
单词 用词
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglicism〕A word, a phrase, or an idiom peculiar to the English language, especially as spoken in England; a Briticism.英国习语,英国特有用词,英国式的语言现象:英语,尤其是在英语口语中所特有的单词、短语或习惯用语;英国式语言现象美国传统〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕The wording of the policy is written clearly and unambiguously. 那项政策用词清晰、明确。朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕You're not allowed to use a dictionary in this exam. The rules are quite clear on this point. 这次考试不允许使用词典。在这一点上规定很明确。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕Much of the comedy in Pratchett's books comes from the clever way he plays around with words and ideas. 普莱切特的著作中大部分喜剧成分来自他巧妙机智的用词和构思。朗文写作活用〔ambiguity〕Incorrect choice of words leads to ambiguity for the reader.用词不当导致读者理解不清。牛津搭配〔apt〕The words were all apt and well chosen.用词都非常适当并经缜密斟酌。英汉大词典〔atrociously〕He had written the note from memory, word perfect, and spelled atrociously.他凭着记忆作了记录, 虽然用词恰当但拼写错误百出。外研社新世纪〔atrociously〕He had written the note from memory, word perfect, and spelled atrociously.他凭着记忆作了记录,用词恰当但拼写错误百出。柯林斯高阶〔barbarize〕The Latin language barbarized.拉丁语用词鄙俗。21世纪英汉〔borrowing〕Languages borrow from one another and these borrowings enrich the language.语言相互借用,这些借用词语可使语言更加丰富。英汉大词典〔borrow〕Linguistics To adopt words from one language for use in another.【语言学】 借用词汇:从一种语言中采纳词汇用到另一种语言中美国传统〔care〕He was choosing his words with great care.他用词非常小心谨慎。麦克米伦高阶〔choice〕He told us what he thought of the idea in a few choice words.他跟我们说了他对这个观点的看法,用词尖酸刻薄。朗文当代〔common currency〕Words like 'spliff' and 'blunt' have become common currency.spliff 和 blunt(大麻烟卷)这类词语已经成为常用词了。朗文当代〔contradiction in terms〕I think “working vacation” is a contradiction in terms.我认为“工作休假”是用词上的自相矛盾。韦氏高阶〔contradiction〕A public service run for profit — a contradiction in terms if there ever was one.以营利为目的的公共服务机构——这是典型的用词上的自相矛盾(如果真有这种说法的话)。柯林斯高阶〔contradiction〕A ‘nomad settlement’ is a contradiction in terms.“游牧者的定居”是用词上的自相矛盾。牛津高阶〔contradiction〕Many people think that an honest politician is a contradiction in terms.许多人认为“诚实的政客”在用词上自相矛盾。剑桥高阶〔curt〕Using few words; terse.简明的:少用词的;简洁的美国传统〔define〕Before I answer your question, could you define your terms a little more (= explain what you mean by the words you have used)? 在回答你的问题之前,你能不能再解释一下你用词的意思?剑桥高阶〔echo verse〕Verse in which the final words or syllables of a line or stanza are repeated as a response, often with an ironic effect.重音格:下一行或节重复上一行或节的最后用词或音节的诗歌,常带有讽刺效果美国传统〔elocution〕The art of public speaking in which gesture, vocal production, and delivery are emphasized.演讲艺术:在公众演讲中强调风度、用词和表达的艺术美国传统〔felicitous〕Sachs has a sure hand with a felicitous phrase.萨克斯用词精当, 恰到好处。外研社新世纪〔figure of speech〕Jane decided to eliminate all figures of speech from her writing and only use words in their literal senses.简决定去掉文中所有的修辞用法, 只用词的原意。外研社新世纪〔formally〕Classic Greek drama was written in verse, usually in an elevated and formal style.古典希腊戏剧以韵文写成,通常用词讲究、结构整齐。柯林斯高阶〔ghost word〕A word that has come into a language through the perpetuation of a misreading of a manuscript, a typographical error, or a misunderstanding.错别字,误用词:由于误读稿件、印刷错误或错误理解而引入语言中的字美国传统〔graduate〕The word has graduated from slang to accepted use.这个单词已从俚语词升级为通用词韦氏高阶〔illustration〕This thesaurus gives illustrations of how words are used.这本同义词词典举实例教人怎样用词牛津同义词〔imprecision〕The official was forced into technical terms by the imprecision of the ordinary words.由于日常用词意义含混,那官员不得不改用术语。英汉大词典〔impropriety〕Using “borrow” to mean “lend” is an impropriety.把“借来”当作“借出”用属于用词错误。英汉大词典〔induce〕The author by his choice of words has induced a particular frame of mind in the reader.作者推敲用词,在读者心中唤起一种特殊的意境。英汉大词典〔irony〕The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.反语:用词语表达与它们的字面意思相异或相反的用法美国传统〔juggle〕Peter loves juggling with language.彼得老爱在用词造句方面玩花样。英汉大词典〔language〕It was the standard form of wording for a consent letter.这是同意书的标准用词牛津高阶〔logomachy〕A dispute carried on in words only; a battle of words.