
单词 金石
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔box〕Is it very expensive to get a box at the King's Theater? 在金石剧院订个包厢很贵吗?文馨英汉〔litmus test〕Ending the fighting must be the absolute priority, the litmus test of the agreement's validity.结束战斗必须作为最紧要的事, 因为这是协议效力的试金石外研社新世纪〔litmus test〕Ending the fighting must be the absolute priority, the litmus test of the agreements' validity.停火绝对是第一要务,也是检验协议是否有效的试金石柯林斯高阶〔litmus test〕The mayoral election is regarded as the litmus test for the integrity of the electoral process.市长竞选被认为是检验选举程序是否完善的试金石朗文当代〔litmus test〕The outcome will be seen as a litmus test of government concern for conservation issues.这结果将被视为检验政府是否关注自然资源保护问题的试金石牛津高阶〔litmus test〕The party is using attitudes about gun control as a litmus test for political candidates.这个政党把对控制枪支的态度视为检验党内候选人的试金石韦氏高阶〔litmus test〕The vote will be a litmus test for how serious the international community is about tackling environmental problems.这次投票将是检验国际社会对解决环境问题的认真程度的试金石麦克米伦高阶〔test〕The local elections will be a good test of the government's popularity.地方选举将是检验政府是否得人心的一个很好的试金石牛津高阶〔test〕Whether he would accept a pay cut would be the acid test of his loyalty to the company.他是否接受减薪将是他对公司忠诚度的试金石牛津搭配

