OSCAROsceola County Association of Realtors (Florida, USA)
OSCARObject Oriented Source Code Abstraction Representation
OSCAROpen Standards for Container Allowing Reuse
OSCAROpen Source Component Application Runtime
OSCAROpen Source Cluster Application Resources
OSCAROut of School Care and Recreation (New Zealand after-school program)
OSCAROrbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio
OSCAROperational Stress Control and Readiness
OSCAROn-Screen Configuration and Activity Reporting (Apex)
OSCAROpen Standards for Container/Content Allowing Re-Use
OSCAROnline System for Clerkship Application and Review
OSCAROpen System for Communication in Realtime (AOL Instant Messenger)
OSCAROptical Storage Compressed Audio Replay
OSCAROpen Systems Core Avionics Requirement
OSCAROutside Cable Rehabilitation
OSCAROFW Student Consulting and Research (Germany)
OSCAROffering Support to Children and Relatives (UK support group)
OSCAROptimised Expert System for Conducting Environmental Assessment of Urban Road Traffic
OSCAROnline Student Computer Assisted Registration
OSCAROrdnance Survey Centre Alignment of Roads (UK)
OSCAROperational Software Components for Advanced Robotics
OSCAROnline Services for Curriculum and Articulation Review (California)
OSCARObjective Supply Capability Adaptive Redesign
OSCAROccupation and Skill Computer-Assisted Researcher
OSCAROptical Submarine Communications By Aerospace Relay
OSCAROur Small Children At Risk Foundation
OSCAROnline Support Center for Arcos
OSCAROperational Support Cost Accounting Report
OSCAROutdoor Site Classification and Research
OSCAROnsite Security Control and Audit Review
OSCAROptical Storage Collection and Retrieval
OSCAROn-line Scanning And Retrieval (Filenet)
OSCAROnline Survey and Certification and Reporting System (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; US DHHS)
OSCAROutstanding Students of the Cordillera Administrative Region (Philippines)