文字之争:只用词来进行的争论;文字之争美国传统〔magician〕Bevan was a magician with words.贝文用词出神入化。外研社新世纪〔magician〕Bevan was a magician with words.贝文用词出神入化。柯林斯高阶〔malapropism〕Ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound.荒唐的用词错误:对某词荒唐地误用,尤指对同音或近音词的误用美国传统〔malapropism〕She is renowned for her malapropisms.她因屡次荒唐地错用词语而出了名。英汉大词典〔malaprop〕A malapropism.荒唐的用词错误美国传统〔method〕She has a precise, clearly articulated manner of speaking.她说话用词精确,表达清楚。美国传统〔meticulous〕He was meticulous in his use of words.他用词很谨慎。朗文当代〔minor〕There are some very minor changes in words and punctuation.在用词与标点方面有一些非常小的变化。外研社新世纪〔misnomer〕Herbal 'tea' is something of a misnomer because these drinks contain no tea at all.花草“茶”这个名称有点用词不当, 因为这些饮品中根本不含茶。外研社新世纪〔misnomer〕It's something of a misnomer to refer to these inexperienced boys as soldiers.用“军人”来指这些没有经验的男孩有些用词不当。剑桥高阶〔misword〕To express incorrectly; word improperly.使措词不当:使错误表达,用词不当美国传统〔niggle〕She niggled some expressions of my article.她对我文章的几处用词挑剔了一番。21世纪英汉〔nitpicker〕Nitpickers might question his choice of words, but his point was worth making.吹毛求疵的人可能会挑剔他的用词,但他的观点还是值得肯定的。韦氏高阶〔overlay〕Her song was overlaid with sad lyrics and melodic vocals.她的歌曲用词伤感,唱腔优美。韦氏高阶〔palatable〕They changed the wording of the advertisement to make it more palatable to women.他们改变广告的用词,以使其更受妇女欢迎。朗文当代〔paramnesia〕An inability to recall the meanings of common words.记不起常用词的含义美国传统〔phraseology〕The way in which words and phrases are used in speech or writing; style.说法,措辞:说话或写作时用词或短语的方法;文体美国传统〔phrase〕He phrased his criticisms in careful terms.他的批评用词十分谨慎。21世纪英汉〔phrase〕The lecturer phrased monotonously.这位讲课教师用词很单调。英汉大词典〔pick〕He picked his words carefully.他用词细心谨慎。牛津高阶〔precision〕He chose his words with precision.他用词确切。牛津高阶〔spell〕Pupils should know how to spell commonly used words.小学生应该知道常用词的拼法。朗文当代〔street cred〕Acceptability or popularity, especially among young people in urban areas.街头信誉,街头认可:接受度或受欢迎程度,尤指都市年轻族群中所用词美国传统〔substitute〕Grammar A word or construction used in place of another word, phrase, or clause.【语法】 代用词或代用语:用来代替另一个词、词组、句子或结构美国传统〔thesaurus〕A book of selected words or concepts, such as a specialized vocabulary of a particular field, as of medicine or music.收录医学或音乐等特殊场合专用词汇的精选词汇或概念的书美国传统〔unhappy〕It was an unhappy choice of words.那样用词是不适当的。牛津高阶〔usage〕It's not a word in common usage.这不是一个常用词牛津高阶〔usage〕The term 'ecotourism' entered common usage in the 1990s.ecotourism (生态旅游)一词在 20 世纪 90 年代成了常用词牛津搭配〔use〕Can we use a dictionary in the exam?我们能在考试中使用词典吗?外研社新世纪〔verbalism〕The manner in which something is phrased; wording.措辞,用词:用言辞表达某物的方法;用词美国传统〔verbiage〕An excess of words for the purpose; wordiness.冗词,赘语;废话:为了某一意图过多使用词语;冗长美国传统〔verbicide〕Verbicide happens in many ways. Those who taught us to say “awfully” for “very” were verbicides. 滥用词语有各种情况。那些教我们说 awfully 来代替very的人即属滥用词语者。英汉大词典〔weigh〕He was weighing his words carefully.他在仔细斟酌自己的用词朗文当代〔wordage〕The number of words used, as in a novel.用词的数量,如小说中美国传统〔wording〕I can't recall the exact wording.我记不起准确的用词了。麦克米伦高阶〔wording〕What's the exact wording of the agreement? 这项协议确切的用词是什么?韦氏高阶〔word〕I find even everyday words difficult to spell.我发现甚至日常用词也很难拼写。牛津搭配〔word〕Their request was worded very carefully.他们的请求用词很谨慎。韦氏高阶〔young lady/man〕Mind your language, young lady! 注意你的用词,姑娘!剑桥高阶A ministry exists in France to limit the French language's borrowings (= the words it takes to use as its own) from other languages.法国有一个部负责限制法语中的借用词剑桥国际Four-letter words refer to the taboo subjects of sex and excretion.四字母词指的是关于性和排泄物等禁忌话题用词剑桥国际He suspected that the notion of an honest politician was a contradiction in terms.他怀疑“诚实的政客”这个提法在用词上自相矛盾。剑桥国际It's something of a misnomer to refer to these inexperienced boys as soldiers.用战士来指这些没有经验的孩子有点用词不当。剑桥国际Mary loves juggling with language. 玛丽老爱在用词造句上玩花样。译典通Some people think it doesn't matter if you don't use words in a grammatically correct way (= follow the rules for combining words) as long as you can be understood.一些人认为,只要别人听得懂,用词不遵守语法规则并不要紧。剑桥国际

