
单词 空气
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREATHE〕People nowadays are becoming more and more concerned about the quality of the air they breathe. 人们现在愈来愈关心他们呼吸的空气的质量。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Air pressure at sea level equals 1.03kg per square centimetre. 海平面的空气压力为每平方厘米1.03千克。朗文写作活用〔Empedocles〕Greek philosopher who believed that all matter is composed of elemental particles of fire, water, earth, and air and that all change is caused by motion.恩培多克勒:希腊哲学家,他认为所有物质都是由元素微粒组成,即火、水、土和空气,所有的变化都是运动所引起的美国传统〔SHINE/SHINY〕The floors gleamed, and the house smelled sweetly of soap and fresh air. 地板光滑发亮,屋子里空气新鲜,散发着肥皂的清香。朗文写作活用〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕Clean or replace the air filter before attempting to start the engine. 发动引擎前,清洁或更换空气过滤器。朗文写作活用〔aerodyne〕A heavier-than-air aircraft deriving lift from motion.重航空器:从运动中获得提升力的重于空气的飞行器美国传统〔air brake〕A brake, especially on a motor vehicle, that is operated by compressed air.气闸:一种闸,尤其是用压缩空气来启动的机动车上的闸美国传统〔air conditioner〕An apparatus for controlling, especially lowering, the temperature and humidity of an enclosed space.空气调节器,空调设备:用来控制,尤其是降低一个封闭空间的温度和湿度的设备美国传统〔air-cool〕To cool (an engine, for example) by a flow of air.气冷:用空气的流动来冷却(如发动机)美国传统〔airborne〕The airborne radioactive particles have covered a huge area of Russia.依靠空气传播的放射性粒子覆盖了俄罗斯一大片地区。剑桥高阶〔airless〕Lacking fresh air; stuffy.不通风的:缺乏新鲜空气的;闷气的美国传统〔air〕A delicious smell filled the air.空气中弥漫着一股诱人的香味。韦氏高阶〔air〕I like to dine outdoors in the open air.我喜欢在户外清新的空气中用餐。韦氏高阶〔air〕I went outside to get some fresh air.我到室外呼吸一下新鲜空气剑桥高阶〔air〕They have developed an engine powered by compressed air.他们研制出一种用压缩空气作动力的发动机。牛津搭配〔atmosphere〕Last night's storm had cleared the atmosphere.昨夜的暴风雨使空气变得清新。牛津搭配〔atmosphere〕These plants love warm, humid atmospheres.这些植物喜欢温暖潮湿的空气牛津高阶〔blast furnace〕A furnace in which combustion is intensified by a blast of air.鼓风炉:由一股空气助燃的炉美国传统〔bloom〕The air was heavy with the fragrance of wild blooms.空气中弥漫着野花浓郁的芳香。外研社新世纪〔breathe〕He wants to live where he can breathe clean/fresh air.他想住在一个能呼吸到干净/清新空气的地方。韦氏高阶〔breathe〕The engine breathes through this air filter.引擎通过这台空气过滤器通气。外研社新世纪〔breath〕I seemed to feel a breath of spring in the air.我似乎感觉到了空气中春天的气息。外研社新世纪〔canon〕The very first canon of nursing is to keep the air inside as fresh as the air outside.护理工作的首要原则是要保持室内空气像室外一样清新。柯林斯高阶〔canopy〕The part of a parachute that opens up to catch the air.伞衣:降落伞打开以获得空气浮力的部分美国传统〔cautious〕The air-pollution board has reacted with cautious optimism to the announcement.空气污染委员会对这项通告的反应是谨慎的乐观。朗文当代〔charge〕The air was charged with vapor.空气中饱含着潮气。21世纪英汉〔clear-air turbulence〕A severe atmospheric turbulence that occurs under otherwise tranquil conditions and subjects aircraft to strong updrafts and downdrafts.晴空湍流:一种剧烈的空气湍流,发生在其它方面平静的条件下并使飞行器发生强烈的上下颠簸美国传统〔cold front〕The leading portion of a cold atmospheric air mass moving against and eventually replacing a warm air mass.冷锋:冷空气气团的前锋部分,排斥并最终取代暖气团美国传统〔compose〕Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.空气主要由氮和氧构成。剑桥高阶〔contact〕When water comes into contact with air, carbon dioxide is released.水和空气接触,二氧化碳就释放出来了。