
单词 百元
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cash〕I have four hundred dollars in cash.我有四百元现金。文馨英汉〔chisel〕They chiseled him out of hundreds of dollars.他们骗了他几百元钱。牛津高阶〔hundred〕This vase is wo rth several hundred dollars.这只花瓶值几百元牛津高阶〔miss〕He wouldn't miss $100.少了一百元对他不算什么。文馨英汉〔nonchalance〕Affecting nonchalance, I handed her two hundred-dollar bills.我装出一副毫不在意的样子, 递给她两张百元钞票。外研社新世纪〔save〕That will save me a hundred dollars.那可以替我省一百元文馨英汉〔sell〕If you offer him another hundred, I think he'll sell.如果你再出一百元钱给他,我想他会卖的。朗文当代〔swindle〕They swindled him out of hundreds of dollars.他们诈骗了他好几百元牛津高阶〔swindle〕They swindled hundreds of dollars out of him.他们诈骗了他好几百元牛津高阶He has huge credit-card debt and pays hundreds of dollars a month in finance charges.他欠下庞大的信用卡债务,每月都要支付数百元的贷款利息。牛津商务He sold his car for 500 dollars. 他以五百元把车卖了。译典通The old watch fetched 100 dollars. 这旧表卖了一百元译典通The three children saved about two hundred dollars between them. 三个孩子一起积蓄了大约二百元钱。译典通The watch is 100 dollars. 这表值一百元译典通This oil painting sells for 500 dollars. 这幅油画售价五百元译典通We paid for the TV set in installments of 100 dollars a month for five months. 我们用分期付款方法付电视机款,每月付一百元,分五个月付清。译典通Your allotment was three hundred dollars. 你名下分到三百元译典通

