失业工人的财政补偿,在美国主要由州政府提供美国传统〔unreasonable〕You are entitled to compensation for unreasonable delays.你有权因不合理延误得到补偿韦氏高阶〔work off〕His parents are making him work off the cost of the bike he ruined.他的父母让他干活以补偿那辆被他弄坏的自行车的费用。韦氏高阶I'm sorry we can't take you with us but I promise I'll make it up to you somehow.很抱歉不能带你去,不过我保证将设法补偿剑桥国际Ms Parks received a $4 million separation package.帕克斯女士得到了 400 万元的离职补偿金。牛津商务Much of the cost of damage from the flooding will not be recoverable.因洪水造成的损失大部分得不到补偿牛津商务She didn't receive any compensation because her employer wasn't insured for on-the-job injuries.她没有得到任何补偿,因为她的雇主没有投保工伤险。剑桥国际Society craves for more and costlier physical objects that can never requite the toil it takes to acquire them.社会渴望更多、更豪华的物品,这些物品永远无法补偿为获取它们而付出的艰辛。剑桥国际The advertiser must notify the account manager of any error or omission to be eligible for a makegood.当出现任何失误或遗漏而必须作出广告补偿时,广告商必须通知客户经理。牛津商务The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employees.公司被勒令补偿其以前的员工。牛津商务The court awarded the women $100 000 each to recompense them for nine years of lost wages and missed employment opportunities.法院判决给每位妇女十万美元以补偿九年间失去的工资和错过就业机会。剑桥国际The employees are entitled to redundancy payments.雇员有权得到裁员补偿牛津商务The small amount of compensation is a further source of grievance to the people forced to leave their homes.数目很少的补偿金是被迫离开家园的人们的又一不满的根源。剑桥国际They are still trying to make some sorts of atonement and reparation. 他们仍在努力作出某些补偿译典通Workers who have been unfairly dismissed may claim compensation. 被无理开除的工人可以要求补偿译典通

