
单词 第九局
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bomb〕He bombed a homer in the ninth inning.他在第九局击出一个本垒打。韦氏高阶〔bomb〕The relief pitcher was bombed in the ninth inning.替补投手在第九局丢了好几分。韦氏高阶〔bottom〕They tied the score in the bottom of the ninth inning.他们在第九局的后半局打平。韦氏高阶〔give up〕The pitcher didn't give up a hit till the ninth inning.投手到第九局才失掉了一球。韦氏高阶〔out〕It's the bottom of the ninth inning with two men out.在第九局的后半局,有两名队员出局韦氏高阶〔out〕With two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, he hit a home run to win the game.第九局的后半局,在有两名队员出局的情况下,他以一记本垒打赢得了比赛。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕Stanton pitched to two batters in the ninth inning.斯坦顿在第九局投球给两个击球员。朗文当代〔rally〕The stock market declined, then rallied. The home team rallied in the ninth inning to win the game.股市下调了,接着又重新上升。主队在第九局突然猛醒过来,赢了这场比赛美国传统〔self-destruct〕The team had a large lead most of the game but self-destructed in the ninth inning and lost.这支队整场大都遥遥领先,但在第九局自毁,输掉了比赛。韦氏高阶The game wasn't decided until the bottom of (=second half of) the ninth inning.比赛直到第九局的后半局才决出胜负。剑桥国际The pitcher struck out both batters (= made them both fail three times to hit the ball) in the ninth inning and saved the game.投球手在第九局中使两名击球手三击不中从而挽救了比赛。剑桥国际

