
单词 precordial
释义 I. precordial, præ-, a.1 (n.)|priːˈkɔːdɪəl|
[f. præcordia + -al1.]
A. adj. Situated in front of or about the heart; of or pertaining to the præcordia.
1562W. Bullein Bulwark, Bk. Simples 1 Against all the aboundance of humours in the breaste or precordiall parts.1601Holland Pliny xxii. viii. II. 119 For the midriffe and precordial parts, it is very wholsome.1601[see præcordia].1834J. Forbes Laennec's Dis. Chest (ed. 4) 379 A remitting dyspnœa, attended with dry cough and precordial anxiety.1842Dunglison Med. Lex. s.v. Præcordia, The Præcordial Region is the epigastric region. Also, and more properly, the region of the heart [etc.].1880A. Flint Princ. Med. 316 It may be limited to a portion of the praecordial space.1895Syd. Soc. Lex., Præcordial anxiety, a feeling of anxiety and oppression, with a sensation of constriction of the chest over the precordial region.
B. n. (absolute use of adj.) pl. The precordial parts; the parts in front of or over the heart. Obs.
1513Douglas æneis vii. vii. 14 Amyde hir hart-pypys or precordialis lycht.1555Eden Decades 66 The naturall heate is not dryuen from the owtewarde partes into the inwarde partes and precordials.
II. preˈcordial, a.2 Obs. rare.
[f. pre- A. 6 + cordial a.]
Exceedingly cordial; very hearty, warm, or sincere.
1530Lyndesay Test. Papyngo 349 Brether of court, with mynd precordial, To the gret god hartlie I commend ȝow.1542Becon News out of Heaven Prol. A iv b, Christ sayeth here playnely, that whosoeuer hath an herty & precordial [ed. 1560 vnfeigned] loue toward hym, kepeth his commaundementes.1757E. Griffith Lett. Henry & Frances (1767) III. 273 Mutual Tenderness, or præcordial Sympathy.
b. fig. Very comforting or cheering. Sc. rare—1.
a1600Montgomerie Misc. Poems xxxiv. 37 Restore thairfore to glore precordiall My lif from stryf or knyf of Atropus.
Hence preˈcordially adv., most heartily.
c1531Boorde Let. in Introd. Knowl. (1870) Forewords 47 Venerable faþer, precordyally I commend me vnto yow with thanks.1534― in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. iii. II. 299, I humyly and precordyally desyre yor Mastershepp to be good master..to yr faithfull bedmen.

