
词组 ill
释义 ill /ɪl/ SEE ALL
for ˌgood or ˈill (formal) whether the effect of an action, fact, etc. is good or bad 不论结果是好是坏;无论如何Look, for good or ill, you chose this profession. You can’t just leave it now.
ˌill at ˈeasenervous, especially in a social situation (尤指在社交场合)紧张,局促不安,不自在He always feels ill at ease at parties.
She looked very ill at ease during her speech.
OPP at (your) ease
it’s an ˌill ˈwind (that blows ˌnobody any ˈgood) (saying) no problem is so bad that it does not bring some advantage to sb 没有绝对的坏事;任何坏事都会有利于某些人The fire destroyed half the village. For the builders business has never been better. It’s an ill wind…
speak/think ˈill of sb (formal) say or think bad things about sb 说某人的坏话;把某人往坏里想You shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.
bode ˈwell/ˈill (for sb/sth) (formal) be a good/bad sign for sb/sth (对某人/某事)是吉兆/凶兆These figures do not bode well for the company’s future.这些数据预示着公司的前景不妙。bad/ill ˈfeeling(s)anger between people, especially after an argument or a disagreement (尤指两人争论或争吵后的)龃龉,不和There was a lot of bad feeling between the two groups of students.这两帮学生互有敌意。wish sb/sth ˈwellwish sb/sth ˈill (formal) hope that sb/sth succeeds or has good luck; hope that sb/sth fails or has bad luck 祝愿某人成功(或幸运);希望某人遭殃(或倒霉)I wish you well in your new job.我希望你在新的岗位上工作顺利。She said she wished nobody ill.她说她从不诅咒他人。