朗文当代〔damp〕Foul or poisonous gas that sometimes pollutes the air in coal mines.矿井瓦斯,有毒气体:矿井中有时污染空气的恶臭气体或有毒气体美国传统〔damp〕To extinguish (a fire, for example) by cutting off air.封火,灭火:通过隔绝空气来熄灭(如火等)美国传统〔dipnoan〕Any of various fishes of the group Dipnoi, which includes the lungfishes, characterized by modified lungs that enable them to breathe atmospheric air.肺鱼:一种属于肺鱼亚纲的鱼类,包括肺鱼,其特征为有可改变的肺,从而呼吸大气中的空气美国传统〔drag〕The car's rounded edges reduce drag.这辆汽车的圆形边缘降低了空气阻力。朗文当代〔drowsy〕The air was full of sweet, drowsy scents.空气里充满芬芳的、让人昏昏欲睡的气息。外研社新世纪〔dry〕The day will start bright and mainly dry.早上将会天气晴朗,空气大体上干燥。牛津搭配〔exist〕We cannot exist without air, food and water.我们没有空气、食物和水就不能生存。21世纪英汉〔expel〕As the lungs exhale this waste, gas is expelled into the atmosphere.肺呼出这些废气时, 气体就被排进空气中。外研社新世纪〔expel〕Expel all the air from your chest.呼出胸腔中所有的空气牛津搭配〔expose〕These drawings must not be exposed to the air.这些画一定不能暴露在空气中。牛津搭配〔fan〕To move or cause a current of (air) with or as if with a fan.扇:用扇子或像扇子扇动空气美国传统〔fiend〕My brother is a real fresh air fiend.我弟弟是个非常喜欢新鲜空气的人。麦克米伦高阶〔flap〕To fly by beating the air with the wings.振翼飞行:用翅膀拍打空气而飞行美国传统〔foul〕The air was heavy with the stink of damp and foulness.空气中有一股潮湿的恶臭味。牛津高阶〔fresh〕The air was fresh and for a moment she felt revived.空气清新,有那么一会儿她感到恢复了活力。柯林斯高阶〔frosty〕The frosty air stung my cheeks.冰冷的空气刺痛了我的双颊。剑桥高阶〔impurity〕The air in the factory is filtered to remove impurities.工厂里的空气要经过过滤,以清除其中的杂质。柯林斯高阶〔inflow〕The vents provide improved inflow of air/water.这些孔改善了空气/水的流入。韦氏高阶〔kindling〕The trick is to get lots of air into the paper and kindling.窍门就是往纸和引火物中送入大量空气外研社新世纪〔liquid air〕Air in its liquid state, intensely cold and bluish, obtained by cooling and compression.液态空气:处于液体状的空气,呈蓝色,极度冰冷,通过冷却和压缩而成美国传统〔love〕The cactus loves hot, dry air.仙人掌需要干热的空气美国传统〔magnify〕The sound was magnified by the calm air.平静的空气使声音更响亮。韦氏高阶〔mechanically〕The air was circulated mechanically.空气是通过机械装置实现循环流动的。外研社新世纪〔minute〕There were minute particles of dust in the air.空气中含有粉尘微粒。韦氏高阶〔misty〕The air was cold and misty.空气寒冷且多雾。柯林斯高阶〔negatively〕After a thunderstorm the air is negatively charged.雷暴之后空气带负电。外研社新世纪〔nip〕A sharp, stinging quality, as of frosty air.刺骨,尖锐:尖锐的、刺骨的特性,如寒冷空气美国传统〔ozone〕A light breeze filled the rooms of our seaside cottage with ozone.微风让我们海边小屋的房间充满了清新空气韦氏高阶〔perfume〕Flowers started to perfume the air.花儿的香气开始弥漫在空气中。柯林斯高阶〔perfume〕The air was filled with the sweet perfume of roses.空气中充满了玫瑰花香甜的味道。麦克米伦高阶〔permeate〕The smell of diesel oil permeated the air.空气里充斥着柴油的气味。朗文当代〔press〕The little office became stale and overheated from the press of so many bodies.那么多人挤在一起, 小办公室变得空气污浊, 闷热不堪。外研社新世纪〔puke〕She broke the surface face-first, puking water then drinking air.她脸朝上跃出了水面, 嘴里吐出了水, 然后大口地呼吸空气外研社新世纪〔pure〕Up here the air was purer .这上面的空气纯净些。朗文当代〔quality〕Pollution affects air/water quality.污染影响了空气/水的质量。韦氏高阶〔radiational cooling〕The cooling of the earth's surface and the air near the surface, occurring chiefly at night and caused by heat loss engendered by terrestrial radiation.辐射冷却:主要发生在夜晚的地面或近地面空气的冷却,由地面辐射造成的热量丧失引起美国传统〔release〕How much radiation was released into the air? 多少辐射进入到了空气中?牛津搭配〔resonant〕The air was resonant with the shouts of children.