
单词 Nisan
释义 Nisan|ˈnɪsən, ˈniːsɑːn|
Also Nysan.
[Heb. Nīsān.]
The first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year and the seventh of the civil year, formerly called Abib.
1382Wyclif Neh. (2nd text) ii. 1 Forsothe it was doon in the monethe Nysan, in the twentithe ᵹeer of Artaxerses, kyng.1535Coverdale Neh. ii. 1 In the moneth Nisan of the twentieth yeare of kynge Artaxerses.1611Bible Neh. ii. 1 And it came to passe, in the moneth Nisan,..that wine was before him.1737W. Whiston tr. Josephus' Works 9 Moses appointed that Nisan, which is the same with Xanthicus, should be the first month, for their festivals; because he brought them out of Egypt in that month.1846Geo. Eliot Let. c Apr. (1954) I. 213 The evening of the 13th Nisan..would be what Strauss calls the Vorabend des Pascha.1934T. S. Eliot Rock i. 35 In Shushan the palace, in the month Nisan, He served the wine to the King Artaxerxes.1972C. Raphael Feast of History i. 32/1 A hand-written Hebrew-Russian calendar..open at Nisan, the month of Passover.

