
单词 着色剂
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cochineal〕A red dye made of the dried and pulverized bodies of female cochineal insects. It is used as a biological stain and as an indicator in acid-base titrations.胭脂红:由雌胭脂虫虫体干燥并研成粉末制成的一种红色染料。用作生物着色剂和酸基滴定指示剂美国传统〔gentian violet〕A dye used in microscopy as a biological stain and in medicine as a bactericide, a fungicide, and an anthelmintic.龙胆紫:一种染料,用在显微镜下作为生物学着色剂、药用杀菌剂、杀真菌药和打虫药美国传统〔pigment〕A substance used as coloring.颜料,涂料:用作着色剂的物质美国传统〔stain〕A liquid substance applied especially to wood that penetrates the surface and imparts a rich color.着色剂:能够渗透表层并着深色的一种液体物质,尤用于木头上美国传统〔turmeric〕The powdered rhizome of this plant, used as a condiment and a yellow dye.姜黄粉:这种植物的根茎磨成的粉用作调味品和黄色着色剂美国传统

