
单词 neven
释义 ˈneven, v. Obs.
Forms: 4 neiuen, neyuen, 4–5 neuyn, 5–6 nevyn, (4, 6 -yne), 4–6 neuin, nevin, neuen, (4–5 -ene), neven, (4–5 -ene); 4–5 nefen; 4 newine, 5 -yn(e.
[a. ON. nefna (Da. nævne), also nemna (Sw. nämna), f. nafn, namn: see name n. and nemn v.
The form nemen(e is occas. found in MSS. where the rime-word shows that neven is intended.]
1. trans. To give as a name to (a person or thing).
a1300Cursor M. 4980 Þai war breþer elleuen at ham, Þai neuend me þe yongeist nam.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 10 Þat burȝe he biges vpon fyrst, & neuenes hit his aune nome.a1400–50Alexander 619 And so him neuyned was þe name of his next frendis Alexsandire þe athill.Ibid. 1119 He..comandis þaim swyþe..to make a cite, And neuens it his awen name.
b. To call (a thing) by a certain name.
a1400–50Alexander 2119 Scamandra þe skyr flode þe scripture it neue[n]s.1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy iii. xxvii, I note in sothe what I may it neuene, Outher a dream or veryly a sweuene.
2. To name (a person, etc.), to mention by name.
a1300Cursor M. 2327 Þis abram þat ȝee her me neuen.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 8012 Þy fader canstow nought neuen.c1384Chaucer H. Fame iii. 348 By hym stonden other seuene Wise and worthy for to neuene.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 214 Alle constellaciouns that any man can neven.c1475Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 284 Many moo londes that I can not nevene.1513Douglas æneis vii. v. 60 The maist souerane realme,..That..man can nevin.
b. To appoint, nominate (a person) to a position.
1442Rolls of Parlt. V. 60/1 Collectours therto to be nevend.Ibid. 60/2 Capitayns as by the Kyng shall be nevend.
3. To mention, speak of, give an account of.
a1300Cursor M. 4056 Ioseph he sagh a night in sueuen, Þe quilk es worþie for to neuen.c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 20 Þe date of Criste to neuen þus fele were gon.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 102 Þe vertuz & þe maners þat y shall neuen þe.c1460Towneley Myst. iii. 12 Fulle meruelus to neuen yit was ther vnkyndnes.1509Hawes Past. Pleas. iii. (Percy Soc.) 19 A great gyaunt..To marveylous nowe for me to neven.a1529Skelton Col. Cloute 826 He dare not well neuen What they do in heuen.
b. With clause as object.
c1386Chaucer Can. Yeom. Prol. & T. 920 Syn that God..Ne wol not that the philosophres nevene, How that a man schal come unto this stoon.a1400–50Alexander 318 How he is merkid & made is mervaile to neuyn.Ibid. 1105, I sall þe neuen sen þou me now prays, Þou sall be drechid of a drinke.
c. To tell (a story, the truth).
c1350Will. Palerne 2453 Whan it was so neiȝ niȝt, to neuen þe soþe, Þe werwolf wist wel [etc.].a1400–50Alexander 5306 Se þi-selfe a sampill þat I þe sothe neuyn.c1430Syr Tryam. 6 Of a story y wylle begynne, That gracyus ys to nevyne.
d. With as, than, etc.
a1300Cursor M. 2743 Þe word es wers þan man mai neuen.13..Ibid. 2085 (Gött), For he liued leleli as I ȝou neuen, He ssittes wid mighti godd in heuen.c1450Holland Howlat 716 Thair notis anone, gif I richt newyne, War of Mary the myld.c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iii. 315 Gold perteynyng to þe sonne, as astronomers nevyn.1513Douglas æneis iii. ii. 144 A deidlie ȝeir, fer wers than I can nevin, Fell on our membris.
4. With cognate object: To utter, mention (the name of a person or thing).
a1300Cursor M. 8913 For sco had neuend crist nam,..þai heued þat womman.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 410 Noe þat ofte neuened þe name of oure lorde.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xxv. 116 Þan saise þe steward of þe courte þat lord and þat lorde, and neuens þaire names.c1450Holland Howlat 33 Bot all thar names to nevyn as now it nocht neid is.1500–20Dunbar Poems lxxxv. 60 Thy name I sall ay nevyne.
5. intr. To tell or make mention of a person or thing.
a1330Roland & V. 157 For þi herodes lete me sle, Þer of y the neuen.13..Cursor M. 3116* (Gött.), Of ysaac nou wil i neuen.a1400–50Alexander 4881 Of þe noblay to neuen it neyd any cristen.c1470Henry Wallace vi. 196 Quhar gret dulle is,..Newyn off it is bot ekyng off payne.
b. To say, speak.
c1400Song of Roland 1048 Then answerd olyuer with a ruffull steuyn, Angry in hert thus gan he nevyn.
Hence ˈnevening vbl. n.
a1300K. Horn (Camb. MS.) 220 Þanne hym spak þe gode king, ‘Wel bruc þu þi neuening’.