空气中回响着儿童的叫喊声。英汉大词典〔roll back sth〕He wants to roll back laws designed to clean up the air, water and land.他想削弱旨在保持空气、水源和土地清洁的法律。剑桥高阶〔scent〕Honeysuckle and roses scented the air.空气中弥漫着忍冬和玫瑰的花香。朗文当代〔skin diving〕The sport of swimming under water with flippers and a face mask and usually with a snorkel rather than a portable air supply.潜游,裸潜:戴着脚蹼和面罩在水下游泳的一种运动,通常只带通气管而不带便携式空气供应装置美国传统〔smoke〕The vaporous system made up of small particles of carbonaceous matter in the air, resulting mainly from the burning of organic material, such as wood or coal.烟:由空气中的含碳物质小颗粒形成的气态结构,主要由于燃烧木头或煤炭等有机物而形成美国传统〔steamy〕The air was hot and steamy from the heat of a hundred bodies.空气由于100 个人散发的热量变得又热又闷。外研社新世纪〔stuffy〕Lacking sufficient ventilation; close.不通气的:缺乏新鲜空气的;狭小的美国传统〔suck out〕The air is sucked out by a high-powered fan.通过强力风机把空气抽出去。外研社新世纪〔suck〕The pump sucks air out through the valve.气泵通过阀门把空气抽出去。牛津高阶〔that〕The air of hills is cooler than that of plains.山地的空气比平原的空气凉快。英汉大词典〔thicken〕As the ice sheet grows and thickens it chills the nearby air.随着冰盖越来越大,越来越厚,周围的空气也冷了起来。柯林斯高阶〔thick〕The air was thick with smoke.空气中弥漫着烟。外研社新世纪〔thing〕First thing in the morning I open the window and let in some fresh air.早上,我首先打开窗子,让新鲜空气进来。 英汉大词典〔throw〕She threw open the window to get some air.她猛地推开窗,呼吸些空气韦氏高阶〔transmit〕Water transmits sound better than air.水比空气能更好地传声。英汉大词典〔ventilation〕The mechanical system or equipment used to circulate air or to replace stale air with fresh air.通风设备:机械系统或设备,用于空气流通或将污浊的空气换成新鲜空气美国传统〔ventilator〕A device that circulates fresh air and expels stale or foul air.通风设备:流通新鲜空气并排放污浊有害空气的设备美国传统〔vent〕Air passes through a vent.空气通过通风口进出。牛津搭配〔warm〕The sun has warmed the air.太阳把空气晒得暖烘烘的。英汉大词典〔windage〕The disturbance of air caused by the passage of a fast-moving object, such as a railway train.气流:快速经过的物体(如火车)引起的对空气的扰动美国传统〔windsucking〕The injurious habit of drawing in and swallowing air. Used of horses.咬槽咽气癖:一种喜欢呼入空气然后吞下的有害习惯。用于指马美国传统Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.空气主要是由氮和氧组成。剑桥国际All mammals breathe air. 哺乳类动物全都呼吸空气译典通I work in an office all week, so I like to get out into the fresh air (=to go outside) at weekends.我整个星期在办公室里工作,所以我喜欢在周末到户外去呼吸新鲜空气剑桥国际It is urgent that the acute problem of air pollution in the city be solved. 该城市空气污染这一严重问题急须解决。译典通It's terribly smoky in here--I'm just going out for (= leaving the room in order to get) a breath of fresh air.这里的烟太呛人了,我出去呼吸一下新鲜空气剑桥国际She opened a window to freshen (up) the room (=make the air in it cleaner and cooler).她打开窗,让屋内空气变得清新。剑桥国际Steel is a ferrous metal (= It contains iron) and some types of it rust when exposed to air.钢是一种铁属金属,有几种钢暴露在空气中会生锈。剑桥国际The air in Mexico City is some of the foulest (=most polluted) in the world.墨西哥城的空气是世界上最肮脏的之一。剑桥国际The air was loaded with soot. 空气充满煤烟。译典通The fresh air has given us an appetite (= made us hungry).新鲜空气激起了我们的食欲。剑桥国际The industry's claim that its products are tested to meet indoor air quality standards is misleading and unscientific.工业部门关于它的产品经检测符合室内空气质量标准的声明是误导人的, 是没有科学道理的。剑桥国际There was a terrible confusion (=lack of order) as everyone struggled madly in the dark to get some air.黑暗中每个人都为呼吸到一些空气而拼命挣扎,乱成一团。剑桥国际

